Now also available ONLINE

The 3-year CVT Singer/Singing Teacher Diploma Course is aimed at singers who wish to qualify professionally, partly as singers, and partly as singing teachers. The course is a 3-year intensive study. The goal of the course is to enable the participants to work independently and responsibly with singing and teaching. The course is open to singers from all genres of music, rhythmic as well as classical. The aim is for the participants to have achieved the highest professional proficiency on completion of the course. The course will be taught as 6 seminars, 4 days each, pr. year.

Reidun Sæther – Authorised CVT Teacher, Norway

3-year courses

The 3-year courses consist of two different options.

Some teams will be conducted in Copenhagen in real life (IRL) for singers who wish to travel to Copenhagen.

Other teams will be entirely Online. Please note that the course will follow CET time (Central European Standard Time).

Our Online teaching works very well and resemble teaching as usual from CVI, just through a screen. We still create the possibility for great singing, great teaching, having discussions and sharing thoughts online, It is a good way for all to continue learning and teaching in a safe environment. We have already run full seminars online for the 3-year education, and everyone who tried it have responded overwhelmingly positively to it. All, of the subjects on the schedule work well online, and we will teach “live” online.

3-year online (US CST time)

It’s possible to attend CVI’s online 3-Year Singer/Singing Teacher Diploma course in the Central Standard Time (CST) Zone. North and South American singers and singing teachers will be able to take the education online from Complete Vocal Institute itself, to become an Authorised CVT Teacher from the comfort of their own time zones and locations.

Here we offer the course globally to more singers and continually support everyone in making environmentally friendly choices that require less travel for attending CVI courses in Copenhagen.

All our online 3 year course are conducted the same way as the IRL teams (just online).

3-year starting FALL 2025

3 Year Online


Weekday A Team

Mon 09:30 – 17:00 + Tue – Thurs 10:00 – 17:00

1st seminar: August 18 – 21, 2025
2nd seminar: September 15 – 18, 2025
3rd seminar: October 27 – 30, 2025
4th seminar: January 12 – 15, 2026
5th seminar: February 16 – 19, 2026
6th seminar: April 20 – 23, 2026

Sign up

3 Year IRL


Weekend B/C Team

Thu 09:30 – 17:00 + Fri – Sun 10:00 – 17:00

1st seminar: August 28 – 31, 2025
2nd seminar: October 9 – 12, 2025
3rd seminar: November 20 – 23, 2025
4th seminar: February 12 – 15, 2026
5th seminar: April 16 – 19, 2026
6th seminar: May 21 – 24, 2026

Sign up

3 Year Online


Weekend D/E Team

Thu 09:30 – 17:00 + Fri – Sun 10:00 – 17:00

1st seminar: September 11 – 14, 2025
2nd seminar: October 23 – 26, 2025
3rd seminar: November 27 – 30, 2025
4th seminar: January 22 – 25, 2026
5th seminar: March 19 – 22, 2026
6th seminar: May 14 – 17, 2026

Sign up

Practical & Course Information

The 3-year CVT Singer/Singing Teacher Diploma Course is only available at CVI.

CVI Copenhagen
Kompagnistræde 32 A • 1208 Copenhagen K • Denmark


Phone: +45 33 32 77 24
Fax: + 45 33 32 77 25

DKK & Euro €
First year: DKK DKK 61.300 (€ 8215), second year: DKK 62.450 (€ 8370), third year: DKK 63.600 (€ 8525). Enrollment is financially binding for one year at a time.

US $
First year: DKK 61.300 ($ 9085), second year: DKK 62.450 ($ 9255), third year: DKK 63.600 ($ 9426)

A deposit of 25 % of the full course fee for the first year is to be paid within 2 weeks after receiving the invoice. The deposit secures your place on the course. It is not refundable if you choose to withdraw from the course. You are also more than welcome to pay the whole tuition fee when receiving the invoice and then get a discount. The installment options are only meant as a help. Please read our standard terms.

