The singers that attend the CVT courses come from a variety of countries, singing styles, age groups and background. A wide selection of singers gave us a feedback:


  • I improved my technique  lot, specially in high notes and how to approach them (I was frightened before) and singing with metal and more powerful, but the most important thing is that I learned how to practice and what to focus on which is great!
  • I gained SO much. It has done a lot for me, these months. With my singing, on a technical level… as well as finding the joy of singing. And of course, and for most on personal level!! when I see how much I have developed in different levels. I’m really thankful and happy! I’m just going to dig more into the CVT and I’ll come back in january to finish.
  • My voice is not a mystery anymore and I feel well prepared to be a professional singer/artist now.
  • I learned a lot about what to expect abpout the speed of my progress and how to balance technique while still enjoying singing.
  • I can grunt now. I feel like I know now to work on my own and save my own issues.
  • I gained great tools and technique awareness.
  • It was still a great experience
  • Great Experience!
  • I feel blessed, enlightened, healed. I met the most loving new people and felt very safe to step out of my comfortzone. most important: I don’t have to be “scared” of singing anymore. Everything is covered with the technique.
  • I felt like I learned a lot about all of the different styles + how to sing teach in them. Fantastic.
  • I gained confidence, knowledge. Not there yet, but slowly it will stay.
  • I know how to use my voice better (sing in a healthy way) and how to practise.
  • You made a very good work! This is the best schoold I have ever been at. I’m better singer, performer and person. It feels soooo good.
  • Learned  lot, loved it.
  • Very good outcome. Super satisfied. I have grown as a person, singer and an artist. Gaines more confidence 🙂
  • What a great experience! I am a better singer and way more honest performer, but absolutely seeing everyones hard work it made me more compationate.
  • Strong improvement in technique.
  • I have a clear idea to how I can solve all of the vocal challenges.
  • I got a great technical base to fall back on, and of course  a lovely experience, meeting people that are very very special.
  • This was an intensive kickstarting bootcamp to the rest of our vocal lives, and I am left with so many tools that will get me where I want to be and further.
  • I learned more than I can fit into this little box… But in short.. and experience to last a lifetime <3
  • I learned a lot about singing, singing technique, rhythm and impro. I know better now to use my voice! This teachnique life is a changing experience! 🙂
  • I gained more self-confidence, more motivated, also more scared of course. All in all, my passion for singing has grown.
  • Thank you all!! <3
  • I love CVI and CVA and CVT.
  • I’d love to come back for more! Thank you all!! <3
  • everything was perfect.
  • Just keep this amazing approach. I don’t think it exists anywhere else! <3
  • Whoo-hooo! Go CVI.
  • Never stop!
  • Useful technical subject lessons for things like effects.
  • I got more than I expected!
  • I’ve grown as a singer and person.
  • I have no regrets and I learned much more than I could have imagined. On many differnet levels.
  • My technique is way better than before.
  • I spent a fertile 3 months of growth both in singing, overall musicianship and personally.
  • I learned a lot about singing, but also a lot more than that. It kind of changed my life and made me think about turning the music into my profession! I would love to 🙂
  • Great technical subject lessons! 🙂
  • I felt I learned a lot in them.
  • I learned a lot in the technical subject lessons! Great tools and techniques that I will tke with me for the rest of my life.
  • The technical subject lessons have been good
  • I’ve learned so much about  human voice and my technique has improved a lot in the technical subject lessons! I feel really secure technically.
  • It would be cool to have more of the technical subject lessons
  • Very easy to understand fo many different learning-types in the technical subject lessons!
  • The rhythm and impro classes were the best
  • Most of the rhythm and impro lessons were amazing
  • Interesting stuff in the rhythm and impro classes
  • I love the variety in the rhythm and impro classes, I feel more confidence with improvising now.
  • I loved the rhythm and impro classes. Gave me inspiration and new ideas on how to approach music and write songs. I feel the music now.
  • For me personally it was an interestig rhythm and impro class! great class. Very active and we could do a lot ourselves during the class.
  • Love the nonjudgement of yourself in being free to try anything that you never tried before or dared before in the rhythm and impro classes.
  • Some parts in the rhythm and impro classes were great! I especially loved the impro part.
  • I really liked the rhythm teacher’s lessons.
  • I really enjoyed the studygroups. It’s a nice way of learning and to start using the tools that we’re got.
  • The studygroups is a good opportunity to get extra help on specific problems from the teacher after being directed in singing with pianist. Teacher assistance is vital.
  • The studygroups is a great lesson on how to deal with other people’s egos 🙂
  • The studygroups depended very much on who was in your group, but when it worked it was cool.
  • The studygroups is a great way of learning with and from each other.
  • Love the ability to get help in studygroups.
  • I liked the studygroups a lot. Very helpful.
  • Love the singing with pianist. Especially after class-switch, to see progress in less experienced students.
  • I think it’s really useful to watch the others and to learn from others sessions. I like the  singing with pianist and really like that we can benefit from the others sessions 🙂
  • Very helpful singing with pianist.
  • I loved the variety of teachers in the singing with pianist classes, I felt the feedback was always helpful.
  • Very nice singing with pianist, most of the time we got enough time to work with our songs.
  • I really enjoyed the level of teaching in the singing with pianist classes. It really “saved” my problems well.
  • Great pianists in the singing with pianist classes!
  • Learned so so much in the singing with pianist classes.
  • Great to get input from so many teachers in the singing with pianist classes. Would love more time with it.
  • My favourite subject. Nothing on issues in a song is the best thing. Also nice to listen and observe others.
  • There should be more singing with pianist classes.
  • Cool singing with pianist classes. Would like to have more of them.
  • Priviledge to have this opportunity to do the singing with pianist.
  • I got a lot from these singing with pianist classes!
  • excellent singing with pianist classes.
  • Very good singing with pianist! Great teachers, very effective lessons.
  • We all have different backgrounds. For many people it was very useful with interpretation. Personally I’ve been taking these kind of classes through acting studies since the age of nine so yeah.. but still I got some new tools and I focused more on how I could teach others this subject but I teach children singing and acting at home, so very useful for that.
  • The interpretation classes was fun! and good to have gotten some of the tools.
  • Even though I’m a musical theatre artist some things were very enlightening for me in the interpretation classes.
  • The interpretation classes were very helpful and inspiring for me! I loved it!! For me it was the most scary thing, but it turned out to be so helpful.
  • Learned a lot in the interpretation classes.
  • This interpretation classes was for me one of the top 5 on my “learn how to do” list. Loved it. The two teachers is very very good!
  • Very important interpretation classes! and interesting.
  • Loved the different methods we were given in the interpretation classes, I got so many great tools.
  • Pain, but useful interpretation classes.
  • Nice to have feedback on how to blend in the vocal groups lessons. I would have loved to have it even more often.
  • It’s great to get to know the choir work a bit, I like it.
  • More vocal groups lessons 🙂
  • I liked the vocal groups lessons!
  • The vocal groups lessons is fun thing to try.
  • The vocal groups lessons i nice experience.
  • Good set of tools in the vocal groups lessons.
  • More of the business and ambition lessons!
  • The teacher does wonders in the business and ambition lessons- felt each lesson contained valuable information and advice.
  • The business and ambition lessons was useful, a lot digest.
  • The teacher in the business and ambition lessons is very inspiring and good energy. This subject is very important for everybody d usually you don’t get someone to explain these things, so I found it very useful.
  • The teacher is great in the business and ambition lessons!
  • I’m so happy that I have learned all this stuff cause I was really bad at managing my career. I feel much more confident now.
  • These business and ambition lessons could be even more cause its SO good.
  • I already know lots of selfmanagement. Music business was interesting.
  • With Singing with painist – these business and ambition lessons are the best lessons.
  • Very helpful business and ambition lessons. i feel more ready to dive into the music business.
  • Very informative + motivating business and ambition lessons.
  • I loved the teacher in the business and ambition lessons.
  • more business and ambition lessons
  • Love these business and ambition lessons! Very inspirational and useful!
  • These business and ambition lessons were awesome! Very interesting and inspiring. The teacher did it really great! I would have loved to have more of these classes 🙂
  • Very important business and ambition lessons and so amazing to learn a little about so you get more equipped business-wise too.
  • The business and ambition lessons were great insight.
  • Loved my defined assignment. Class was good.
  • The defined assignment class was the best experience. I learned so much about my voice. It was a great challenge.
  • The defined assignment class is a fun way to explore new sides of ones voice.
  • Great idea with the defined assignment class
  • This defined assignment class motivated me and drove me to achieve what I thought was too hard.The idea is to challenge us to succed in what we felt was impossible.
  • I like that teachers are trying to challenge us with something in the defined assignment class.
  • It was good to get a task in the defined assignment class. It made me improve in the area that I didn’t know I need to improve in.
  • The defined assignment class was so fun!
  • nice to sing something not chosen by myself.
  • The idea in the defined assignment class, is very good.
  • It was great to be given a challenge in the defined assignment class!
  • I found the defined assignment class really needed.
  • Awesome defined assignment class! It was so great to see people sing songs in a totally different style! People really challenged which I think was great!
