The singers that attend the CVT courses come from a variety of countries, singing styles, age groups and background. A wide selection of singers gave us a feedback:

  • I love CVI! Wish this wasn’t the end but I will see y’all again very helpful!
  • I learned so much from Song writing, arrangement and structure. Gave confidence that I am a song writer.
  • Song writing, arrangement and structure was so good with so many tools for songwriting.
  • I think it’s always interesting talking about writing and creativity in generalAlthough I’ve been writing a lot of songs I got inspired, especially when it comes to lyrics and how to work with different tools for textwriting.
  • We actually did more of complimenting each other as we did “reviews” on each other. Which was super nice. And great to hear positive things about yourself.
  • The document from Kaare about Industry, contracts and booking is amazing.
  • Industry, contracts and booking was very good. Interesting.
  • I liked that we got a document full of tips and that we spent the session doing another excercise, writing a fictional review for the upcoming grad. concert. That created a huge amount of energy and even more love in the group.
  • great with the concerts to have an opportunity to practice performing for more people than only the class.
  • You learn so much out of the concerts. And it’s joyful.
  • the concerts were good :)
  • very, very, very helpful to gain experience from the concerts.
  • Loved the concert! So much fun with the “cooperation” between the courses””””
  • the concerts made good practice.
  • Good and very useful to record yourself in this warm and safe environment, and to have the chance watching and discussing together in the group.
  • Loved every minute of the final concert! Even my 3 minutes of singing.
  • The final concert was a blast, very cool band, good singers! NICE
  • The final concert was a great evening :)
  • thank you CVI for organizing such a great concert!
  • Super nice final concert! Really cool location to performe at.
  • the final concert was at a nice place. Warm family atmosphere.
  • Excellent band at the final concert!
  • I had great fun at the final concert and I thought it was great to hear all the singers. The band was professional and had really worked hard on the arrangements, and they were tight.
  • I am very happy about the final concert and I had a great time.
  • It was a supercool class!!! Lovely people.
  • The class: They are really good singers.
  • Big variety in class covering all different matters. :)
  • all good singers, some very good, songwriters, sometimes I felt like “What a high level, what am I doing here?”
  • It’s been such an inspiration to listen to the classmates singing and also hearing what they already achieved/what they are working on.
  • i learned a lot from all of my fellow students.
  • Open, friendly positive atmosphere.
  • We have a very good atmosphere in the group.
  • I really liked the supportive atmosphere in the class. It’s been so much fun!
  • Really good atmosphere! Lovely people that lift you up no matter what. Lot of fun!
  • Very good, we’ve had a warm and open atmosphere. Generous and playful.
  • Supporting atmosphere, enthusiastic, encouraging, warm and loving.
  • Any subject I miss? No, I think it was a good mixture of subjects.
  • It’s a huge privilege to get to work with such talented pianists! They’re GREAT!!
  • So friendly and understanding pianists.
  • The pianists are great.
  • The pianists are soooo good and also really funny :)
  • Professional and cool pianists, as always :)
  • The pianists are really good and doing a great job, supporting and backing up the singers.
  • The teaching location is very good.
  • Such a great atmosphere, it feels like home.
  • The location of CVI is very central that’s great! It’s really helpful that there are more practise rooms since I was at the academy.
  • I like the location of CVI a lot, ofcourse. I think it’s very appropriate to the needs.
  • the teaching location is fine, good that it’s close to Metro and trains and good that there are two kitchen spots now. And good electric pianos.
  • The teacher helped me so much recovering my voice. She great.
  • I like that The teacher always has a new angle to everything, refreshing to have her.
  • So flexible, positive and skilled teacher.
  • Amazing teacher :)
  • She is a great teacher, finding suggestions and solutions that are right on the spot. I feel in safe hands working with her. She is totally focused and inspiring.
  • The teacher is a cool rock chick! Great energy to the group, always happy and makes people smile.
  • The teacher was really good.
  • The teacher will always be special to me. Singingwise she’s super cool to work with technically and if you’re auditive, She’s your girl.
  • If it was up to me the teacher would be my aunt! she somehow has a totally unique way of approaching people. Always always always gets the very bet out of everyone.
  • I love the teacher she is really connecting to me.
  • Speachless…
  • the teacher is CVI.
  • Amazing teacher and nice.
  • I think the teacher is fantastic in many ways. She combines technical, musical and personal issues in a great way. Warm and humourous, still sharp and accurate.
  • He is great. A very good teacher.
  • The teacher is an example for me. Caring for us, a host at the concerts. Positive and critical.
  • Nothing ever passes the teachers ears that can be improved. He has a solution to every problem. Super helpful and fun. And great!
  • He is outstanding and a fantastic teacher. he always has another suggestion or new angle if one gets stuck and an enourmous energy and dedication to every session.
  • Very good teacher at interpretation and technical problems.
