The CVT Voice Rehabilitation course is a specialisation course for Authorised CVT Teachers wanting to further their knowledge in clinical applications of CVT techniques in work with patients, speech, and voice rehabilitation.

The course provides:

  • Scientifically tested rehabilitation techniques
  • In-depth anatomical and physiological knowledge
  • Overview of common voice pathologies
  • Overview of traditional and surgical treatments for voice pathologies
  • Practical and pedagogical insight into providing patient care

The course consists of 6 seminars of 4 days, spread out over 12 months and is open only for Authorised CVT Teachers holding an updated authorisation. The course will be taught by Cathrine Sadolin, Mathias Aaen, ENT Doctors, and Speech Therapists.

Participants can expect introductions to advanced laryngeal physiology, vocal pathology, structuring patient care, how to take part in a clinical team, and much, much more. Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to deliver voice rehabilitation to patients suffering from common voice pathologies as well as know how to communicate with other medical voice professionals as part of a medical team.

The 4 core themes of the course content are:

  • Medical: Physiology & Pathology
  • Theoretical: CVT for speech and rehabilitation
  • Practical: Speech rehabilitation under supervision
  • Pedagogical: Structuring patient treatment

Level 5 with NCFE and CACHE accreditation

The CVT Voice Rehabilitation course is accredited at level 5 with NCFE and CACHE accreditation.

NCFE CACHE is a leading awarding organisation, and their qualifications are well-respected and widely recognised by employers, educational institutions, and regulatory bodies.

Level 5 accreditations, which are the highest available CACHE accreditation, are given only to experienced professionals. The value of the NCFE CACHE accreditation is regulated by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) under the UK government and remains widely recognised as a stamp of quality and education at the highest level.

All graduates from the CVT Voice Rehabilitation education will upon completion of their studies receive certification with NCFE and CACHE

Cathrine Sadolin and Mathias Aaen,  CVT Research & Development – Talking about the Voice Rehabilitation course

Upcoming courses

The course has limited availability and participation is provided on a first come first served basis. Course dates for the seminars are:


Thur – Sun 10:00 – 17:00

1st seminar: September 25 – 28, 2025
2nd seminar: October 30 – Nov. 2, 2025
3rd seminar: December 4 – 7, 2025
4th seminar: January 8 – 11, 2026
5th seminar: March 5 – 8, 2026
6th seminar: April 30 – May 3, 2026

Sign up


Thur – Sun 10:00 – 17:00

1st seminar: September 26 – 29, 2024
2nd seminar: October 31 – Nov. 3, 2024
3rd seminar: December 5 – 8, 2024
4th seminar: January 23 – 26, 2025
5th seminar: March 13 – 16, 2025
6th seminar: May 1 – 4, 2025

Sign up

Course Dates

The course consists of 6 (4-day) seminars spread out over 12 months. The teaching takes place Thursday to Sunday from 10.00 – 17.00 with a lunch break between 13.00 – 14.00


The course will be a hybrid, being both an IRL course as well as an online course. The participants can decide if they want to attend the course online or in-real-life for every seminar, offering flexibility and convenience.

Practical & Course Information

The CVT Voice Rehabilitation for Authorised CVT Teachers is only offered by CVI.

IRL IN CPH & Online

The course will be a hybrid, being both an IRL course as well as an online course. The participants can decide if they want to attend the course online or in-real-life for every seminar, offering flexibility and convenience.

CVI Copenhagen
Kompagnistræde 32 A • 1208 Copenhagen K • Denmark • DK-1208

Phone: +45 33 32 77 24
Fax: + 45 33 32 77 25

The course fee is DKK 62.450 (€ 8370), enrolment is financially binding.

A deposit of 25 % of the full course fee is to be paid within 2 weeks after receiving the invoice. The deposit secures your place on the course. It is not refundable if you choose to withdraw from the course. You are also more than welcome to pay the whole tuition fee when receiving the invoice and then get a discount. The instalment options are only meant as a help. Please read our standard terms.

You can make an instalment plan when the deposit of 25% is paid:
There are 3 different payment options to choose between (A, B & C);

A: Pay the remaining 75% fee at latest 2 weeks before course start and receive a 2000 KR / €270 discount.

B: Pay the remaining 75% tuition fee in 3 instalments with the 1st instalment 1/9, 2nd instalment 1/1, and the 3rd instalment 1/4.

C: Pay the remaining 75% tuition fee in monthly instalments, starting 1/9. Ending ¼.

The course is only for Authorised CVT Teachers, who hold an updated authorisation to ensure that applicants have a thorough knowledge of Complete Vocal Technique, the pedagogics, science, and teaching materials taught in the 3-year authorisation course.
You will study with up to 12-14 international teachers in a group.
The teachers are Authorised CVT Teachers, ENT doctors and speech therapists and they will teach their specialist subject. Only highly qualified and experienced teachers of the highest professional standard will teach in the course.
The CVT Voice Rehabilitation for Authorised CVT Teachers counts 20 ECTS-point pr. semester or 40 ECTS points for the full course.