  • I’m glad for those defined assignment classes. There I got pushed/helped to challenge to a whole other  level.
  • The audition training lesson was very realistic and good.
  • The audition training lesson were very true to reality.
  • The audition training lesson made me realize how I come across and what to be aware of going to audition.
  • The audition training lesson was so helpful + interactive, also really great that the teacher stayed an hour later to allow us to all have the needed time.
  • Very helpful and fine audition training lesson 🙂
  • The audition training lesson was fun and useful.
  • Got a great audition, very helpful to have all the technical knowledge.
  • It was really helpful to go through a real-life situation in the audition training lesson. Everyone got honest feedback and I think everyone can use something of it for upcoming auditions after the academy.
  • The audition training lesson was a fun class! And good practice.
  • Great constructive criticism from the teacher in the audition training lesson.
  • This audition training lesson was my favourite. Very nervewrecking, but very important to get a taste of.
  • Many useful tools in the songwriting week!!! I discovered that I really love doing this and I’m pretty good at it 🙂
  • The songwriting week was cool, the group I was in made it work so well.
  • I think it was a good thing to do a songwriting week! I got good tools about how to start writing a song, and I will have to really start doing it after the academy.
  • I love the songwriting week! It inspired me a lot. And I wrote a lot that week.
  • The exercises in the beginning of the songwriting week = great!
  • I thought the songwriting week was very interesting. I don’t write myself, but after that I decided to try.
  • loved the songwriting week.
  • Fun songwriting week!!!
  • Lots of fun and valuable experience in the songwriting week.
  • Very challenging songwriting week especially in the groups in a very nice way. Love the concert after.
  • The songwriting week inspired me to write my first own song during the 2nd semester.
  • The songwriting week was so much  fun! To be creative with others was a great experience. I really enjoyed that week!!!!
  • I had fun in the creative cover class!
  • The creative cover class was a great class! The song we chose turned in a completely different song! Also the recording itself was good to practise with! For me it was great that a nice song was created, eventhough people just prepared a little part without knowing what the others were doing.
  • The creative cover class was interesting.
  • The creative cover class so much fun!
  • The creative cover class was interesting
  • Loved the creative cover class.
  • Was fun doing the creative cover class
  • The creative cover class nice ide & skilled teacher
  • Was very nice to loosen up the song in the creative cover class. I would have loved to have a bit more time on how to work creatively with a song that’s not my genre, to make it fit my voice
  • So fun and interactive creative cover class.
  • The creative cover class, that was fun!
  • It was fun to try classical singing and the teacher was cool.
  • I really liked the classical session. We were given nice tools.
  • I love the classical session! I sucked… but I loved it!
  • What a great experience with the classical session! It was so good to see people sing, in a style most of them never did before! And it went really well! We all sounded classical in the end, eventhough it was the first time singing classical in our lifes! I would love to go on with that, I really got inspired!
  • The classical session were a very good experience. The teacher was great.
  • The classical session was fun to bring back the memories (about singing classical)
  • Awesome teacher, the classical session great experience.
  • I really liked the classical lesson with one of the teacher.
  • Too short classical session! 🙂 Loved to have it more.
  • As a classically trained singer, I loved seeing the teaching process.
  • The british speaking dutch guy was awesome. And it was so cool to able to get help singing classical.
  • The concerts always has a great atmosphere. We organized one every week after the first one was organized from CVI. Maybe it would be even better if the first concert would be organized a bit earlier, so that the students would get inspired to organize their own concerts earlier as well! It was so great that we could use the equipment, make the room cozy and sing 🙂 I loved our concerts.
  • Good fun at the concerts
  • It was great to try out the new stuff in the performance scenario.
  • Perfect way to practice being on stage, as well as getting to know the academy better.
  • The concerts is the best learning tool ever.
  • The concerts were nice, small and cosy.
  • Our own concerts were great… we had a great time
  • The concerts we had were great
  • There are people in the group on every level and most have been very tolerant and supportive of the diversity. The biggest difference is between theoretical learners and practical learners
  • I think the level of the academy was in general pretty high. In beginning I thought that there was a bit too much of a difference… but in the end of the academy that was not an issue anymore, because everyone improved so much.
  • I didn’t had much experience so for me everyone in the group was great!
  • The first week I felt I was way ahead technical level-wise, but not anymore. It was actually because I was one of the few who read the book.
  • We are all in the group so different, some more experienced and others not as experienced.  But I love all the people here.
  • As a performer the first group really was it. And second group more inspiring for teaching.
  • Such talented people at the academy.
  • I think the level was very good. Many great singers and inspiring individuals.
  • I felt I was in a good postition to learn in the academy group. Lots of talented singers to be around.
  • Suitable level in the group.
  • First group was higher level. That was uplifting! During second group it came down on my own responsibility to get me achieving my goals.
  • I loved the different levels, I learned a lot about teaching and performing. It was fantastic to have variety.
  • I was put in a class with very much experiences people, so the level of talent and experience is quite high, would say.
  • This place is so positive and warm, felt like a big family and it influences everybody to be very kind and empthetic.
  • Love the atmosphere. Very resepectful towards each other!
  • After the break escpecially the atmosphere was fantastic.
  • I am sort of introverted so I can get overwhelmed, but in general the atmosphere good and people are nice.
  • No complaints about the atmosphere.
  • The overall vibe of the school is great.
  • Good atmosphere! You never get a long with everyone but the general vibe was good.
  • Overall the atmosphere was great!
  • Overall it was a great atmosphere! We all got along really well and a lot of new friendships come out of our academy!! Everyone was really really nice and there was no feeling of competition at all, which I really loved!
  • The atmosphere was very motivating.
  • Very supportive and non judgemental atmosphere. Rose letters were a great idea.
  • I loved the atmosphere, everyone was very respectful and supportive.
  • We all got a long quite fast. It all started with the teachers telling what kind of standard u wanted and we as students talking together very very early in the academy.
  • Fantastic pianoplayers,  they’re there for the singers. Thumbs up.
  • One of the pianist blew me away, the other pianists were also well prepred to handle the songs.
  • Professional and so fun pianist, especially one of them.
  • The pianist are amazing.
  • The pianists are great guys! And easy to work with.
  • Crazy!! The pianists are really really good! I was sooo impressed by one of the pianist when he listened to a backing-track and was writing down the chords, so he could play along the second time! Amazing!
  • It’s very cool how good the pianists are, how nice, talkable, funny, patient and easy to work with. They are top!
  • The pianists are all very skilled.
  • Most of the pianists are great.
  • The pianists are amazing.
  • No problems with the pianists.
  • Some pianists I enjoyed more than others. One of them was GREAT!
  • Sometimes very good pianists and sometimes not so good. haha. Nobodys fault. Just new.
  • The pianists were great! I would have like to make one of them play more often! He has a great positive vibe.
  • Wish the academy lasted for a year.
  • I feel ready to go 🙂
  • I think the academy is very intense
  • Wouldn’t mind if the academy was longer.
  • I’m gonna miss the academy so much 🙁
  • Perfect location.
  • Location great!
  • Very good! The location is perfect! It’s totally in the center of Copenhagen and you can get food around the corner! The rooms are perfect as well! They are very warm and friendly! (and most of them quite big as well).
  • Location is perfect. everything works properly.
  • Location-> perfect.
  • Good energy in the building
  • Location in the city was great
  • Location-wise it’s super! So easy to find, so central and short way to the metro.
  • The location is great
  • Copenhagen was a fun place to go adventure. The institute was homely and I enjoyed my stay. The couch in room B is very  comfortable.
  • it’s really cool to have this room for practicing without pressure and have this kind of “safe” place.
  • Funny, pedagogical teacher.
  • Great guy. Great teacher! You can tell that his heart is in it!
  • He is so great! He’s funny and gets the best out of you at the same time! The faces that he makes are the best at CVI 🙂 Very friendy teacher who works with us in a great way! And it works 🙂 At the same time he cared for us, always wanted to know how we are and help if things were not good! Thanks to the teacher.
  • He was a very clear teacher. I didn’t had a singing with pianist lesson with him. But he helped a lot of students.
  • From day 1 I knew this teacher was great.
  • Good at including studens –> great images on the board! Always does his best to make everybody understand, it seems like.
  • The teacher is a great man and we all wish he was able to be there with us more often. Loving guy.
  • This teacher is fun, professional, and really passionte about CVI.
  • So funny teacher and good energy!
  • He is very charming. Good teacher, knows what he’s doing. Always nice.
  • I wish this teacher was here more often. My favourite teacher. great knowledge, personality, sense of humour. it felt like he really cared for us 🙂
  • The teacher understands the balance between keeping a light fun energy in the room and giving and delivering information while keeping it interesting.
  • Knowledgable teacher, funny, genuine great guy!
  • This teacher he’s the man!
  • This teacher has a perfect balance between being serious and making jokes. With his way of being he immediately get’s the respect and concentration of the whole class.  I would have loved to have more classes/coaching from him!!
  • Great energy, great honesty, great teaching.
  • OMG! I mean this teacher is funny as hell, very good with words (simple understandable words). He cares so much for us, I can tell he is doing this school a big deal. Treasure him.