  • Esp. on the interpretation-side, the teacher is a master.
  • The teacher is a genius! Love seeing him help people bring so much more to performances with his interpretation approach!
  • Love the teacher (secretly of course :))
  • The teacher gives so much and I really feel he has a long and last experience of both singing, teaching, and then his work with interpretation is super interesting and inspiring. Warm and a lot of humour.
  • It was amazing getting to work with the guest teacher He had so many different suggestions and information. he shouldn’t change anything.
  • Really great having the guest teacher in on a day. Good to know more about the industry and get feedback from someone who is working with it.
  • The guest teacher was brilliant! Very good teacher.
  • Amazing day with the guest teacher!
  • I was really happy to meet the guest teacher and it was an inspiring day sharing our music with him. It was a great day .
  • The teacher is really good at interpretation and rhyhm.
  • The teacher is so great at rhythm and techniques and songwriting.
  • The teacher is so black on the inside, such a cool teacher! Really helped me with my whitney Houston attempt :)
  • He is a great teacher and very inspiring and groovy. He is methodic and clear in his instructions and really good when giving feedback on songwriting.
  • Very satisfied with the administration!
  • The administration have such a positive attitude! Even if we burst in at the wrong time, they still always want to help. On top of things and information is always on time.
  • All letters from the administration have been clear and informative.
  • It’s so good to know that there is somone to write and ask if we have organisational questions > the administration Is really quick in answering mails.
  • I’m very satisfied with the administration!
  • Super patient administration. Always provides whatever information when needed. Really easy to talk to and has a wonderful attitude.
  • Very good administration.
  • The administration is always willing to assist, knows it all and will always find out the information that’s needed.
  • Very good service and information.



  • Amazing course, amazing year! I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to develop as a singer and find their own style and direction. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart <3
  • I will be back!
  • Jeg har været rigtig glad for at være en del af stedet – jeg har flyttet mig utrolig meget!!
  • The ambition lessons have forced me to really think about what I want and where I am going. It’s been a great exercise and is so, so important!
  • I’m very content with this course, such a great opportunity to learn from all of you!!
  • I’m very, very happy to be a part of the continous course :)
  • Great ambition sessions.
  • Det er super fintat blive ”holdt op” på hvad vi har snakket om. Det er også rigtig fint at høre om de andres fremskridt og/ eller frustrationer. (
  • singing with pianist is always fun and educational
  • singing with pianist was really good. Thank you.
  • Love singing with pianist
  • Very useful with time planning/goal
  • Good tools
  • Fantastic, I think I have found my niche.
  • I found that the focus was a lilttle on ‘Find your own niche’ in every seminar, which is good.
  • Excellent tools in ‘Find your own niche’
  • ‘Talk between songs’ er virkelig godt værktøj! Skaber helhed i en performance når man er i stadn til det
  • Useful subject ‘Talk between songs’ I needed it.
  • it was really fun when we focused on introducing the songs.
  • Rigtig fedt.
  • the session about Status is good. Useful also in everyday life.
  • the session about Status is so useful for everything, not just singing. Superb topic and the teacher always makes it really interesting to learn.
  • Song writing was one subject I came here for and it helped me to get going and gave inspiration.
  • Super presentation about Industry, contracts and booking
  • Super gode informationer! Fik en masse viden om ting man ikke nødvendigvis ved en masse om.
  • Very useful and eye-opening about Industry, contracts and booking.
  • the lessons about Industry, contracts and booking was really good!! Very concrete and specific. A good tool-box and check-list. Very inspiring.
  • Great way to ”practice” perfroming.
  • Very good experience!
  • Fun to have piano concerts, also good for group social life. Gave people opportunity and practice.
  • En rigtig god øvelse.
  • The final concert was at an amazing venue, great band!
  • koncerten var super. Godt sted!
  • Good that the final concert was with the band. Great that was outside the school. Thank you for arranging that.
  • Rigtig fedt med band og at koncerten er på et spillested.
  • Location was cool! Good speed of the songs presentation during concert.
  • Varied level, very interesting to hear such different voices and to see everyone develop.
  • Different people, different styles and mixed knowledge, I learned a lot from others.
  • Så mange forskellige stemmer, nationaliteter og egenskaber er kun en fordel.
  • the level is good.
  • The atmosphere in the group is excellent, happy family!
  • <3
  • Safe atmosphere.
  • Pianists are very, very, very good.
  • Pianists masters the instrument.
  • Fantastisk pianister!
  • Very good location in the city! Very nice view.
  • Excellent teaching location!
  • Centralt og smukt!
  • the teacher is always positive and inspires us with her thoughtful feedback.
  • Super teacher. Really helping people and into it.
  • Fantastisk energi. God humor!!
  • Positive spirit, the teacher breathes the CVI-spirit.
  • the teacher has great input and very, very important advice
  • The teacher inspires me a lot. Kicks to do things that is in my mind.
