The Advanced Soloist Education has been a great success, so we have developed it further by putting even more focus on songwriting, vocal technique and performance and renamed it “Continous 1-year CVT Singer Course”. New group offered in August each year.
The course is aimed at singers who wish to improve and develop their artistic and technical skills. A progressive course focusing on each individual singer. Training complete vocal technique, artist development, developing live performance & improving songwriting skills, in order to help the singer produce a well- rounded artistic expression when performing. The Continous 1-year CVT Singer Course is offered to singers who have already completed an Academy, a 1-year CVT Singer Course or the 3-year CVT Singer/Singing Teacher Diploma Course at CVI. The course will be taught over 6 seminars, 3 days each, within a year. All seminars will run Friday-Sunday, 10-17 in all.

Three Finns about the Continous 1-year CVT Singer Course

Upcoming courses

3 Seminar Continuous Course

Spring 2024
1st seminar: March 1 – 3, 2024
2nd seminar: April 12 – 14, 2024
3rd seminar: May 24 – 26, 2024

Sign up

Continuous 1 Year Cph

1st seminar: To be Announced
2nd seminar: To be Announced
3rd seminar: To be Announced
4th seminar: To be Announced
5th seminar: To be Announced
6th seminar: To be Announced

Sign up

Copenhagen 2020 – 2021

To be announced

Practical & Course Information

The Continous 1-year CVT Singer Course is only available at CVI.

CVI Copenhagen
Kompagnistræde 32 A • 1208 Copenhagen K • Denmark


Phone: +45 33 32 77 24
Fax: + 45 33 32 77 25

DKK 40.055 / € 5385

A deposit of 25 % of the full course fee is to be paid within 2 weeks after you receive your invoice. Please read our standard terms.

You can make an installment plan when the deposit of 25% is paid:
There are 3 different payment options to choose between (A, B & C);
A: Pay the remaining course fee in full two weeks before course start, at the latest and you will get a DKK 2000 / EUR 270 discount.
B: Pay the remaining course fee in 3 installments on 1/9, 1/1, 1/4
C: Pay the remaining course fee in 8 monthly installments from 1/9- 1/4

Minimum age limit is 18 years. The Continous 1-year CVT Singer Course is offered to singers who have already completed an Academy, a 1-year CVT Singer Course or the 3-year CVT Singer/Singing Teacher Diploma Course at CVI.
The teachers are Authorised CVT Teachers and they will teach their specialist subject. Only highly qualified and experienced teachers of the highest professional standard will teach on the course.
The course language is English.

This mean that you should be able to both understand and communicate in English, as well as having the ability to receive teaching in a professional language.

If not complying with the above mentioned, we recommend:

  1. An intensive English course before starting your education.
  2. The possibility to bring along an interpreter for the entire course.
The course will be arranged according to the participant’s needs and wishes. It will help the singers to build a repertoire individually, creating a portfolio of songs. Either their own songs or covers. During performance classes & Master classes, the singer will have the opportunity to work with personal expression, in relation to his or her repertoire. Focusing on how to make best use of their possibilities on stage. This will make sure that the singer appears sincere and artistically credible. Singers will improve and perform own material with the possibility of feedback from teacher and the rest of the group. The participant will, furthermore, develop a practical understanding of the craft of songwriting and will be introduced to basic & more advanced songwriting techniques In most of the songwriting classes the singer will be required to present original finished songs and will get individual writing assignments for each seminar. Although everyone sings individually, all classes function as a group lesson. The participant’s exchanging of experiences is also part of the course.

Introducing topics

  • Working & improving technical vocal problems e.g. hoarseness, emergency aid, a musical & artistic approach to singing, expression, improvisation, phrasing, rhythm & effects.
  • Performance & stage appearance.
  • Work in depth with creating and developing own original song material fitting the singers repertoire
  • Introducing songwriting tools. How to work and write own original material; lyric writing, editing lyrics, working with chord patterns, writing melody, song form, structure & co-writing.
  • Working on performance at both piano and band concerts where the singers present their repertoire. Each concert will be evaluated with feedback from a CVI teacher as well as the entire group.
  • Ambitions, time planning & being introduced to music business related issues

3 Seminar Continuous Course

The 3 Seminar Continuous Course has the same subjects as the 1-Year Continuous Course – just offered as 3 seminars instead of 6 seminars.

Course fee: DKK 19.000/ € 2550

CVI is a place where discussions and debate of different views are welcome, where diversity and respect for others are in focus. We believe that embracing diversity in all aspects of the learning and working environment is necessary for us all to reach our full potential.
We aim at creating a non-discriminating community in which each member feels welcome and supported, across all identities and life experiences. This includes diversity of race, colour, ethnic or social origin, language, religion, or belief, politic or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, gender, sexual preference, and socio-economic background.
Info about the sign up procedure

If you wish to sign up, we will ask you to complete an online application form. The form will ask you to enter information about your education, singing history etc.

Our admission team will soon contact you to let you know if you are accepted to the course. You can also contact us at for any questions regarding the course.

The sign-up form is not financially binding until you have confirmed your spot at the course by email. The admission board will first send you an acceptance letter giving you some time to confirm on  email if you wish to accept the spot at the course.

Our sign up form is also to make sure we as a company follow EU’s personal data law (GDPR).

GDPR is a set of data protection rules for all companies operating in the EU and all personal data must be processed in a lawful and transparent way to make sure every person’s data is handled with care and protected properly. This means that we as a company must ask you for your consent to keep your contact details and information you share with us.

Problems with sign up

Should you experience problems with the sign up please try and fill in all the boxes with small stars (eg. Name: *). Make sure the music/ singing files you try to attach(recordings) are mp3 or mp4 format. For videos or other bigger music files you can send these to by using (or other provider) and make the sign up without the attached files.

Course components

  • Working & improving technical vocal problems
  • Performance & stage appearance
  • Work in depth with creating and developing own original song material fitting the singers repertoire
  • Introducing songwriting tools
  • Working on performance at both piano and band concerts
  • Ambitions, time planning & being introduced to music business related issues

CVT in your area

If you are interested in hosting a CVT course in your location get in touch with us. Following courses are also available outside Denmark:

  • 1-day CVT Introduction Course
  • 5-days CVT Course
  • 1-year CVT Singer Course
Get in touch with us

Singers feedback

The singers that attend the CVT courses come from a variety of countries, singing styles, age groups and background. A wide selection of singers gave us a feedback:

“Love the concerts. love the atmosphere. Find it so good to perform here. It makes so much sense and it makes it much easier to perform more and better.”

Advanced II

“Big variety in class covering all different matters.”

Continous 1-year CVT Singer Course

“The masterclass about creating cover songs was great. it motivated me to sing more other styles.”

Advanced Soloist

“Useful subject ‘Talk between songs’ I needed it.”

Continous 1-year CVT Singer Course

“All the teachers are so great in their own way and complement each other. Could not ask for more.”

Advanced I

“Great way to ”practice” performing.”

Continous 1-year CVT Singer Course

“I always take something with me, especially from the sharing of the group.”

Advanced II

“Love singing with pianist!”

Continous 1-year CVT Singer Course

Click here to read more singers feedback…

Other courses

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1-year course

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3-year course

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Zoom/Solo Session

Zoom/Solo Session

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