Working hours per semester

Attending classes at CVI: 3 seminars x 7 hours x 4 days = 84 hour
Teaching practice = 110 hours
Homework studying = 15 hours per seminar = 360 hours
Total hours of study: 530 hours

Subjects per semester

Medical: Physiology & Pathology: 5 points
Theoretical: CVT for speech and rehabilitation: 5 points
Practical: Speech rehabilitation under supervision: 5 points
Pedagogical: structuring patient treatment: 5 points

Please note that your specific institute of education must approve these points.
ECTS coordinator: Susanne Meyer,, +45 3332 7724

The course language is English.

This mean that you should be able to both understand and communicate in English, as well as having the ability to receive teaching in a professional language.

If not complying with the above mentioned, we recommend:

  1. An intensive English course before starting your education.
  2. The possibility to bring along an interpreter for the entire course.
  • Introduction
  • The components of the course
  • Medical: Physiology & Pathology
  • Theoretical: CVT for speech and rehabilitation
  • Practical: Speech rehabilitation under supervision
  • Pedagogical: structuring patient treatment
  • Practising & preparation between seminars
  • Examination
  • Practical information
  • Course dates


Course introduction

The CVT Voice Rehabilitation course is a specialisation course for Authorised CVT Teachers wanting to further their knowledge in clinical applications of CVT techniques in work with patients, speech, and voice rehabilitation.

The course provides:

  • Scientifically tested rehabilitation techniques
  • In-depth anatomical and physiological knowledge
  • Overview of common voice pathologies
  • Overview of traditional and surgical treatments for voice pathologies
  • Practical and pedagogical insight into providing patient care

The course consists of 6 seminars of 4 days, spread out over 12 months and is open only for Authorised CVT Teachers holding an updated authorisation. The course will be taught by Cathrine Sadolin, Mathias Aaen, ENT Doctors, and Speech Therapists.

Participants can expect introductions to advanced laryngeal physiology, vocal pathology, structuring patient care, how to take part in a clinical team, and much, much more. Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to deliver voice rehabilitation to patients suffering from common voice pathologies as well as know how to communicate with other medical voice professionals as part of a medical team.

The components of the course 

The 4 core themes of the course content are:

  • Medical: Physiology & Pathology
  • Theoretical: CVT for speech and rehabilitation
  • Practical: Speech rehabilitation under supervision
  • Pedagogical: structuring patient treatment

Medical: Physiology and Pathology

The course provides structured and systematic insight into advanced laryngeal physiology and the types of muscular maladaptation leading to the most common voice pathologies, such as Muscle Tension Dysphonia, Aphonia, Diplophonia, vocal fold nodules, polyps, haemorrhages, and more. Participants will be provided with the most recent scientific insight into common treatments (and surgeries) for voice care, as well as introductions to some conventional voice rehabilitation techniques. Upon completion of the course, participants will have a toolbox for delivering voice rehabilitation and terminology for communicating with voice professionals in clinical settings such as hospitals, voice clinics, and voice rehabilitation centres.

  • Advanced laryngeal physiology to extend current knowledge into muscle details and voice production principles from a scientific/anatomical perspective
  • Voice Assessment Protocols to familiarise participants with most common voice assessment tools and their use in clinical work
  • Vocal pathologies and treatments to provide a foundational understanding of voice dysfunctions and how they are traditionally treated.
  • The Science and practice of Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises (SOVT) to understand the science and practise of SOVT and how they relate to the CVT vocal modes.
  • Hands on EGG and voice measurements to be able to understand voice measures and communicate with clinical personnel about voice parameters
  • Gender affirmative care to provide a terminology and practical toolbox for working with this specific patient population
  • And much more

Theoretical: CVT for speech and rehabilitation

The course will provide participants with an understanding of how the CVT Vocal Modes, sound colour, and vocal effects present in healthy speech and in unhealthy speech and how to identify and solve problems in the voice. The course also expands on participants’ current authorisation by demonstrating exercises for support, twang, the vocal modes, and how to aid patients to build a healthy and dynamic vocal function. The course provides endoscopic examples of the CVT modes in speech along with the most current scientific publications on CVT speech techniques.

  • Intro to CVT Rehabilitation to contextualise CVT for speech
  • CVT Speech Assessment introduction + Auditive Analysis to learn how to listen for the vocal modes, metal, density, and imbalances at a more detailed level
  • Emergency Aid for Speech to learn to establish a healthy basic vocal function
  • Support and twang for speech to understand the physical reality of support in relation to airflow and voice production
  • CVT Research and Scientific papers to understand the scientific underpinnings of CVT Voice Rehabilitation Interventions and expected outcomes in specific patient populations and to expose participants to the most recent scientific discoveries related to CVT and voice principles that may aid their understanding of CVT Voice Rehabilitation interventions.
  • Vocal hygiene to make sure participants are aware of mainstream advise given to patients and how it aligns with CVT perspectives.
  • And much more

Practical: Speech rehabilitation under supervision

All participants will learn how to deliver voice rehabilitation using CVT tools under the supervision of Cathrine and/or Mathias in every seminar. During practical sessions, participants will get the chance to try out the techniques and assessments from the course curriculum. Several types of practical sessions are part of the course content, focusing on different pathologies, rehabilitation techniques, assessment protocols, and/or patient symptoms.