  • underviseren har været rigtig god til at presse mig derud, hvor jeg har opdaget nye muligheder med min stemme. God til at ”give et los in r****”
  • I learn a lot of her shared experience. She is good person to have in the CVI team.
  • I like the teachers relaxed style and calm presence. It feels very ”safe” to learn and work with him.
  • Super to track rockish sounds and experiement. For me easy to get his hints getting effects done.
  • Super teachers!!
  • Love the teacher, honest, very skilled and considerate of my wishes and gives good suggestions. Thanks for making it to the concert. He is loyal and has a good heart.
  • this teacher is always amazing!!
  • Inspiring to get into stories to the songs, it makes huge difference.
  • Super god energi!
  • the teacher is a super asset for the teacher team. Learned a lot form his actors experience.
  • Yes!!! Cool teacher, love his music and LOVE working with him.
  • Great and organized administration
  • the office is a wonderful person. Kudos to all the hard work she does.
  • Really helpful administration. Thank you!
  • God kommunikation!
  • the administrator is very sweet and helpful.
  • Everything has run very smoothly this year, I feel like I have always been given the info I need in good time. Thank you!
  • Great help from the administration.
  • The administration does a good job.
  • Amazing course, amazing year! I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to develop as a singer and find their own style and direction. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart <3
  • I will be back!
  • Jeg har været rigtig glad for at være en del af stedet – jeg har flyttet mig utrolig meget!!
  • I find it very good that we’re completely free to choose what we want to work on!
  • I love that we have singing sessions every day!!
  • Want to do it again later on.
  • Very good singing sessions! Made it less scary for me.
  • I think it is great and very useful to have filmed performance + feedback. For me that’s one of the most interesting things.
  • Please more of that!
  • Very good that you use videocamera!
  • Great singers, active learning.
  • The pianists can do eeeeeverything. Love it :)
  • Each pianist is different and has his own style I think that is very good for us as artist, to try with different musicians.
  • All pianists are used to play with singers. Active but not in front.
  • CVI feels like a house where I come back to meet my family.
  • The teachre is a pure genius! Helped me restore my voice! Love working with her!
  • The teachers experience with and knowledge about the effects is extremely valuable to me.
  • Very precise teacher and has a great presence!
  • The teacher has a funny approach and makes the difficult subject of interpretation very interesting!
  • Where there is interpretaion in the music the magic happens!!
  • The teacher is really good at performance/acting songs :)
  • the teacher is very special to me after having been my mentor in the academy. I always feel privileged to work with her :)
  • Inspiring teacher
  • Very nice having the teacher around, and I heard she did great stuff i the singing sessions with our group.
  • Administration is always willing to help. Super positive and sweet. Has a great attitude and is lovely as a person.
  • Administrator is so patient and never holds a gridge even if you have money problems. Always smiling and ready to help.
  • We have great communication with the administration. I really appreciate them.
  • You know for sure the teacher is always there for you, no matter what the errand is. The level of science is GREAT, she always has all the infrmation open for u :)
  • The administration is good at information and service :)



  • Love you guys and this place.
  • from 1-10 i give masterclasses: 11
  • I feel like a singer-song-writer! Thank you CVI :)
  • Thanks.
  • Good job guys!
  • love you all! THANX <3
  • Good singing classes
  • This was great! I was looking forward working with you and the outcome was beyond my expectations.
  • Great Ambitions sessions
  • Good Media training
  • Great and very helpful concert feedback.
  • Great facilities at cvi
  • Love you as a teacher, you’re a great singer.
  • Thank you for great coaching as always! You have many good ideas and really focused on the singer.
  • Great Impro/rhythm classes
  • This subject was perfect and this was one of my wishes. You’re a great teacher and learned a lot from you!
  • Really nice to work with you on interpretation. You’re so clear and to the point. Thank you for you feedback. it means really much to me.
  • i got so much, especially the fun in writting and enjoying myself while singing.
  • Love you guys and this place.
  • Great technical subject lesson
  • technical subject lesson are good. they are what the singers needs.
  • really good subjects lessons
  • Songwriting, ambition, time planning, feedback classes are great!
  • I always take something with me, especially from the sharing of the group.
  • from 1-10 i give the technical subject lesson: 11 😀
  • Great Masterclasses
  • Always good masterclasses. Very good that we look more in the interpretation plan. For me this works better.
  • super masterclasses.
  • Good masterclasses as always.
  • masterclasses are very good! Always been a lot, from my own and from the others.
  • Great performance classes
  • Concerts are much fun.
  • Good concerts.
  • Great concerts.
  • love the concerts. love the atmosphere. Find it so good to perform here. It makes so much sense and it makes it much easier to perform more and better.
  • Great facilities at cvi
  • good concerts, well arranged.
  • Great concerts. and good idea to put the adv. 1 and 2 together.
