CVT Rehabilitation Connect is a great way to stay in touch and continue to inspire and learn from each other.
A CVT Rehabilitation Connect specifically for the rehabilitation education mean opportunities to meet up, exchange cases, get new insights, ask questions, get inspired by colleagues, and for us to have a place to share our experiences working as rehabilitation specialists throughout the world.
The Rehab Connect is a part of the regular CVT Connect and will also give access to all the benefits of the CVT Connect with two additional sessions yearly specifically for the Rehabilitation group, at the same price as the regular CVT Connect. This means having two dedicated sessions only for those who have finished the CVT Voice Rehabilitation course as well as having access to regular CVT Connect sessions (including also pre-recorded sessions on the CVT video portal, updated workshop manuals, updated charts, and price reductions on update courses).

To sign up, simply use the regular CVT Connect sign up form on the webpage and write to to tell that you are from the Rehabilitation group and would like to also be a part of the Rehabilitation Connect sessions. If you are already part of the CVT Connect meetings, just write it, so we can give you access to the two Rehabilitation Connect sessions.
You will find the sign-up here:
We have also expanded the website with a new rehabilitation section specifically about CVT Voice Rehabilitation including, the science behind the techniques, the rehabilitation course, the possibility for having sessions with a CVT Voice Rehabilitation teacher, and more. Just like always with solo lessons, CVI will refer rehab clients who seek out in-real-life sessions on to a local authorised CVT teacher who has finished the CVT rehabilitation education.
Compact mobile EGG
For those who are interested in owning and using an EGG, we now have the opportunity from Laryngograph to offer a new compact EGG at a special discounted price to Authorised CVT Teachers. Laryngograph specialises in medical equipment and produce EGGs, endoscopes, and high-speed cameras used in hospitals and research around the world. The new compact EGG would normally costs €3.750,-, but we are able to get a special price of €2.250,-. The device comes in three types and are hand-built with electrodes specifically designed to also be used with singers who move their larynxes when they sing. If you would like a compact EGG, please let Thorey know at and she will help you.