  • Great teacher! Good vibe!
  • Focused teacher, good at finding the issues and fixing them. Pedagogical.
  • I really liked his way of teaching. Very strict. He knows what he is doing and that’s a good feeling to get from your teacher.
  • Great teacher! This Teacher  teaches different subjects and all are great! I learned a lot from him with singing with pianist! And at the same time he’s really great with all the rhythm stuff! Really good!
  • This Teacher was very nice to me and very professional in his teaching. Sometimes a bit too structured..
  • very satisfied
  • Very good teacher in Singing with pianist, concrete and openminded.  he’s good at what he does.
  • The teacher is versatile which is cool.
  • This Teacher is extremely talented
  • Very skilled and inspiring teacher.
  • This Teacher is one of the most prepared and “on time” teachers.
  • The teacher is a bit intense with being on time etc. A good thing actually. Knowledgeble and neutral.
  • This teacher is a very professional guy, i like it.
  • This teacher is good at rhythm and impro and choir, singing with pianist, more explaining what he means.
  • I love the passion for music teaching, this Teacher shows me during classes. I do appreciate that a bit! Singing with pianist with him was great!
  • Loved the discipline this teacher had, very knowledgeable, really warmed up in the second half.
  • So many different classes, and all is very interesting. I like how practical he can be, but also good at giving notes to take on our way to work with.
  • Awesome teacher! Such a great person and really helped me with technique as well.
  • Helpful teacher.
  • I really really like this teacher a lot!
  • This teacher has the rhythm in his genres 🙂 The rhythm classes with him were great! He has lots of fun himself, which makes us having fun as well. And of cause he was always there if we had questions about technical issues, especially about the effects! Thanks for teaching me distortion, rattle and grunt 🙂
  • The teacher has a great enthusiasm!!! And really nice personality!! Overall I really love his energetic vibe.
  • This teacher is very good at effects and rhythm.
  • Great teacher in study group and explaining one on one.
  • The teacher has a easygoing personality, good approach.
  • Really fun and cool teacher. His knowledgeable of effects is very useful.
  • Very patient and understanding! He is  nice and calm, when he teaches which is so nice when going thorugh this intense academy.
  • Very good teacher and nice personality.
  • This teacher brings a very different aspect to the teachers group. Personally don’t care about effects but his approach and explenation are great.
  • Great guy, good in Singing with pianist
  • Really good teacher at rhythm and impro.
  • Ambition classes are great she brings a great sphere into the room. And I had her once with singing with pianist and my problem was fixed so easily.
  • this teacher <3
  • The teacher is really good in zooming in on and telling passionate about the business and inspire me to get more confidence.
  • Loved her style of teaching and her warm attitude.
  • Great teacher. Just great.
  • Very inspiring optimistic teacher: good vibe and caring. I like This Teacher and her humor.
  • Funny, helpful, outgoing teacher.
  • What an inspiration person this teacher is! Very knowledgeable and good at what she does. Also.. the sweetest person. I really learned a lot from her!
  • This teacher so full of energy and spill it over to everyone! the ambition classes were awesome! She teaches in a way that makes everyone want to go for it. I think we all would like to have more of these fantastic ambitious classes 🙂
  • This teacher is amazing and she has a great energy that is contagious. Loved her classes.
  • This teacher the perfect person to be in charge of ambition classes.
  • This teacher were good at inclueding everybody making everything very clear. She’s like a friend in a way which is such a nice quality in a teacher.
  • Always looked forward to classes with this teacher. Would not attend ambition if not for her s a teacher.
  • So cool, so fun teacher! Her positive attitude is great.
  • I love this teacher!! Would be great if she could teach us more.
  • Great energy, very inspiring teacher. Very motivating.
  • This Teacher knows her stuff! the academics need way more of This Teacher!
  • This is my favourite in this academy. I would have really loved to have more classes with her. SHE’S DYNAMITE AND PEARLS.
  • This teacher has lots of humor, and it keeps us awake.
  • in Singing with pianist she was very very good. I like her way of thinking and solving issues.
  • Funny and great samples.
  • I really think this teacher is a great singer and also a good teacher.
  • This teacher knows everything and can show every possible sound as well: the technical classes with her were great! She’s a fantastic singer herself and can explain everything really clear as well!
  • I really like this teacher, she is very concrete and gives many examples while teaching which I really like. She is also creative in her way of teaching. Good!
  • This Teacher is one of the best teachers during Singing with pianist. She can easily zoom in on what the singer needs. And she is the best in giving someone a nice but firm kick under the ass!
  • So funny and skilled teacher. Loved her classes.
  • Since I sing gospel and are really appreciating teachers with humour, fire and full energy and sterdyness, this woman helped me a lot!
  • I wish we had this teacher more during the academy. Her classes were good
  • She’s an outstanding teacher
  • GREAT teacher in singing with pianist, very understanding.
  • Enjoyed this teacher classes and when she really got open with us she shined.
  • This teacher helped me a lot i was struggling with support, she gave me specific exercises now it’s getting better.
  • Great teacher in singing with pianist! Would like to have her more often in Singing with pianist.
  • Great teacher at Singing with pianist, very skilled.
  • This Teacher is great at Singing with pianist, actually she is awesome in that subject.
  • Knowledgable and hepful teacher
  • unique person! I like that the teacher was very strict and sincere. Liked that in the interpretation class she took the time with each one of us and also stayed extra time.
  • Focused teacher, great samples.
  • Love this teacher! Such a strong woman. An inspiration. The kind of person you just want to hangout with! and I learned a lot.
  • This teacher is so nice, warm, friendly and cares a lot about the student! I really liked the classes with her, especially the interpretation classes. She made we think about interpretation more and got the out of my comfort zone! Soo great! 🙂
  • This teacher really cares about all of us. It feels like she sees us for who we are.
  • This teacher is such a sweet person! People love her!
  • The teacher is quite direct an intense, but also really sees the individual! That is very important.
  • It was a pleasure to  work with this teacher, and she respected what I wanted to gain from interpretation.
  • This teacher is so motherly, she is strict in the sense that she expects something from you but at the same time she’s very patient and caring which I think is important, when going through this intensive academy.
  • Great person, great teacher, very involved with her students.
  • Well organised and sympathetic teacher.
  • We had the most contact with this teacher to she became like our Academy mom, very prepared an compationate!
  • Great person, invested in her students, great for interpretation
  • Loved this teachers interpretation glasses she was a great teacher who stayed a lot of times longer for us!
  • <3 <3 <3 Favourite teacher, she helped me so much.
  • Very warm teacher and loving person! Loved having her around so much! She is very good in tuning in on every singers personality when it comes to having “fears” or struggles.
  • This teacher has such a gift with teaching. Her classes were always very direct whole being friendly, it was the perfect balance. She stayed overtime often, and was always present. She really got to know us, I loved her, she is amazing at what she does.
  • I really appreciated this woman. She’s very good at being calm, gentle and challengng you to the CORE! But she made me take choices all the time which I have progressed from a lot.
  • Even though this teacher is new to the team, he has done great. he is always calm and grounded, and his way of teaching is great.
  • This teacher is very clear during singing with pianist! Great powepoint presentation with technique. he’s really good.
  • Nice to have someone of our age in the teaching team. His way of teaching is fresh.
  • This teacher have humor and energy.
  • This teacher’s singing with pianist classes were good he helped me alo in the beginning.
  • Accomodating, helpful teacher.
  • He’s young, but he knows what he’s doing in his teaching! One of my best singing with pianist was with him. Also very nice guy, always smiling! 🙂
  • Very nice to be around him, funny and calm and professional teacher.
  • Brilliant teacher in singing with pianist. Great pedagogically, nice guy.
  • This teacher helped me a lot in singing with pianist. and the technical lessons went smoothly.
  • This teacher is super prepared. He’s taking his work very seriously.
  • The teacher had a very positive personality.
  • He is more prepared than anyone, he is excellent as a teacher.
  • I enjoyed every lesson this teacher! Always with a big smile and good approach.
  • Really great experience with the teacher. Strict when he needs to be.
  • Very charismatic and a great teacher! Loved his way of approaching the class.
  • The teacher did such a great job during the interpretation classes! He could give on his experience and totally made us all improve our interpretation skills! In combination with his relaxed and kind character he was an awesome teacher!
  • So enthusiastic and loveable teacher. Great eyecontact.
  • The teacher have a great vibe!!
  • Perfect teacher!
  • This teacher is like the secret weapon of CVI. The aka needs waaay more of him! Also in singing with pianist!
  • Very nice guy, good teacher.
  • This teacher gave us good tools that we can use at interpretation.
  • This teacher has everything. He’s perfect equally for singing with pianist and interpretation work.
  • Such a good teacher in interpretation. Very calm and sees the situation.
  • Fun to see his approach to bot interpretation and singing with pianist.
  • The teacher is cool.
  • Loved this teachers interpretation.
  • Loved his way of teaching during interpretation. Would be nice if he teaches more Singing with pianist.
  • Very open, warm and helpful teacher.
  • Don’t really think this teacher had to change anything.