  • These musical stunts, 8 min. rehearsal, go on, bam, go off are good learning experiences for me they work like workshops to my things out in safer context.
  • great concerts.
  • Lot’s of great and inspiring moments in the class. Brilliant songwriters. Makes me wanna go and do better.
  • Wonderful people. I learn from every person each time.
  • Love my class. Very inspiring.
  • it’s level is high.
  • Great Songwriter classes
  • Amazingly high level! 😀
  • good level in class.
  • very good level. awesome songwriting and very good singers.
  • from 1-10 i give the level: 10
  • warm, lovely, happy, inspiring atmosphere.
  • Very good atmosphere
  • Fantastic group of people and atmosphere is great.
  • Great atmosphere
  • Every year I love the atmosphere in my group. This year is very special for me.
  • excellent atmosphere
  • So warm, friendly and supportive atmosphere. inspiring a lot.
  • Friendly, supportive, respectful atmosphere
  • 😀
  • from 1-10 i give the atmosphere: 10
  • Are there other subjects I miss: NOOOOO.
  • Pianists have all been great this year!
  • Pianists are good.
  • Very good, nice, helpful and fantastic Pianists.
  • TOP Pianists
  • all of the Pianists are very good.
  • the painists are all so good. this is to important. Especially when working with own natural it’s vital that they can make it into music, that they can listen and improvise.
  • from 1-10 i give pianist: 11.
  • From a scale on 1-10 the teacher is a 10. Keep up the good work!
  • Great teacher love the guy.
  • great teacher
  • the teacher is always good, honest and important. Know what he does and says. very relaxed. Good for having people be present with the teaching.
  • the teacher is very good at solving technical problems. Very good in getting people to talk about their dreams and helping them planning. Lot of knowledge about music industry and arrangements.
  • the teacher is very clear and on the point. great tips and advices in finding the problem and defining goals.
  • the teacher is very good in technical stuff.
  • from 1-10 i give the teacher : 14 😀
  • From a scale on 1-10 the teacher is a 10. you are brillant.
  • great teacher.
  • very good teacher. has the guts to say personal things. like her a lot.
  • From a scale on 1-10 this teacher is a 10. Wonderful, great though. You are a wise woman.
  • Humor and knowledge. Perfect combination. Very inspiring.
  • the teacher is good in everything! Inspiring, sonwriting technique and encuraging people. Also very good in solving technical issues and has a lot of knowledge about music industry and arrangements.
  • Good lessons in songwriting, lyrics, good inspiration, really inspiring assigments. great motivation.
  • Good in ambition and in songwriting issues.
  • from 1-10 i give the teacher: 20+ 😀
  • the teacher makes the whole group listen. Has good tasks. Makes the grup work. Interesting lecture.
  • Love the teacher
  • great teacher.
  • great with the interpretation. Like his lessons a lot. Inspiring.
  • Very good teacher, passionate for what he’s doing, his top field is helping people in interpretation.
  • good work on the subject class, the teacher has the skills to reveal what hides behind the lyrics. has a warm and nice way if asking, digging and motivating.
  • love working with the teacher
  • from 1-10 i give it: 20 😀
  • teachers are all really good.
  • love all teachers
  • My outcome is more technical secure. Writing my own songs and feel better about them. Better preformance skills.
  • I am touring with people from the group. confidence to do my thing, to continue. Feedback get me focused. new ideas. Released my album, speak about my music. Inspiration.
  • This has given me some songs + lyrics and more confidence in that area.
  • Improvement.
  • I am now making my own CD and are so proud. this is a great thing in my life.
  • this gives me tools to use to go working in the music industry. And more confidence to believe in what I’m doing.
  • Great outcome from this course
  • I am a better performer in over all. The course has helped me finding myself as an artist, which is the reason i signed up.
  • self secure, wholer, wiser, better.
  • Keep up the good work. Peace and love.
  • Very good administration!!!
  • Generelly I think the administration works suprisingly well, considering the amount of people, classes, courses etc. to keep track of. And if things go wrong you guys are friendly and flexible and try to help.
  • Very good administration.
  • the administration are excellent.



  • So very good teacher, and so good in finding what is special about each of us. Super technical advises.
  • nailed my distortion with her. Best vocal coach I ever had. Love u all.
  • One word : the teacher is a QUEEN :) Great warm person. That’s all I wanna say. Brilliant. It’s good to know you.
  • I got more selfconfidence and more sure of the singer/songwriter thing.
  • I improved my metal in the low part and some of the high parts. learned about songwriting and been pushed to write songs.
  • I improved technically and also artistically.
  • Har fået selvtillid i sangen igen! Fundet glæden ved musikken og sangen.
  • Big improvement in every way ; technically, performance wise and I started to make my own songs.
  • I think I’ve achieved my goals. Which is great.