You can make an installment plan when the deposit of 25% is paid:
There are 3 different payment options to choose between (A, B & C);
A: Pay the remaining course fee in full two weeks before course start, at the latest and you will get a DKK 2000 / EUR 270 discount.
B: Pay the remaining course fee in 3 installments on 1/9, 1/1, 1/4
C: Pay the remaining course fee in 8 monthly installments from 1/9- 1/4

Minimum age limit is 25 years. The course is aimed at experienced singers. Applicants must have thorough knowledge of the contents of Complete Vocal Technique book & sound library. In order for us to ascertain the professional and artistic level of the applicant, as well as his or her ability to work within a group, the applicants must already have a career as a singer and/or teacher.
You will study with up to 12-14 international singers/teachers in your group.
The teachers are Authorised CVT Teachers and they will teach their specialist subject. Only highly qualified and experienced teachers of the highest professional standard will teach on the course.
The 3-year CVT Singer/Singing Teacher Diploma Course counts 20 ECTS-point pr. semester or 120 ECTS points for the full course.

Working hours per semester

Attending classes at CVI: 3 seminars x 7 hours x 4 days = 84 hour
Singing practice = 5 hours per week = 120 hours
Teaching practice = 86 hours
Homework studying CVT = 10 hours per week = 240 hours
Total hours of study: 530 hours

Subjects per semester
CVT technique and anatomy studies: 7 points
Teaching test-singers: 4 points
Personal vocal development and education: 4 points
Pedagogy and teaching theory: 3 points
Auditive analysis, recognition of various techniques and vocal problems. Learning skills to demonstrate as well as use singing techniques: 2 points.

Please note that your specific institute of education must approve these points.

ECTS coordinator: Susanne Meyer,, +45 3332 7724

The course language is English.

This mean that you should be able to both understand and communicate in English, as well as having the ability to receive teaching in a professional language.

If not complying with the above mentioned, we recommend:

  1. An intensive English course before starting your education.
  2. The possibility to bring along an interpreter for the entire course.
• Introduction
• The components of the course
• The course
• Methods
• Examination
• Special subjects
• Practical information


The 3-year CVT Singer/Singing Teacher Diploma Course is aimed at singers and teachers who wish to qualify professionally, partly as singers, and partly as singing teachers. The course is a 3-year intensive study. The goal of the course is to enable the participants to work independently and responsibly with singing and teaching. The course is open to singers from all genres of music, rhythmic as well as classical. The aim is for the participants to have achieved the highest professional proficiency on completion of the course.

The components of the course

  • Personal vocal development and education
  • Studying of singing theory and teaching theory
  • Training auditive analysis, recognition of singing techniques and common problems
  • Learning skills to demonstrate as well as use singing techniques
  • Supervision of participants as teachers
  • Ongoing debates and discussions concerning different teaching approaches, and exchanging of experience
  • Insight into most recent research within the field of voice

The course will be taught in groups. Participants will acquire in depth knowledge of learning methods and singing problems of the other participants. This will bring about invaluable knowledge in meeting different methods of singers, both learning and singing wise. It is essential for the well-being and free expression of each individual participant that the work takes place in an atmosphere of openness and trust. Ongoing theoretical written and verbal assignments and singing tests will be given. Singing exercises and practical tests with student test singers will take place regularly.

Personal vocal development and education 
Focus will be on the individual singer’s technique and singing range, since having thorough knowledge of one’s own voice is a prerequisite for recognizing and solving vocal problems of others. A major part of the course will deal with enhancing the technical and artistic potential of each participant.

Studying of theory and teaching theory 
The acquisition of theoretical knowledge will take place through individual study and demonstrations. Classes will offer detailed study of the voice. Among areas covered: study of singing concepts such as The Three Overall Principles, and the vocal modes Neutral, Curbing, Overdrive and Edge, study of sound colour, the use of effects, as well as identifying and solving vocal problems. Theory will be consistently illustrated using specific examples. It is a fundamental aim of the course that all acquired theory be put to immediate practical use.

Training auditive analysis, recognition of singing techniques and common problems 
It is a prerequisite for safe and responsible teaching that participants are able to recognize the used vocal modes rapidly so they may quickly apply the correct methods in the solving of problems.