  • I would have loved to have him more for Singing with pianist and rhythm and impro. He was my favourite teacher for rhythm and impro.
  • He has a really nice and peaceful/relaxed way of teaching during singing with pianist. And other classes with him were very inspiring and nice! Would be nice to have him teach more singing with pianist.
  • This teacher has the rhythm in his venes! His positivity made us all having fun during the classes as well! He’s spreading happiness and teaches really good! Thanks Teacher!
  • This teacher was great as well as rhythm and impro and singing with pianist he also brought a great atmosphere in the the room.
  • Super great samples.
  • WOW… what a talent! This teacher is the kind of guy you just want to learn from “cause you wanna be just like him when you grow up” 🙂
  • He is cool, very laid back and fun teacher.
  • I love this teacher! Never have any pressure, when he teached us I was so relaxed and I felt that he really enjoys the teaching and he truely cares. Focusing on having fun while doing music.
  • Groovy, Eager, Also very understanding teacher.
  • This teacher has a perfect personality for rhythm and impro. Made the incomfortable risk taking seem like a fun game.
  • More of this teacher!
  • He helped me a lot. He’s excellent teacher and musician.
  • Great attitude, great classes, would’ve liked more classes with him.
  • He is superb teacher in rhythm. Love hin in singing with pianist. Easy to understand and good at solving problems.
  • This teacher was very nice and repsected the fact that classical is not natural and easy for everyone, adjusted the level to each one of us.
  • This teachers vibe is amazing. Would loved if he also gave rhythmic singing lessons.
  • Nice to have a classical-background-teacher. He could be a bit more relaxed during the class as he was sooo full of positive happy energy that I was sometimes overwhelmed by it 🙂
  • The teacher was great! It was a great experience to sing classical with him! For most of us it was new, but he still managed to get a classical sound out of our voices! I loved it and I would love to do some more classical singing now. (And it was super nice that he came to our church concert 🙂 )
  • The teacher was good, I guess I don’t have experience in classical so I don’t know how to judge him.
  • All teachers: I think all the teachers in general are good.
  • Even though we had this teacher once he knew our names. Very professional and positive.
  • I loved seeing his approach to teaching rhythmic singers how to sing in the classical style. He approached it in such an inspiring way and made people see classical in a less intense way. He was fabulous.
  • To all teachers: you don’t have to improve because you are FANTASTIC!
  • The teacher is good at pinpointing issues and fixing them.
  • Great guy, I learned a lot! Too bad we didn’t have him more.
  • This teacher was great, worked with your level without making you feel insecure.
  • The teacher made classical singing fun for me!
  • This teacher is good at classical.
  • The teacher was very funy and very talkative.
  • Very nice and energetic. He was a great classical teacher.
  • Humor. Great to work with this teacher.
  • Everything I needed was treated and always nicely, mails are immidiatlely respond and I felt like the administration truly care 🙂
  • Very well organized and positive administration.
  • Great communication both before and during the academy from the administration.
  • the administration seems really cool and friendly.
  • the administration are awesone.
  • The administration are lovely! Always nice to be greeted ith a smile in the morning.
  • The administration are doing so much work and they does it sooo good! Couldn’t be better!
  • The administration are always nice and very effitionate!
  • Never see the administration, but they are always available when you want to ask something
  • The administration replies fast and helps you with anything.
  • Very positive administration.
  • Very nice and understanding administration.
  • The administration helped with the housing problem that I had.
  • Very helpful and a great personalities in the administration! Love to walk by the office… they got great taste in music 😉
  • That’s also great! Their office door is open a lot, so everyone can come in and ask questions. They always does the best they can! And They are also a really really positive, nice and friendly person, I love the chats I had with them 🙂
  • Same here. So nice, trustful and personal administration.
  • Yeah awesome administration.
  • The administration is cool, fund and friendly.
  • The administration replies fast.
  • Perfect administration! They are doing a great job, in the offie and one of them as a teacher! If you have any questions via the mail you get an answer really really fast! they makes us feel special and writes the emails very friendly and in a way personal! Great 🙂
  • Great administration!
  • The administration was very good everything was clear for me.
  • The administration the best! And good persons to show you around.
  • Nothing to add!! Everything works perfect in the administration.
  • I consider one of the ladies from the administration as the “bigmama” in this house. She gives good information. She is very warm and has great experience in so many aspects us can tell when she talks.
  • Very informative + open administration.
  • Answers emails immidiately!
  • The administration helped me enroll in the academy, despite being only a few weeks until it started plus helped with questions about overseas travel.
  • cool and helpful administration.
  • Very helpful and a sweet persons in the administration. Always smiling!
  • The administration can’t be better! They are doing a fantastic job! 🙂 The housing was coordinated very good and fast and also all other things, they did really great!
  • Very well organized and positive administration.
  • Always helpful and fast administration!
  • Well, the administration is very good.
  • My outcome is that i’m more skilled and focused supportwise, more volume and power, more effects. in general I have more tools to practise and play and have fun wtih!! 🙂
  • Thank you 🙂
  • Keep it up.
  • Thanks again! <3
  • See 33.
  • See 33
  • I Love you <3 🙂
  • Loved this experience!
  • Loved this course.
  • Just thank you!! And see you again! Lot’s of love to you all! <3 <3 <3 =XXX
  • Thank you for having me. Xoxo
  • And you are all so great. Great environment.
  • Dream come true! Fantastic –> Best time of my life, thank you so much fun everything. You are all so great!
  • Improved beyond my expectations and have all the tools.
  • I know now how to work and how to practice. I know what I want to do in the future, now I have the tools for it.
  • I’ve learned a lot! Thank You. I am more in control of my voice and have so many tools to use.
  • I know now that I would love for CVT to be my profession.
  • I found myself! and I defined what I want to do in life.
  • Thanks for making this the best 14 weeks of life <3
  • Love you all and CVT <3 Thank you so much for greatest time of my life now I know. That I would learn more singing “stuff” in the future :-)
  • Thank you so much this has been an incredible experience that I will treasure for the rest of my life.
  • I’ll miss you, CVI!!
  • Tak for en fantastisk proces. Specielt den ikke-konkurrence fokuserede tilgang har bragt mig meget på flere niveauer.
  • Learned a lot! Has developed in so many ways.
  • I’m more confident and feel like I learned a lot.
  • Way too much outcome to fit here. Confidence, technical knowledge. The ability to work on everything and a hundred more things!!
  • I achieved what I came for.
  • I gained more confidence, improved technique, more focused, learned how to practice.
  • I got to know myself and voice more. Know what this technique is all about. Improved technique – made friends for life.
  • Jeg har fået mere selvtillid, bedre kundskab til stemme og musik, mere tro på fremtid.
  • Jeg har lært meget og føler mig mere sikker.
  • I improved a lot and I nailed some goals! Now I’m on the way to continue.
  • I like that we took one topic at the time in the technical subject lessons. And I found it really interesting.
  • Love CVT <3
  • Very interesting technical subject lessons.
  • Clear and Efficient technical subject lessons, but sometimes a quick pace.
  • Every technical lesson was very informative.
  • Very good and informative technical subject lessons. The teachers have a lot of knowledge! Impressive..
  • Perfect combo between theory and pracice and room for questions in the technical subject lessons.
  • The technical subject lessons was very easy to follow the different stuff. Very good tips and tricks.
  • Great technical subject lessons.
  • I learned so much in the technical subject lessons! Very specific.
  • Great structure in the technical subject lessons.
  • Awesome technical subject lessons, always clear.
  • I got very inspired in the rhythm and improvisation lessons, lot of new ideas, learned to listen to music in a whole new way.
  • Really nice rhythm and improvisation classes, but difficult sometimes.
  • These rhythm and improvisation lessons was the class I found most challenging, but also got the most out of. I loved the way the teachers pushed us out of the comfortzone in a good way.
  • I’ve studied musical theory for 5 years, but I learned a lot from improvisation, so it was not all new to me (the rhythm theory).
  • This is the one class that I think was a little scary because it’s outside of my comfort zone to improvise, but the rhythm – lessons were very good.
  • Really fun rhythm and improvisation lessons!!! I learned a lot and love to improvise and challenge myself in this setting.
  • It’s been very developing to have rhythm impro.
  • Really cool rhythm and improvisation lessons – wanted more.
  • Virkelig godt med ‘rhythm and improvisation lessons’. Ret skræmmende men super godt og ikke særlig farligt alligevel.
  • Meget givtige timer, og opfindsomme ‘rhythm and improvisation lessons’.
  • I got a lot of new ideas. The rhythm and improvisation lessons was not too easy and not too difficult. Perfect balance.
  • The rhythm and improvisation lessons were my favourite class! Very inspiring.
  • Loved the rhythm and improvisation lessons!
  • I think the studygroups is a nice way of learn to practice together.
  • The studygroups depends on the group you are with, but usually very good.
  • Sometimes the time just fly and we don’t can’t go through many things in the studygroups.
  • I learned a lot in the studygroups and to work in a new way!
  • In the studygroups it’s nice to be able to practice whatever you need with the help from the teachers.
  • Some studygroups better than others, but learning by doing it with other students is great.