  • I’m more secure and stronger as an artist. I have got to know my own strenghts and what I need to work. I’m more flexible between music styles. Found more confidence with effects. I feel that I’ve grown very much as an artist.
  • Love ya all.
  • So very good teacher, and so good in finding what is special about each of us. Super technical advises.
  • nailed my distortion with her. Best vocal coach I ever had. Love u all.
  • One word : the teacher is a QUEEN :) Great warm person. That’s all I wanna say. Brilliant. It’s good to know you.
  • really good singing sessions. All problems has been solved.
  • technical subjects lessons combined with singing with pianists fantastic.
  • Very good technical subjects. I feel I learned a lot. 10.
  • Good technical subjects lessons
  • Great singing classes the teachers are so good.
  • very good singing classes. You learn a lot from others in the class.
  • The best singing classes.
  • Good singing classes.
  • Great. 9.
  • Good performance classes!
  • Very good performance classes.
  • Very good performance classes. Have helped me a lot.
  • Really helpfull performance classes.
  • Good performance classes
  • even better performance classes, Love working with the teachers
  • very good ambitions sessions.
  • ambitions sessions have helped me to put out new goals. Liked it very much.
  • Super good ambitions sessions.
  • ambitions sessions teacher is the best. 10.
  • Great ambitions sessions
  • Songwriter classes 10+
  • Good Songwriter classes.
  • Songwriter classes is just great! The teachers is so cool.
  • Super good Songwriter classes.
  • Great Songwriter classes.
  • Good Media training.
  • Very good Impro/rhythm classes
  • good Impro/rhythm classes
  • Very good concerts! Love the atmosphere on the concerts and the feedback.
  • 10+
  • It’s good to have concerts and concert feedback and scary at the same time to see yourself from the outside. The feedback is very constructive and it’s good to keep focusing on the positive things.
  • Concerts have been great, really high quality. Feedback after concert has been nice, it’s good to see and hear the performance afterwards.
  • Concerts cool! Feedback was interesting/really helpfull.
  • So great with concerts and concert feedback! I think I learned a lot from it every time and the teachers gives really good feedback.
  • concerts and concert feedback is great and really important to have. 10.
  • It’s good to have feedback from the group. It gives power and many dfferent angle. so feedback lessons are great.
  • concerts and concert feedback is very important and useful.
  • High level! There are so many great singers!
  • level: 10+
  • Very high level both technically and performance wise and there are same great songwriters.
  • It has been amazing how everybody has improved on all levels. Fantastic group og singers.
  • HIGH level.
  • Extremely high level in the class!
  • It’s very good level in the class. 10+.
  • the level in the class is great!
  • Great atmosphere I love y group!
  • atmosphere: 10
  • It has been really good and supporting atmosphere. really nice people, love them all.
  • Like a family.
  • So good atmosphere, everyone is lovely and supportive and no competing.
  • Very supporting atmosphere, warm and fun to be with. Great group. 11.
  • very good and supporting atmosphere.
  • administration: 10
  • Excellent administration.
  • I think the atmosphere in everything is so great. Feels like home!
  • CVI facilities: 10
  • Location is great, easy and fast to get from airfield. Rooms are good.
  • Good facilities.
  • Good pianists!
  • pianists: 10+
  • Most of pianists are really good.
  • All good pianists and back up singer well.
  • High level pianists, fantastic!
  • super pianists.
  • pianists are good.
  • Great facilities.
  • the teacher has helped me with technical stuff.
  • the teacher: 10
  • very good teacher
  • Great teacher
  • cool energi. God til at få resten af gruppen med.
  • very good teacher, so good at what he is doing.
  • the teacher is great. Good to look into the effects with him.
  • Is great man and teacher. great with effects and curbing.
  • Thank you, very good teacher!
  • the teacher: 10+
  • Very good teacher
  • Great teacher.
  • Den dejligste lærer
  • SO so good teacher, very much into each singer, giving them everything ; so supportive and interested in us. Really good in giving technical instructions.
  • Also very good teacher. “reads” a singer very well. is very compassionate.
  • great energy and brightness. Very very good teacher, I’ve learned a lot from her!
  • Has really challenged me about how I think about myself and me as a singer. You have been a huge help You really inspirer me. You are a great teacher THANK YOU <3
  • teacher: 10+++
  • Very good teacher.
  • Great, super cool teacher.
  • rigtig rar lærer, enormt god til at “presse” én i de retninger man gerne vil! Hjælpsom forstående, powerful, “rar”, god til at give et kærligt “spark i røven”, striks! Man føler sig i trygge hænder!
  • the teacher is super trooper, giving us a lot of energy and encouraging us to believe in ourselves. And her songwriting lessons are outstanding. It is amazing what she can find in us.
  • the teachers is great! Very supportive.
  • Supportive teacher and very good energy. Very good for ambition and song writing stuff. Gives very good ideas to get forward.
  • I learned so much about interpretation and performing. This has really helped me, Thank you so much!