  • Providing treatment under supervision with various practical perspectives, such as
    • Fast troubleshooting
    • Assessment protocols
    • Specific diagnosis protocols (Neuro rehabilitation, Muscle Tension Dysphonia, emergency aid etc.)
    • Bring your own cases to receive clinical sparing and input and explore clinical challenges and to inspire each other to better solutions and tricks.
  • And much more

Pedagogical: Structuring patient treatment

The course provides sound pedagogical reflections on how to structure a single voice rehabilitation session, how to structure a sequence of patient sessions, and how to best organise voice rehabilitation using CVT tools and pedagogics. Treatment plans, how to keep patient journals, taking part in a clinical team, and troubleshooting manuals are all part of ensuring that any Authorised CVT Teacher certified in CVT voice Rehabilitation can provide the best voice care.

  • How to structure a CVT voice rehabilitation session to differentiate clinical contexts from singing and learn how to work with patients
  • How to structure patient treatment plans and progression to learn how design treatment plans to build up a healthy voice function with concrete goals and measurable interventions.
  • Keeping a patient journal to produce documents that form part of patients’ permanent record at the hospital
  • Taking part in a clinical team to prepare participants to take part in clinical services and be a part of teams delivering healthcare to patients.
  • And much more

Practising and preparation between seminars

Practising between seminars

It is expected that the participants will practise speech therapy between seminars.

Preparations for seminars

It is expected that the participants will read scientific articles as well as other written materials to prepare for seminars.



The course involves 2 exams:

  • Written status 1 on Physiology & Pathology
  • Oral status 2 on CVT interventions


Practical information

Study groups

All participants are encouraged to form groups for the duration of the course. Working in study groups will help all participants in practising and developing.


Each participant will, from the beginning of the course, work both as a treater and as a supervisor in order to become confident in both roles while working in the group. Instruction during the course will be a combination of theory and training treatment skills under supervision. There will be individual as well as group exercises. The work with the group will be both process and result related, and theory will relate to the techniques and exercises undergone with the group.

Lectures, talks and debates

The working methods will include study and lectures on theory, as well as practical testing of theory. Moreover, there will be talks and debates to investigate and debate terminology that are frequently encountered. The course will be a common platform to exchange and discuss treatment difficulties, critique of techniques, including joint questions and answer sessions.


The organisation of the course will include various types of tests, including exams, self-assessments, and practical skills tests to highlight the participant’s awareness of his or her treatment skills.

Supervision of treatment

Participants will treat test patients “guinea pigs” in the presence of the group and receive supervision during class. The participants will teach each other, in the presence of the group.

Auditory analysis

The course structure includes auditory analysis of live and recorded examples. The auditory assessments will be examined under supervision of both live and recorded together with group.

Authorised CVT Teacher certified in Voice Rehabilitation

Upon successfully completing the CVT Voice Rehabilitation exams, the participants will receive a certification in Voice Rehabilitation as an additional specialisation to their authorisation in CVT.

Course Dates

The course consists of 6 4-day seminars spread out over 12 months. The teaching takes place Friday to Sunday from 10.00 – 17.00 with a lunch break between 13.00 – 14.00

The course will be a hybrid, being both an IRL course as well as an online course. The participants can decide if they want to attend the course online or in-real-life for every seminar, offering flexibility and convenience.

Sign up and more info

To sign up for the course, please fill in the sign-up form at the top of the page
For more information about the course, please contact Michelle Sanders at

CVI is a place where discussions and debate of different views are welcome, where diversity and respect for others are in focus. We believe that embracing diversity in all aspects of the learning and working environment is necessary for us all to reach our full potential.
We aim at creating a non-discriminating community in which each member feels welcome and supported, across all identities and life experiences. This includes diversity of race, colour, ethnic or social origin, language, religion, or belief, politic or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, gender, sexual preference, and socio-economic background.
Info about the sign up procedure

If you wish to sign up, we will ask you to complete an online application form. The form will ask you to enter information about your education, singing history etc.

Our admission team will soon contact you to let you know if you are accepted to the course. You can also contact us at for any questions regarding the course.

The sign-up form is not financially binding until you have confirmed your spot at the course by email. The admission board will first send you an acceptance letter giving you some time to confirm on email if you wish to accept the spot at the course.

Our sign up form is also to make sure we as a company follow EU’s personal data law (GDPR).

GDPR is a set of data protection rules for all companies operating in the EU and all personal data must be processed in a lawful and transparent way to make sure every person’s data is handled with care and protected properly. This means that we as a company must ask you for your consent to keep your contact details and information you share with us.

Problems with sign up

Should you experience problems with the sign up please try and fill in all the boxes with small stars (eg. Name: *). Make sure the music/ singing files you try to attach (recordings) are mp3 or mp4 format. For videos or other bigger music files you can send these to by using (or other provider) and make the sign up without the attached files.

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