  • I love the studygroups.
  • Godt med ‘studygroups’
  • Sometimes it was difficult to find the same “problems” in the studygroups. Was sometimes hard work.
  • The studygroups was difficult in the beginning.
  • Really good singing sessions. Wish we had more singing sessions felt I learned the most in those lessons.
  • Love them all of the teacher is professional and know what they are doing and so willing to help us in the singing sessions <3
  • I loved the singing sessions!! The best part of the week. The great combination of a singing lesson and practising having an audience present.
  • Would love to have more singing sessions.
  • Excellent singing sessions! This was one of my favourite sessions!!
  • Grrrrrreat singing sessions.
  • Really nice singing sessions! My favourite class aswell.
  • I wish we had more of those singing sessions, very efficient.
  • Meget lærerigt både at stå foran gruppe, lytte til andre og arbejde selv i ‘singing sessions’.
  • Pianisterne var virkelig gode til at hjælpe os. Men det ville have været super hvis de efterhånden hjalp lidt mindre hvis vi kunne øve os i at blive bedre til at kunne selv.
  • I love the singing lessons! Great pianist and great teachers! singing sessions should be as many times as possible.
  • I learned a lot of new ways of working with interpretation. Teachers were very professional and encouraging
  • Love the interpretation lessons so much fun!
  • Good and valuable advice on how to work with songs and performing in the interpretation lessons.
  • I really liked the interpretation lessons!
  • Super interpretation lessons, more.
  • I loved the interpretation lessons!! And the teachers are so nice, warm and talented.
  • The interpretation lessons was so nice, especially theo staging with the teacher. So so good and develop.
  • Really cool interpretation lessons – hard to understand at first but getting there.
  • Especially one of the teachers interpretation lessons were excellent!
  • Yeah! So great interpretation lessons! So important to become a performer.
  • Virkelig gode ‘interpretation lessons’. Men ærgerligt at vi kke havde, flere timer, for det tog tid at turde.
  • I felt we worked really fast in the vocal group session. Sometimes I felt that there were a little bit too much information for one class.
  • Really nice with the vocal group session when you miss your choir at home (haha) :-)
  • The vocal group sessions is a great way to practice listening and trusting your muscle memory. And it was really fun to be with everyone sometimes.
  • FUN vocal group session!! Go the teacher.
  • Fun vocal group session! :-)
  • Great vocal group session
  • Felt we moved a bit too fast but still learned so much from being pushed out of comfort zone in the vocal group session.
  • The vocal group session is a relaxed way for the whole group to sing together. Important for the dynamic in the group – and great stuff!
  • Learned a lot in the business and ambition classes
  • I LOVED THE BUSINESS AND AMBITION CLASSES!! so much positivity and a great way to find your path.
  • The teacher is sooo great and let us believe in your biggest dreams!
  • Awesome business and ambition classes! Helped me figure our what and how to do what I want.
  • Nice learning environment, interesting information in the business and ambition classes.
  • The teacher was fantastic in the business and ambition classes and learned me a lot.
  • Really makes you think – awesome business and ambition classes.
  • The business and ambition classes is life and career changing. Information and moments.
  • The business and ambition classes was really inspiring
  • So many important things for everyone in the business and ambition classes. Cool topics and very inspiring.
  • Nogle ting var godt at vide, som basis om “musik industrien” osv.
  • Very good to have all that knowledge about business and ambitions in the future.
  • It was nice to try the classical singing session.
  • The classical singing session is still great – good to do both recording + piano.
  • I learned a lot when I worked with my defined assignment. A lot of frustration but it was worth it.
  • The defined assignment was a really big challenge but worth it.
  • Good subject and to practice a song chosen for you.
  • I improved and developed by getting this defined assignment challenge.
  • Really good challenge with the defined assignment.
  • I liked to work on a song i would not decide. It opens other doors. Great defined assignment!
  • The teacher did a great job in the defined assignment.
  • I really liked teachers picking us songs in the defined assignment! Nice idea!
  • Super experience! Very good audition training, wish to have had more classes.
  • Really great day with the teacher in audition training.
  • I liked the audition training a lot
  • I would have love to be more prepared for the audition training, if I knew that it was so important,
  • Interesting and valuable information in the audition training, very hands on working with the teacher. It was nice how she made us participate in many ways.
  • Super we could. Have the audition training more times.
  • So useful with audition training! I will take this with me and use it in an audtion setting.
  • good good audition training.
  • Love the teacher in audition training!
  • Super audition training- hadn’t thought about any of that.
  • The audition training was one of the best sessions, I’ve gotten very honest feedback from the teacher and advice from the pianist.
  • Very realistic audition training class.
  • You have to get over yourself in the audition training! It showed me what I’m able to if I have to! So great.
  • I have never did nothing like that before but now I believe in that I can wrote my own song just for fun and maybe more.
  • In the songwriting week I finally got off my shell and I’ve continued with it afterwards. I would love to get some more feedback on it after the concert, but I totally see why the teachers didn’t do it.
  • A hard start in the songwriting week, but made it in the end.
  • Inspiring songwriting week.
  • I loved the songwriting week. Learned a lot and got so inspired.
  • super – awesome songwriting week. So much fun. Had not ever considered songwriting.
  • Rigtig spændende ‘songwriting week’ og det hjalp mig meget videre at have noget tid med pianisten. Måske ville en del mere struktur de første dage gøre processen mere flydende for mig.
  • The songwriting week was a bit too “free”.
  • Good stuff in the songwriting week! I loved the different approaches. I got many helpful ideas.
  • I loved the creative cover class because I love to cover songs
  • Really fun creative cover class and great to see what we can do with songs.
  • I think the creative cover class was very technical, would love to go in groups and try it out for real, not just improvising.
  • FUN creative cover class!
  • FUN to play with different genres and songs in the creative cover class.
  • I really like changing the rhythms and choosing the version I like in the creative cover class.
  • I missed the creative cover class but was told it was very cool.
  • Svært med ‘creative cover class’, men spændende
  • The idea to change so many things in a song was very inspiring and I loved the creative cover class!
  • Good vibes spread at the concerts. Got to know fellow students better.
  • The concert was good training to be more complete on stage :-)
  • The concert is the best experiences to get to perform in front of each other.
  • Great concert!! I always had a great time.
  • Awesome concert.
  • good concert.
  • Always great concerts + everyone connects!
  • Concerts are always great!
  • The concerts is the best thing ever!
  • The concerts is a nice way to practise. Very important for the “group-feeling”
  • God idé med kirkekoncert
  • Wonderful to have singers at different levels and styles in a group. Interesting to follow their improvement and growth.
  • Really great teachers and everyone is so professional in the class.
  • I think the level was really divided, but we cheered for each other anyway.
  • a variation of level, but everybody has developed a lot.
  • Good level!
  • Really good mix of level.
  • The level varies a lot – if we are talking technique but I think that is good.
  • Most were at a similar or higher level
  • The level is not important.
  • Plads til alle. Jeg blev udfordret på alle punkter – på en god måde,
  • Good balance of level. We learned a lot from each other. There was a lot of fun and I loved that it was not important to compare each other.
  • We had some challenges, but I think it made the group more open and closer together.
  • last 2 week the atmosphere was fantastic in the group. more of us are really great friends <3
  • we had a great group – atmosphere. Supportive.
  • Really nice atmosphere in the group. Balanced and great and warm. Personalitites that really cared for each others and supported each others in all kind of ways.
  • Alle har gode intentioner og det skinner igennem.
  • the group was great.
  • We had a great group!
  • We nailed it! It was so nice that we had the chance to show our feelings.
  • Especially two of the pianists were very encouraging and shared there experiences and knowledge with us.
  • One of the pianists is especially good, veldig lydhør til sangerne.
  • The pianists are very helpful and nice person.
  • The pianists had a great level!
  • The pianists are very good at their job.
  • So talented pianists- helpful
  • The pianists are reat musician! They really help you feel satisfied.
  • The pianist were so nice to us and helped us the best way they could.
  • Dygtige og kompetente pianister. Dog ikke lige gode til fx. gospel genren.
  • The academy course is very intense, but a good duration for the academy.
  • It would be nice if the course lasts for a whole semester, jan.-juni, then it’s easier to get financial support.
  • I wish the academy course was for 3 years.
  • I’m satified but the academy course could be a little longer!
  • This academy course could last a lifetime.
  • I would love if the academy course was longer, cause I love being here. And academy 2 (advanced academy) would be great.
  • I think the academy course had a good length.
  • The academy course could be longer.
  • Akademiet måtte meget gerne være længere.
  • Perfect duration of the academy course! Not too short, not too long – the break in the middle was very important. 14 weeks – my brain is full but I’m so happy!
  • Akademiet er et intenst forløb.
  • Location is excellent
  • I love it all
  • Love CVI – perfect.
  • Nice rooms. The technical stuff is perfect and the booking system too!
  • Gode lokaler. Også til at øve i, dog svært at få plads.
  • Encouraging teacher and a good sense of humour –> this is waht he is good at.
  • The teacher has a great energy, makes us feel safe, lots of humour.