  • the teacher : 10+
  • Very good teacher. For me it sometimes helps to approach it from interpreation view.
  • Great teacher..
  • Åh dejlig mand og fantastisk!
  • He is so extremely good teacher, very energetic and alive. So good with the technical stuff and so good in making us make the stories behind each song, I learned a lot from him.
  • I love working with the teacher. He has improved my interpretation a lot.
  • The teacher is absolutely fantastic work with the interpretation. Very good energy ad concentration in teaching. It has been very great to get to know him.
  • the teacher has helped me with technical stuff. Good. Thanks.
  • the teacher: 10++
  • Great teacher.
  • God energi!



  • Nice atmospere in the institute.
  • Thank you! A special place on earth.
  • I really love the subjects. Own songs, creative cover sound.
  • All the teachers are so great in their own way and complement each other. Could not ask for more.
  • I am a better songwriter now. write songs that i feel good about singing. I am comfortable on stage. I am creative in expression. Secure in all the different modes if it’s possible.
  • CVI is blessed with good teachers :)
  • the technical subjects are very good and appropriated og what I want to learn.
  • Good and interesting technical subject.
  • Very clear and effective technical subject lessons.
  • I love the masterclasses. Many good teachers. I like the way to use interpretation more in songs.
  • Great masterclasses. The teacher is so good and helpful.
  • The masterclasses are very interesting and i like the moments when we can participate in the others lessons. I have the feeling to get further everytime.
  • The masterclasses is really good. good instruction and helpful to me.
  • Great concept with masterclasses.
  • Good masterclasses. I appreciate the teachers ability to focus and concentrate to each and everyone in some intensity.
  • masterclasses are fun. And important to go into own challenges. there is a lot to learn from watching the others.
  • It’s good to be able to do concerts.
  • I think it’s important that we get to try out the new stuff in a safe environment, like here at CVI. GREAT!
  • It’s great to be in a concert.
  • Good experience with concerts.
  • Very important to have the opportunity to perform in a safe environment.
  • Great concerts, very important and useful opportunity to rehearse all that has been taught/learned.
  • Scary, but concerts are “good for you”.
  • Well organized concerts. they are a safe space to practise and gain stage training.
  • Good for me.
  • Supportive atmosphere.
  • the level is very varieted and I like that. styles or different so you don’t get into comparism too much.
  • level suits me. I’m improving.
  • Great variation of voices and styles.
  • Some have strong musicality, others very strong sides. It’s a cool class.
  • atmosphere is very good
  • We have a lot of different people, genres and age in our group. For me that is great, I learn a lot because of that. And everyone is so positive and supportive.
  • the level is very good.
  • Good atmosphere and growing even better.
  • Generelly good level.
  • Warm and friendly atmosphere.
  • we are relaxed, amused and focused.
  • I’m very happy about the pianists.
  • pianists are great.
  • pianists: fantastic musicians. everything is possible, even the guitar.
  • Very good pianists
  • Excellent pianists.
  • Amazing pianists.
  • terific this weekend. Particularly good pianist.
  • excellent pianists. Very skilled and musical. Interested and engaged.
  • Very good pianists
  • He is a great teacher. He is good to see the good in everyone work on it. Good to explain thing. make a good atmosphere in class.
  • Is such a great teacher. He understood some of my questions better than I did. Really hope we are having him again. Brilliant teacher.
  • An excellent teacher. he knows how to make everyone feel comfortable. And takes us further without forcing and respecting everyones rhythm.
  • Very good teacher good instructions muscle control.
  • Good to see somebody enjoying teaching. Thank you! Helped me exactly the way I asked for. And needed.
  • The teacher is making us at ease. Seeing each one. good suggestions about style. Good at pinpointing technical issues.
  • Amazing teacher makes people relaxed and safe. Good technical skills and to the point in a very natural easy ay. Sensitive, listening teacher but still with a strong presence. Funny.
  • She’s a good teacher. To find what you should continue to work with.
  • Is a good teacher.
  • Very good teacher.
  • Good technical skills with this teacher
  • Great teacher at spreading joy. Great at song writing. To see the whole picture of technique status. how to perform.
  • The teacher has been a really big help in both ambition and songwriting. She is amazing.
  • Gives a lot of tools for songwriting I’ve been learning a lot.
  • Very good teacher enthusiastic and gives a lot of tools and experience sharing.
  • songwriting circle was good, good pick for making everyones song a little better.
  • Good energy this teacher, creating friendly atmosphere. having fund and good teaching at the same time. Good suggestions on text. inspiring.
  • Very funny teacher. Very loud. Very inspiring good technical and musicality
  • He is good at interpretation and techniques. He know so much about different ways to working with singing and performing.
  • He is great. He is such a good teacher. He just get it.
  • Very good teacher many good angles to the challenges, good instructions.
  • the content of interpretation stuff was great.