Learning skills to demonstrate as well as use singing techniques 
Learning skills to use the singing techniques includes the use of The Three Overall Principles and use of vocal modes Neutral, Curbing, Overdrive and Edge in singing as well as speech. Also, the use of sound colour and effects are central elements. Furthermore, emphasis is put on self-study, i.e. participants are responsible for areas they wish to study and work on, how this is done and which results they wish to achieve.

Supervision of participants as teachers 
Personal guidance of the participants’ work with test singers and other singers from the group will be given. Each individual singer / teacher will receive personal feed back. Personal guidance will also make the individual participant aware of his or her presence and methods, so he or she becomes conscious of strengths and weaknesses and learns how to deal with them in a teaching context.

Ongoing debates and discussions 
Debating, discussing and exchanging views and experience on musical careers and teaching will be encouraged throughout the course. The groups on the 3-year CVT Singer/Singing Teacher Diploma Course will be made out of very talented, highly qualified singers and singing instructors, and there will be a lot to learn from one another.

The Course – 1st year

During the first year of the course, emphasis will be put on individual, personal voice work. Participants will study singing theory and methods in detail. Also, exercises in teaching will be introduced, and work with test singers will begin:

  • Breathing.
  • Support. Including run through of supporting muscles, understanding the essence of support, recognizing different sensations of support, support training, understanding the energy needed to use support, detailed study of using support.
  • Anatomical and physiological study of the vocal organs, the importance of an unhindered voice.
  • Detailed study of pronunciations and their importance.
  • Opening of the mouth for producing different notes.
  • Principles for completing a note and for various attacks.
  • Study of different levels of volume and a safe method of producing them.
  • The Three Overall Principles.
  • Theoretical and practical study of range and types of voice.
  • Study of the vocal modes Neutral, Curbing, Overdrive and Edge. This includes an introduction to and the use of the vocal modes with regard to pitch, sound colour, volume and vowels.
  • The study of sound colour, including the importance of the vocal tract, the possibilities of the epiglottis funnel and adjustments of the larynx, the tongue, the mouth, the palate, and the nasal passage. Furthermore, the various sounds will be combined in order for the participants to get a full overview of the possibilities of sound colour.
  • A short introduction to the different effects the participants can make use of. This study will primarily aim at a theoretical understanding of the effects.
  • A short introduction to various voice problems and how to solve them, including topics such as warm-up, hoarseness and the importance and practice of physical exercise.
  • Work with rhythm.
  • Work with teaching situations, using test singers and other singers from the group.
  • Interpretation and performance.
  • Different pedagogical skills and tools.

The Course – 2nd year

During the second year, emphasis will still be on individual, personal voice work. However, increasing focus will be put on learning theory and methods with regard to teaching and teaching skills. A more in depth study of the vocal modes and their use, with regard to pitch, transitions between the modes, speech technique, sound colour, volume and vowels and modes in relation to various musical genres. Introduction to distortion, rattle, scream, added air and vocal breaks. Voice register, including vocal flageolet, flute register and solving unintentional vocal breaks. Principles of intonation. The different combinations of sound elements will help toward a better understanding and recognition of the possibilities of the voice. During the second year, various voice problems and how to solve them will be given much attention. Studying, identifying and solving hoarseness, so-called tone-deafness, nodules, and irregular production of mucous will be part of the programme. Also, preventive measures and emergency aid, including work with an emergency aid programme, will be included. Furthermore, ongoing study and identification of different methods in music, including examination of problems arising from musical practice, as well as means to solve these, will be conducted. Difficulties in hearing one’s own voice and the problems this may cause during singing work will be covered. The difference between using the vocal modes for acoustic singing, singing in a recording studio and singing live with amplification (microphone technique). Studying and practicing the principles of improvisation and phrasing, interpretation and performance. Practicing presentations of a technical subject.