  • Great to work with this teacher. Energetic, positive and gets results really fast. Amazing lesson at singing session.
  • Awesome teacher, always gives room for trying things out, no pressure.
  • Warm, funny, talented teacher.
  • I like the teacher.
  • Super fun and super talented teacher.
  • I really like the teachers rhythmical approach.
  • Very understanding teacher.
  • The teacher has a lot of knowledge and work very intuitivt. Det virker rigtig godt med singing session.
  • Great! He’s got the rhythm and he is a nice teacher.
  • Fedt at læreren opfordrer til at vi ikke bare stiller os tilfredse og kræver noget af ham. Godt at lære at synge “neutral”. Tak!
  • A complete pro teacher. was a great contact to students is sure that all the students follow what is said, which is great.
  • So nice teacher and always willing to get the best out of you :-)
  • So understanding teacher, I always felt “taken care of” in his class. Really good to explain difficult stuff.
  • Would love to have more sessions with this teacher, not only evaluation.
  • Friendly teacher and fun energy.
  • Funny teacher, caring person in all kind of ways.
  • The teacher has a great energy
  • Great teacher.
  • Very good teacher, but wish we would have had him more. Could be more understanding about students and their emotions.
  • Læreren har en fantastisk energi. TIl tider går det meget hurtigt.
  • Ærgerligt at vi ikke havde flere timer sammen med denne lærer.
  • Great teacher! He has an answer for any problem – and a very nice person.
  • The teacher is great at analyzing problems.
  • So skilled teacher and has great knowledge.
  • Really great and professional teacher.
  • I like how the teacher pushes us out of our comfort zone and don’t allow us give up.
  • Very knowledgeable teacher
  • The teacher knows a lot about choir and rhythmical things.
  • But excellent teacher in his creativity knowledge.
  • Really talented teacher and has a lot of knowledge.
  • Strict and good teacher.
  • The teacher is a human metronome.
  • Good teacher
  • Læreren er især god til Impro of rytmer og at hjælpe mig med at udvikle.
  • Læreren har kæmpe faglig og pædagogisk viden. Jeg er mere end tilfreds.
  • The teacher gave me many ideas and he’s a great, respectful teacher.
  • I think he was the best teacher. Calm but strict. Knows exactly what he wants to teach us.
  • The teacher has a great energy, I always felt safe in his classes. Was always really fun.
  • Really great and professional teacher. You can see that I love his Job and waht he is doing.
  • Amazing teacher at effects and always caring.
  • Super positive energy and skilled teacher.
  • Empathetic and encouraging teacher.
  • The teacher is a energetic, smiling and warm person.
  • Good teacher.
  • I want to marry him, this teacher is so cool :-) ha.
  • He is very good teaching us effects and rhythm.
  • Fantasiful undervisning. Fornemmer klassen og folk godt. Hold føringen, ledelsen i klassen.
  • I am so thankful for all my conversations with this teacher – good friend and a great teacher.
  • So funny, so loving teacher, great encouragement!! I LOVE YOU.
  • The teacher is so nice. I love her.
  • Very wise and kind. A good teacher for ambition class.
  • Very professional and experienced teacher.
  • Fantastic teacher, inspiring and unique.
  • A fantastic personality. No one is like this teacher! She’s just unique.
  • Super teacher.
  • She says things as it is. Really good teacher.
  • I want to touch this teacher, she is so spectacular awesome.
  • Very inspiring teacher.
  • Erfaren mama.
  • Respectful, open minded – great teacher! Thanks for ambition class.
  • Very good and positive teacher. Good vibes! Maybe could be sometimes more clear.
  • Takes the students as a whole person. Teaches the human, not the voice. Is very analytical, but also good with feelings.
  • Fantastic teacher and she give everything into what she is doing really professional <3
  • A true skill with people, an absolute delight to work with this teacher.
  • The teacher is always spot on with answers to the most complicated questions. Great laidback sence of humour! Thanks for creating a safe environment.
  • Extremely efficient and helpful in singing session, very good teacher.
  • Awww lovely teacher. So cool calm + talented – You rock!
  • Super pedagogic teacher. Learned a lot from her!
  • Love her! So good teacher.
  • The teacher is so nice and positive! One of the best teachers! Very calm, nice and clear.
  • Great with visuals, very gentle teacher.
  • Teknisk og menneskeligt fantastisk lærer.
  • Really good and clever teacher. Helped me improve a lot avesome at effects especially vocal breaks.
  • great teacher! She is so perfect in finding the exact “problem” thanx.
  • Wonderful power woman with inspiring energy. nats to knwo her students and helps them in the best possible way. Wants to challenge her students in a good way. Gives honest and constructive feedback. My favourite teacher!
  • Fantastic teacher, I would love to have her often because she is so great! And also a great mentor.
  • Very warm teacher. Good at positive feedback.
  • Really good with students, energetic teacher.
  • The teacher is great at feedback, tough love and guiding. Great mentoring as well.
  • Super teacher.
  • Awesome and inspiring teacher.
  • Laughing and smiling a lot. Warm, nice and talented teacher.
  • I love the teacher! Great!
  • Power og engagement fra denne lærer.
  • Ville gerne have mere staging. Flere timer med interpretation fra denne lærer.
  • great teacher, great artist! She showed us so many useful interpretation “tricks”.
  • The teacher is very involved with the students.
  • The teacher is a great mentor.
  • The teacher takes everybodys feeling in concert and she is empathetic.
  • Nice and good teacher
  • So present and enthusiastic teacher!! I always felt good in his classes.
  • Really nice teacher and willing to help you.
  • Very good at inclueding the entire class.
  • So inspiring and lovely teacher to work with. Has great experience and knowledge.
  • Wonderful interpretation teacher.
  • Great teacher- has a very subtil way of kicking your ass!
  • Funny and personal teacher. Warm person.
  • Good teacher and teaches well and clear.
  • I loved the interpretation class. He is a great teacher and a very respectful person.
  • Denne lærer er god til interpretation.
  • I learned a lot about volume. Singing is a connection of a body and sould. Learned a lot about myself and social relationships. Got many wonderful new friends. I know I have a lot to learn, but I also feel that I can do it.
  • Very good information from beginning to end from the administration.
  • The administration is always ready to help you!
  • Very efficient contact with the administration and easy to approach.
  • The administration is very nice and professional person.
  • The administration is so lovely and don’t get enough thanks – give them a raist.
  • Very serviceminded administration.
  • så sød administration.
  • Very great job from the administration!
  • Thank you for “good mornings”. The administration is very friendly and has an ear for any problem.
  • Great administration!
  • The administration are always smiling and bring so much happiness in your life.
  • Very helpful and serviceminded administration.
  • No improvement needed from the administration.
  • Very great job from the administration!
  • Always quick to reply, great administration.
  • “smile” –> The administration is sooo friendly.
  • The administration sended me the “welcome to the academy” mail and this (yeah, i know she’s a great teacher) soooo cool!
  • Always willing to help you, the administration is fantastic <3
  • Love you!! + thanks to the administration.
  • The administration is always willing to help.
  • No improvement needed from the administration.
  • Friendly, respectful administration, “nothing is a problem” thanx.
  • Så blid administration.
  • Life changing. Personal and artistic growth. Memories for life. Friends for life. A new outlook and hope for the future. Also – learned to accept my sound and voice more.
  • I feel much more confident in my ability and capable of finding solutions for myself.
  • I learned a lot, was able to perform some new techniques, but most important is that I have a lot of notes and recordings where means I have a lot of materials to work with on my own.
  • I think it changed my life. Lived my dream on the roofs of Copenhagen.
  • Better understanding of the technique and interpretation.
  • Fantastic outcome.
  • I’ve learned now to explain my singing in terms.
  • Jeg ved hvordan jeg skal løse mine problemer og jeg er blevet bevidst om hvad jeg gør.
  • En af de bedste ting jeg har gjort for mig selv. Er blevet meget mere selvsikker.
  • I now have great tools to work with and have gotten to know my voice in a whole new way!
  • A lot of outcome. I have become so confident and I feel so much love when I think of the academy.
  • A great time in my life! I’ve learned so much, not just singing. I feel much more ready now to face the challenge that are to come.
  • I’ve learned a lot about effects and support and other singers and myself, has been awesome.
  • Great outcome, I have learned so much.
  • I have learned to sing in a healthier way. And that was my goal! So greaaaattt :-)
  • So much outcome. Learned so much about myself.
  • I improved in many aspects of my signing. Rhythm, effects, interpretation.
  • I could reach my main goals, all challenges for me.
  • Jeg elsker CVI!! Kommer tilbage til jer :-)
  • Thank you for everything <3
  • Thanks for the time here! It was aan amazing experience I will carry with me.
  • I think the scheduale fits very good, also cause you have the book to prepare yourself with to the technical subject lessons.
  • The technical subject lessons were interesting and necessary.
  • I was cruing the first technical subject lessons. So great! It convinced me. I was sceptical.
  • Good to get the facts about what we’re doing as well in the technical subject lessons!
  • Virkelig godt med de tekniske lektioner! So fedt at prøve af selv. Kunne ikke være bedre.