  • Energetic, funny, good teaching.
  • So much experience both as a performer and an artist. dares to be personal without being private. very supportive and honest at the same time.
  • an excellent teacher! He brings out the best of us in a very relaxed way. It’s impressive how the expressions in the songs change with the help from this teacher
  • All the teachers are so great in their own way and complement each other. Could not ask for more.
  • I am a better songwriter now. write songs that i feel good about singing. I am comfortable on stage. I am creative in expression. Secure in all the different modes if it’s possible.
  • A huge kick in the butt to get on the right path to where I wanna end up.
  • I am now better technically. Find my own sound. Be safer in the business (selfconfidence). Good fulfill more songs and be ready to stand on my own feet as an artist.
  • Technically more secure and have more selfconfidence to perform.
  • I have found at least one strength to lean on and develop my artistic characters.
  • Having built a repertoire for a section of a concert in own songs.
  • I am getting better at performing (will need years and years).
  • Feel more at home on stage. Mastering the modes. Have a repertoire. Is a songwriter in a more conscious and trained way.
  • If i will have 1 song of myself that I like I would be happy. At the end of the course I want to be completely into music.
  • I think everyone in the administration is smiling and nice people.
  • the administration has given me excellent service and information and I’m truly grateful.



  • Personligt har jeg haft et godt udbytte af kurset. Specielt har det for mig hjulpet mig til at turde mere og blive friere og til at tro på/stole på mig selv mere.
  • Gode lærere, flinke til at inspirere.
  • Håber der kommer et kursus som vi fra Advanced kan bygge videre på.
  • Gode pianister
  • det fint at jobbe i studioKaare gjorde en god indsats!
  • Kommer til at savne turene til CVI…
  • Jeg har fået utroligt meget ud af hvert eneste seminar! Det har inspireret mig meget.
  • har været virkelig godt og I er helt utroligt dygtige!! –TAK J
  • Jeg ser meget frem til at starte på den 3 årige.
  • The course in general for me has served mostly it’s purpose. The actual music-business side of the course, fex. When the Journalist visited us and gave us the many different ways to how to act and handle the media was very useful to me.
  • The time in the studio was really good and helpful.
  • I thought the course, the teachers and my fellow students (and the size of the group) was very good. Thanks for a great year.
  • It was great to do more concerts together. It was learnful.
  • The masterclass about creating cover songs was great. it motivated me to sing more other styles
  • This year in combination with the first year CVT in Utrecht mad a huge difference in my inner system. I really got more confidence in myself as a singer and especially this year with all the topics we were teached made me grow a lot.
  • I accomplished my goals almost and the ones I didn’t, well I know I am on my way to them.
  • I want to thank CVI for their trust in me in all ways. I am not the same person when I started this journey. I feel completely transformed. I found the right confidence in myself by looking at myself and you helped me with that with your guidance with your love and positive energy. By showing me the direction inhow to create a song with others I really discovered that I can make great songs without instrument and got more confidence as I met some people who really liked what I made/wrote and now we are working on 12 ideas from me to make it into songs. So things are working out and the seeds I planted become something else.
  • My special thanks to the teachers. I always felt there was something special going on, working with you. You really got the best out of me. Thank you for your coaching in the last 3 seminars, it was very helpful. Keep up the good work!!
  • I got everything out of the course that I wanted.
  • I liked the communication training/media training.
  • I have been happy with the advanced soloist course.
  • I am happy with the teachers.
  • One thing that I have liked very much is the planning and inspirationtaking your own music seriouslysetting goals and getting feedback/inspiration in how to reach them.
  • Det har været et vældig bra kurs J
  • Flinke lærere (tålmodige, hyggelige, pædagogiske)
  • Meget indholdsrigt og lært mye som jeg kan bruke videre.
  • Flinke pianister (DET er vigtigt!!)
  • Spændende at være i studio, læreren gjorde et kjempejob. TAK!!
  • Har fået inspiration til at lave egne sange. Det er nyt for mig og vældig spændende.
  • Totalt set vældig fornøjet. TAK!!
  • Jeg synes det er spændende og kan godt lide at arbejde (og ”nørde” J) med de forskellige teknikker og vil gerne have så godt styr på dem, som overhovedet muligt! – og jeg synes også, at det bliver bedre og bedre for hver gang!Det er også rigtig godt, at vi alle sammen bliver presset lidt til at prøve de forskellige ting af!I
  • Learn a lot every time. It is nice to try it in the masterclass.
  • I’m very satisfied.
  • I’m learning a lot
  • Jeg synes, at masterclass er virkelig godt! Man får et kæmpe udbytte af den tid, man selv er på! Men det er også utroligt, hvad man indimellem kan få ud af at høre og se de andre! Faktisk får jeg også meget ud af at ”betragte” jer som undervisere! – hvordan I griber tingene an, får arbejdet jer frem til forskellige ting og i det hele taget bare måden I er på! Det er en rigtig god ide, at alle skal skrive en seddel med tre gode ting til dén, der er på! – det tvinger folk til at følge med hele tiden!