The Course – 3rd year

During the third year of the course, individual participants will be further strengthened in their vocal abilities. Increasing emphasis will be put on participants’ abilities to recognize and demonstrate both practical and theoretical knowledge. Different teaching methods and their psychology will be tried and tested. Each individual will be encouraged to find his or her own method and way of practice. Working on performance will be covered, as will awareness of one’s own abilities, strengths and weaknesses, and how these affect one’s artistic work. A more detailed study of various effects, both those used by participants as well as others. There will be a further in-depth study of distortion (intentional hoarseness), growl, grunt, intentional vocal breaks, air added to the voice, screams, creak, creaking, as well as vibrato, techniques for ornamentation, (rapid run of notes). Including an introduction to effects, the use of effects in relation to pitch, sound colour, volume and vowels. This study will partly further theoretical knowledge and partly enable participants to recognise and demonstrate the most common effects. Summing up and establishing overview will be practised, so the participants on completion of the course can:

  • master theory
  • immediately solve singing problems
  • hold advanced teaching skills
  • demonstrate vocal modes clearly, especially in different sound presentations that may impede recognition
  • recognize vocal modes and the correct and incorrect use of them, both live and on recorded material
  • be capable of recognizing and examining techniques used in all forms of singing
  • be capable of explaining words and singing concepts, to use and apply them in a teaching context and be able to answer difficult questions relating to technique and interpretation in a satisfactory manner
  • be rapid in their analysis and problem solving
  • be aware of their own strengths and weaknesses, to what extent and how this may affect their teaching
  • continuously evaluate their teaching experience and revise their teaching strengths and weaknesses
  • be able to differentiate between genre and technique, with regard, yet again, to their own strengths and weaknesses in teaching
  • understand the importance of being open and approachable, or of making clear that this will not be the case before undertaking a long period of instruction
  • be punctual so appointments and schedules can be met
  • be acquainted with relevant published texts and publications

The various working methods that have been studied during the course will be integrated though an intensive work process and the work of a teacher will be carefully examined. Furthermore, emphasis will be put on the strengths and weaknesses of the individual – and each participant will be encouraged to find his/her own specific identity as a singing teacher.

Study groups 
All participants are encouraged to form groups for the duration of the course. Working in study groups will help all singers in practising and developing.

Each participant will, from the beginning of the course, work both as a singer and as a singing teacher in order to become confident in both roles while working in the group. Instruction during the course will be a combination of individual singing work, theory and training teaching skills under supervision. There will be individual as well as group exercises. The work with the group will be both process and result related, and theory will relate to the techniques and exercises undergone with the group.

Lectures, talks and debates 
The working methods will include study and lectures on theory, as well as practical testing of theory. Moreover, there will be talks and debates, including what the participants expect from the course, what may be expected of a singing teacher, investigating and debating outdated terminology frequently encountered, a common platform to exchange and discuss teaching difficulties, critique of technique, including joint questions and answer sessions.

A pianist will be present for accompaniment during certain parts of the course.

The work method will include tests, self-assessment and skills tests to highlight the participant’s awareness of his or her singing and teaching skills. Ongoing assessment All topics and modules will be tested to assess the development of each individual participant as well as the course.

Oral presentation 
Each participant will present subjects orally in the presence of the group. Theoretical study will form the basis of oral presentations.

Supervision of teaching
Participants will teach test singers/ “guinea pigs” in the presence of the group and receive guidance during and after teaching class. Teaching beginners, intermediate and advanced students will be tested out. The participants will also teach each other, in the presence of the group.

Auditory analysis 
The work method will include auditory analysis of live and recorded singing. The used techniques will be examined under supervision, both live and recorded, before the group. Assessments together with group.

Written and practical tests 
There will be ongoing written, theoretical tests, most of these taking place at the beginning of the course so weaknesses and problems may be discovered and corrected at an early stage. The course concludes with a written and practical examination of all studied subjects.

Theoretical tests and examination
There will be ongoing theoretical exercises and a major test covering related theory at the end of the 1st and the 2nd year, enabling the participants to assess their grasp of theory and their progress as a whole. The 3rd year ends with an examination module where participants will be individually tested in all subjects on the course. In special circumstances participants may choose to undergo examination before the 3rd year, in which case the exam module costs (DKK) 9.000. When the exam module is taken as part of the full 3-year CVT Singer/Singing Teacher Diploma Course, the costs are included in the course fee.

Upon successfully having completed the course appertaining examination, a diploma granting authorization to teach Complete Vocal Technique is issued. Diploma trained singing teachers are encouraged to participate in a singing teacher think-tank. This is a network of singing teachers who meet in order to remain updated on the latest developments at home and abroad, discussing teaching skills and exchanging know-how and experience.