  • The technical subject lessons could cover everythiing. High quality classes.
  • New to me. Loved the rhythm and impro lessons.
  • Very fun and I learned good things in the rhythm and impro lessons.
  • Fantastisk, interessant, givende.
  • The rhythm and impro lessons were interesting and necessary too. Some days I thought it was too much for my level, others were very cool.
  • Udfordrende rytmiske og impro lektioner! Svært og meget lærerigt! Et af de vigtigste fag for mig.
  • I was scared for these rhythm and impro lessons but it became a great succes for me. It was fun. I loved improvising.
  • Fuuny rhythm and impro lessons. Absurd. Like children. Very good to get out of the “perfect” ambitions head. Feeling like kids again. Wonderful.
  • Never really thought about playing with the rhythm so the rhythm and impro lessons was great.
  • Good to work together and learn from others in studygroups.
  • it’s been great learning from each other in the studygroups
  • The studygroups is a nice way to put into practice the technique, and share ideas and ask the teacher.
  • The studygroups works very good
  • Flexible studygroups. Good that we could work both alone and with others.
  • Good studygroups!
  • Nice to have the studygroups.
  • The studygroups is such an effective way to learn more, through each other.
  • Very good singing sessions!
  • Mega lærerigt med singing with pianist!!!!
  • I loved the singing sessions. it was challenging, also very good for the searching proces.
  • Usefu singing sessions
  • I love the singing sessions! I will miss it.
  • Very skilled pianists and teachers working in a good way together. This makes the singing organic. fantastic moments for me personal working with my songs. Eye opening.
  • Great great singing sessions, very important.
  • Fantastic interpretation lessons! so develoing. good that it’s 2 different teacher and approaches.
  • The interpretation lessons opened my eyes to a different way of performing songs.
  • I loved working with myself in a way where you push yourself to convince your audience in the interpretation lessons!
  • I like the interpretation lessons a lot. They helped me putting into practice some things.
  • Very very heard for me, but learned so much in the interpretation lessons.
  • Så hårdt med interpretation lektionerne! Men vigtigt! Det bedste fag på skolen.
  • Really good interpretation class. Opened my eyes to the “artistic” side of singing more.
  • I don’t love choir work but a good thing to learn! :-)
  • wanted more vocal group sessions!!
  • It was nice learning some harmonics and the feeling of a group becoming one sound. I really liked the vocal group sessions.
  • Sjovt at arbejde med harmonier, uden for “kor-genren”.
  • Cool to release the stress once in a while in the vocal group sessions. And also interesting as when we worked with more programs.
  • Loved singing in the choirsessions.
  • With one teacher very good vocal group sessions. With another teacher good.
  • FUN vocal group sessions! More of that!
  • It’s nice to be together as one big group in the vocal group sessions.
  • It was great getting the challenge in the ambition classes:-)
  • Fedt, hårdt, svært, irriterende og MEGA lærerigt med ambitions lektionerne.
  • Kunne godt bruge en til ‘business and ambition classes’ i løbet a kurset.
  • My assignment was a challenge, what I really liked.
  • Interesting business and ambition classes and my song was a good choice for me
  • The business and ambition class and the task was fun. Good learning process
  • Thank you for your flexibility and your challenging me in such a good way in the business and ambition classes. “red roses” was a demanding and humourous choice.
  • Thumbs up to the business and ambition classes.
  • I like the fact that we were given an assignment.
  • The audition training was a good experience.
  • Very important to try out the audition training.
  • From what I saw the audition training was very interesting and useful, a shame that I got sick and has to leave before I did it myself.
  • Very funny and interesting audition training.
  • Great audition training! Learn a lot there also by watching the others.
  • I think the teachers did a really good job in audition training and i really learned something about my self that day- (it was scary too.)
  • Very very good learning with the audition training
  • Very fun audition training and good to practice for a real life situation :-)
  • Really realistic audition training, what made the class really interesting.
  • Helt vildt godt med sangskriver uge. Noget af det bedste her på ACA.
  • -”- i wrote a song – yeah :-)
  • Interesting songwriting week , stressful, but overall it was satisfying when I finished my song.
  • The teacher was such a good coach in the songwriting week.
  • I wrote my 1st song so very exciting songwriting week!
  • I learned a couple of new tricks in the songwriting week and it was great fun!
  • I love writing songs, and show my new skills. So it was a good opportunity for everyone.
  • I thought the songwriting week was sooo scary before I got here. But I learned a lot and wrote a song Fun and hard songwriting week.
  • So fantastic songwriting week! the teacher is great and a inspiration.
  • Gode redskaber til sangskriveri. Det behøves jo ikke være så svært :-)
  • You learn to put your own sound into the creative cover! Also I love he challenge it was one of the funniest day.
  • I had so much fun in the creative cover class! It was amazing! I felt the power.
  • Så sjovt i den ‘creative cover class’! :-)
  • Fantastic with this teacher.
  • En af det fedeste timer med ‘the creative cover class’! Det var SÅ sjovt brilliant! Great fun at the creative cover class and very useful!
  • Was different than what I expected but it was hilarious in the creative cover class.
  • The creative cover class was the best thing!
  • The creative cover class was a lot of fun! Fever J!
  • Awesome tools and ideas in the creative cover class.
  • I love the concerts.
  • Many great nights with topp atmosphere. Will miss that.
  • Nice and cozy concerts, nice we can organize them ourselves.
  • I would have want to do more concerts.
  • Elsker at vi har mulighed for at afholde så mange koncerter.
  • I appriciate the diversity of levels and have learned a lot from that experinece.
  • I was happy with the fact that there were a lot of differnt genres and taskes in the mix.
  • Very fun, supportive group.
  • Great singers!
  • Different backgrounds in the group but hard working people :-)
  • I think it’s nice that there is space for everyone with potential and you learn something from everyone.
  • Different kinds of people with different backgrounds, I learned a lot from all of them.
  • Loved everybody. People are in different places with different issues. Working on different things.
  • Det bedste hold, jeg elsker dem, vi er sammensat på sådan en god måde.
  • I love EVERYONE in my group særligt i rytme og impro.
  • Very good and fun teacher.
  • Positive attitude, good in singing with pianist. Very talented teacher.
  • Wonderful teacher. Skilled, Listening, Healing, Challenging.
  • So clever and smart teacher. Really knows what he is doing and how to reach people. Loved it!
  • Really dedicated and focused teacher.
  • Great teacher – great vibes, positive, easygoing – very knowledgable.
  • I had some good singing with pianist sessions with this teacher and he is allways happy.
  • Positive teacher, great with people!! Good at singing with pianist + rhythm and impro. Passionate about what he’s teaching.
  • The teacher are so relaxed and has a good heart. And want the best for us giver gode råd.
  • I have a good relationship with the teacher. Really great guy!
  • The teacher is also calm and relaxed which I liked. He is a good listener and is usually always happy :-)
  • Great teacher and great mentor too.
  • The teacher is great in rhythm & impro.
  • Cool teacher. Well prepared. Artist. Listening. “ydmyk” in a good way.
  • Very funny, friendly, teacher! Many useful tips for rhythm and impro and also in the singing with pianist classes :-) One of my favourite teachers!
  • The teacher is really good at all topics. Teacher that helped me the most.
  • Fantastic teacher and person. Would have liked more ambition classes.
  • Songwriting og ambition er gået lige i hjertet på mig.
  • The teacher is so good and I appreciate every class with her!
  • The teacher are so positive and a good heart Positive teacher, good at engaging people in the subject. Great with people.
  • Such a great woman! The teacher is so friendly, warm, positive and bubbly. Really enjoyed the ambition classes! :-)
  • Brilliant teacher! LOVE HER!
  • Energetic and happy person, the teacher is perfect for ambition class!
  • The teacher always makes me laugh and smile so I always looked forward to her classes! She has many questions.
  • Cool teacher. Mature. She knows her stuff. Open.
  • Amazing teacher! So smart and positive. A real inspiration.
  • Struktureret og så sød lærer :-)
  • Fantastic singer. She is a really good teacher
  • Fantastisk underviser, hendes undervisningsmetoder fungerede rigtig godt for mig.
  • Very skilled teacher, I like the way she pushes me and her attitude.
  • The teacher is demanding and I need also that once in a while, She is very helpful when you need it.
  • Like the teachers direct and honest opinions :-) fun!
  • I was lucky to get/have her as a mentor. She is so talented, sarcastic and funny! Thank you!
  • Min bedste mentor – ekstremt dygtig lærer! Elsker at hun er kontant og direkte.
  • The teacher is very nice:-)
  • The teacher is very good at motivating singers. She was also really good at demonstrating techniques.
  • Very talented teacher. Good at teaching very good at helping with the problem in singing with pianist.
  • The teacher is a fantastic singer
  • Such and inspiring woman! I really liked that the teacher was direct and also shared personal stories with us. She was a great “kick-in-the-butt”. Really enjoyed working with her. One of my favourite teachers!
  • Really good teacher, especially at technique.
  • Good teacher. Learned a lot. Like her a lot.
  • I learned a lot from the interpretation classes with this teacher.
  • I like the teachers way of focusing on support and the interpretation classes.