  • I like the masterclasses. For me they are very important!
  • Great masterclass! I love the masterclass.
  • SO clever teachers. So patient. So supportive. Thank you!
  • Good masterclasses
  • Jeg synes, at det er en rigtig god idé med koncerterne! – det er hér, at vi kan bruge alt det vi har lært og vise hvad vi kan og ikke mindst have det sjovt med det!Men selvfølgelig er man blevet lidt ”miljø-skadet”, så selvom vi har bevæget os ud af øvelokalet, bliver der snakket en masse om teknikker! – men det er bare herligt!
  • Great concerts! Super that it was recorded so we can see what can improved. I enjoyed the evening. Super band.
  • Concerts are a great place to learn, to have fun and to learn more about the other colleague singers
  • It is so nice to have a concert.
  • Great concerts – And a very good experience.
  • Generelt synes jeg, at niveauet er højt!
  • I feel at home in this group. Everybody has there qualities and they are all different. SO I learn a lot.
  • I think there are a lot of good singers. But we all still can learn a lot
  • In general high level
  • Fine levels – Different levels – Can learn from everyone
  • Jeg synes, at der er en rigtig god og venlig stemning! Folk er gode til at hjælpe og støtte hinanden! – det er herligt!
  • Fine atmosphere. It is a nice group
  • There good vibes in our group
  • Good atmosphere.
  • Quite good atmosphere.
  • Der er flere forskellige tekniske ting, der er blevet og bliver finpudset! Men derudover, og ikke mindst, får jeg en masse motivation, inspiration og en masse værktøjer!
  • I have got much more awareness for me as an artist. More confidence.
  • I have a lot of fantastic feedback for my singing and for my performance. So I have to find out, what I really want. Maybe to work on my performance, but I didn’t really expect this. It’s fantastic. Thank you!
  • I am more secure, more stable working on my music, (everyday, rutines) And maybe reach some at my personal goals, record some stuff, etc. Good to get support to reach goals. Find my STYLE and VOICE.
  • I have now greater confidence. More skills.
  • Jeg er meget tilfreds! – Jeg synes, administrationen er gode til at hjælpe og svare på eventuelle spørgsmål!
  • The administration is very good. Friendly and helpful.
  • Good administration
  • Administration has been fine – Very good job
  • Som I kan høre, at jeg meget tilfreds og stor tilhænger af CVI og CVT! I kan godt klappe jer selv og hinanden på skulderen! Så mange tak til jer alle sammen!
  • I want to apply for the 3 year course
  • Everyone wants the best for you. You feel cared for.
  • Først og fremmest kan jeg sige til jer allesammen, at I er fantastisk dygtige! Det er helt vildt, hvad I har givet mig hver eneste gang med jeres energi, vilje, hjælpsomhed, opmærksomhed, støtte, venlighed, kunnen og viden osv osv…
  • mange tak!!
  • Jeg er rigtig glad for, at der er en mandlig underviser på den her uddannelse!
  • The teacher helped me with relaxation and in every good way.
  • The teacher is good on technique
  • Like the teacher approach that skills. Vocal Challenges often actually are easy ‘piece of cake’
  • Jeg er virkelig glad for, at underviseren på denne uddannelse! Hun har en meget stor del af æren for dét, jeg kan nu og hun har en kæmpe stor stjerne hos mig!!
  • The teacher is good at getting sound out of you, when you think you can’t do it
  • Super teacher! Very supportive. Good in explaining things
  • the teacher is the technique-queen. She  also does nice followup and takes good care of people. That’s nice.
  • Great versatile teacher. Can handle any challenge. Great at really pushing peolpe – to get the most out of them.
  • Læreren er rigtig sød og mild! Og ikke mindst, hjalp hun mig med at få styr på nogle ting, som jeg har kæmpet med et godt stykke tid!
  • the teacher really helped me with Edge. Very positive and reassuring
  • Det er først her på Advanced, at jeg har mødt læreren og det har været meget positivt! Hun har nogle gange en anden måde at gribe tingene an på og jeg kan godt lide, at man får ”belyst” tingene på flere forskellige måder! hende er jeg også kommet til at holde meget af.
  • She is a great teacher. Gives you a safe feeling to explore!  She has giving me a lot of new tools for me to work with.
  • A lot of energy. A clever teacher, funny and supportive
  • the teacher is giving so incredible much of herself all the time! Good at technique and also interpretation.
  • CoolAgain great teacher – positive and encouraging
  • læreren har en rigtig god energi og en evne til at gøre det meget spændende!
  • The teacher is SO good at interpretation
  • Very skilful teacher – knows his craft. Kind. Helps you in a thoughful way.