Your authorization as an CVT Teacher lasts for 3 years where you hereafter will need to renew your authorisation by attending one update seminar of 3 days. Provided that you are currently holding a valid CVT Authorisation, you are automatically reauthorized for 3 years by attending one update seminar.

We have updates online in February and IRL in Copenhagen September every year.

See prices and info here:

Advantages of being an Authorized CVT Teacher

  • Member of a global network who are more and more widely recognized as leaders in the field
  • CVI will refer singers to you as an authorised CVT Teacher, and you will be recommended from CVI.
  • Listed under CVIs website “Find a Teacher” list is updated after each update
  • Beamer charts are being updated for free when you have bought the beamer charts once.
  • Member of the Facebook group “Authorised CVT Teachers” where you can share knowledge with global CVT colleagues.
  • The possibility of joining updates.
  • The possibility of joining CVT Connect, a unique online connect platform to continually touch base with CVI and CVT colleagues. And access videos from sessions you have missed.
  • The possibility of earning money selling CVT books, apps and courses.

Pre-update for teachers holding an outdated authorisation

If your authorisation is outdated, you will benefit from having an extra half day (2-3 hours) besides the actual update course where you will be briefed by a CVI teacher. This is to make sure that you are updated enough to be able to follow the actual update. You can either choose to come a day before or have a skype session. Kindly let us know in good time so we can arrange this for you. You will also be guided in what to prepare before the pre-update.

For the extra update it will be DKK 2000,- / Euro 270,-

CVI is a place where discussions and debate of different views are welcome, where diversity and respect for others are in focus. We believe that embracing diversity in all aspects of the learning and working environment is necessary for us all to reach our full potential.
We aim at creating a non-discriminating community in which each member feels welcome and supported, across all identities and life experiences. This includes diversity of race, colour, ethnic or social origin, language, religion, or belief, politic or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, gender, sexual preference, and socio-economic background.
Info about the sign up procedure

If you wish to sign up, we will ask you to complete an online application form. The form will ask you to enter information about your education, singing history etc.

Our admission team will soon contact you to let you know if you are accepted to the course. You can also contact us at for any questions regarding the course.

The sign-up form is not financially binding until you have confirmed your spot at the course by email. The admission board will first send you an acceptance letter giving you some time to confirm on  email if you wish to accept the spot at the course.

Our sign up form is also to make sure we as a company follow EU’s personal data law (GDPR).

GDPR is a set of data protection rules for all companies operating in the EU and all personal data must be processed in a lawful and transparent way to make sure every person’s data is handled with care and protected properly. This means that we as a company must ask you for your consent to keep your contact details and information you share with us.

Problems with sign up

Should you experience problems with the sign up please try and fill in all the boxes with small stars (eg. Name: *). Make sure the music/ singing files you try to attach(recordings) are mp3 or mp4 format. For videos or other bigger music files you can send these to by using (or other provider) and make the sign up without the attached files.

Course components

  • Personal, vocal and artistic development
  • Studying of singing theory and teaching theory
  • Training auditive analysis, recognition of singing techniques and common problems
  • Learning skills to demonstrate as well as use singing techniques
  • Supervision of participants as teachers
  • Ongoing debates and discussions concerning different teaching approaches, and exchanging of experience
  • Insight into most recent research within the field of voice

Singers feedback

The singers that attend the CVT courses come from a variety of countries, singing styles, age groups and background. A wide selection of singers gave us a feedback:

“The fly system is an excellent thing – giving flexibility, keeping the groups dynamic and enabling more people to get to know each other.”

3-year CVT Singer/Singing Teacher Diploma Course

“Best decision of my life! I feel a million times better on stage; and for teaching!”

3-year CVT Singer/Singing Teacher Diploma Course

“THANK YOU FOR THE TIME!! I am so curious where all this will lead me!!!!!”

3-year CVT Singer/Singing Teacher Diploma Course

“Really well build education with a really good and positive but honest atmosphere. So glad I did it!”

3-year CVT Singer/Singing Teacher Diploma Course

“Makes you confident in the world of skilled singers and teachers.”

3-year CVT Singer/Singing Teacher Diploma Course

Click here to read more singers feedback…

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