  • Love the interpretation classes so sweet teacher <3
  • The teacher helped me a lot. She is so good. Really enjoyed her classes and her advices and feddback.
  • Virkelig dygtig lærer! Fik så meget ud af de timer.
  • Really fun to work with this teacher.
  • The teacher was the best female teacher for me! She is a great combi of technical and artistic/interpretation. She is really clear at explaining the technical parts of singing and great at interpretation ideas!!! She also demands more of the students and therefore the students usually learn a lot.
  • Very good with people, positive, good at “digging” in impro.
  • For me this teacher is a wonderful singer and artist. Fantastic smile.
  • One of my favourite teachers! She is so nice, warm and positive. I learned so much from her and really enjoyed working with her :-)
  • Best teacher :-) learned so much. so inspirtational. Safe environment.
  • I love the teacher way of teaching I enjoy his presents.
  • So good teacher, positive and great energy <3
  • Kæmpe hjerte kan så meget med sin stemme.
  • The teacher can transmit information in a fast and simple way.
  • The teacher was so good! I loved the classical section!
  • The teacher is very good and also good with words. I hope his choir sings the catalan song I showed him!
  • So positive and sweet teacher.
  • I LOVED HIM! God this teacher is energetic!
  • En af de fedeste timer! Så passioneret.
  • VERY GOOD teacher! Great to work with. Learned a lot :-)
  • The was excellent at what he was teaching.
  • He is a great teacher and it’s refreshing to have a classical teacher who is openminded and not pretentious. Very fun!
  • Positive teacher, brings out the fun in classical singing.
  • For me this was fantastic – healing – so good when a teacher has this classical background and can heal wounds for us who has them from bad teachers before.
  • A very nice and funny teacher. Great tips for classical singing :-)
  • Really good teacher! He can make all classes fun and interesting.
  • The administration is great. Positive. Professional, nice – welcoming and a lovely person.
  • Very good administration! Always friendly and helps out with everything!
  • Very serviceminded administration. How does she manage?
  • The administration are very quick at responding about things! (emails) love her happy face in the morning.
  • No need for improvement from the administration! :-)
  • Quick answering and helpful administration when needed.
  • I’m happy with the administration <3
  • alt godt i administrationen
  • The administration is very friendly and professional. She said Hi a lot if she saw me. She was also kind to help me. Get a bus pass.
  • Administrationen er gode til at svare hurtigt.
  • Everything was PERFECT with the administration.
  • Nothing to say about the administration .. :-)
  • Positive administration :-)
  • The administration was friendly wherever I saw her.
  • The administration was so helpful when I was stressing they were always so calm and nice.
  • The administration is very accomodating in helping me with my financial situation.
  • The administration is there for everyone and she is doing a very good job.
  • I didn’t have so much contact with the administration, but she is nice, and helpful when needed.
  • 5 stars to the administration.
  • I think all of the staff is doing the best they can.
  • The administration are willing to help any time you meet her in the corridor.
  • Sweet administration!
  • Very good administration:-)
  • The administration was very helpful and answers my 1 million emails about the course and about the other CVI related things :-)
  • No need for improvement in the administration! :-)
  • The administration was good.
  • Nice lady. Helpful administration <3
  • I love all the effort the administration is doing and they makes you feel that they is there for you.
  • The administration are very helpful and quick answering our doubts.
  • Friendly administration and seems to have a bit to keep in mind. Always helping out.
  • Really good being in contact with the administration :-)
  • The administration was kid and helpful to me.
  • Sweet administration!
  • very sweet and welcoming administration!!!
  • The staff are all very professional and manage us on a personal level. Impressed. How do they remember our names?
  • I THANK YOU! :-)
  • Keep expanding the popularity of the technique.
  • I have now great knowledge, confidence, non-competetive spirit, support, metal. A great time.
  • I cannot imagine how fast time went by. I loved it very much. It has been an adventure I will never forget and it was the best choice I could have made in this point of my life. It was so lovely that there aren’t enough words to describe it.
  • I broke the code!! I got tools to progress, and I am extremely satisfied.
  • Walking away with a stronger, healthier voice and the tools to keep improving, not to mention amazing memories with new friends.
  • Jeg er meget stærkere teknisk i sang. Personligt. Mere selvtillid og styrket selvværd. Generelt mere åben nu.
  • If I have issues with my voice, I know why and don’t have to be scared anymore. I got some of my selfconfidence back (about my singing).
  • I have a sublime basic+knowledge in a sublime technique. Looking forward to use it “In the real life” :-)
  • I found my love for music back again! In’t so much fun!! (and I learned a lot).
  • Had the time of my life! so much fun! New friends. I love singing! Thank you!
  • Great friends, unforgetable memories, a lot of tools to continue working on my singing.
  • Life changing experience.
  • I learned so much, so many new ways to explore my voice,
  • I got the tools! I have met amazing people. Found new friends! Very inspired.
  • Knowledge!! Friends!! A healthy heas <3
  • I learned to love myself again! And improved as a singer <3
  • I learned a lot. Very happy.
  • Know a lot of the theory of the technique which makes me able to work on my own. Great. And also have become a better singer during my stay.
  • Regaining joy in singing. Inspiration. Can help others, know for sure that is what i’ll do the the rest of my life. Better support! cool new sounds.
  • A lot of love, friends, inspiration, technique, tools…. a.s.o…. Good. sometimes the vocal group sessions took out a lot of energy but was fun!
  • Læreren i vocal group sessions er super dygtig.
  • Very useful vocal group sessions! Best time I ever had singing with other people in a group.
  • The vocal group sessions were good warm up is really important without it I felt I got hoarse.
  • Loved the one with the choir.
  • The vocal group sessions were my favourite!!! So much fun and helpful to work in groups! Super nice!
  • The vocal group sessions are good and the amount of sessions should stay as they are.
  • Good energy in the vocal group sessions, good stuff!
  • Awesome atmosphere and great topics in the vocal group sessions. Valuable things were said.
  • Very great business and ambition classes, enriching! good ambition to all that singing stuff!
  • The teacher was great! Loved the topics :-)
  • The teacher is awesome!
  • Loved the business and ambition classes! So inspiring! Star to the teacher!
  • Very helpful and positive business and ambition classes! the teacher is awesome!
  • The business and ambition classes were the most important class
  • I love the teachers positive attitude in business and ambition classes.
  • The business and ambition classes were really good subject. Gave me a new perspective on myself and helped me so much! + the teacher could make any subject amazing! :-)
  • Class is brilliant and the teacher is the coolest person ever! :-)
  • More, more, more business and ambition classes! More about selfconfidence etc. .:-)
  • Very cool defined assignment sessions! It gave me a goal
  • Very fun defined assignment sessions – to be pushed towards something new, and out of my comfort zone.
  • In the defined assignment sessions I had some initial resistance to the song of course, but found it helped me add lighter sound colour to my repetoire.
  • Rigtig godt sangvalg fra læreren til mig i defined assignment sessionen og jeg syntes også de andre lærere havde valgt godt til mine medstuderende.
  • The defined assignment sessions takes you to something you wouldn’t think of yourself.
  • The defined assignment sessions were a fantastic way of work on your problems.
  • The defined assignment sessions was a challenge, but a real good one.
  • The defined assignment sessions were very helpful to work on stuff you’d otherwise never choose. I had a rather long singing session with the teacher working on my def.Ass. Which was absolutely amazing.
  • Cool to try something the teachers pick in the defined assignment sessions.
  • Didn’t like my song in the defined assignment sessions but classes were nice
  • Was a safe environment and constructive in the audition training.
  • Very good atmosphere, very kind and interesting audition training.
  • Very hard audition training but at the same time very good preperation for the future.
  • The audition training were a good experience
  • Very cool songwriting week! Inspiring! Good that there was a different teacher everyday.
  • Very awesome to get so much freedom and directions in the songwriting week.
  • Great tools and tips in the songwriting week and really enjoyed the songwriting concert.
  • It was nice all the tools we got in the songwriting week and how free it was
  • AGAIN! I love the teacher in the songwriting week.
  • Very cool songwriting week
  • The songwriting week was an interesting experience.
  • I liked the songwriting week, the tools we got were great! :-)
  • For me the songwriting week is what it’s all about.
  • Good with the classes in the morning in the songwriting week and free time to do however you felt. Nice with the concert.
  • The creative cover class is so much fun! Keep it like that!
  • Loved the creative cover class!
  • Brilliant creative cover class, opened up my perspective so so much.
  • The teacher is wonderful! So much fun in the creative cover class.
  • So much fun in the creative cover class.
  • I loved that day with creative cover class :-)
  • The creative cover class was sooooo much fun.
  • Wow! The creative cover class were much greater than I ever dared to expect. It was awesome!
  • Great experience and the creative cover class is brilliant.
  • The creative cover class was one of the most fun sessions, really attached all the subjects together. Loved it.
  • Such a supportive environment and so much joy watching others perform at the concert.
  • Supportive energy is fantastic!
  • FUN concerts.
  • Hyggelige koncerter, intime, høj standard.
  • Loved that we could do the concerts every week ourselves.
  • The concerts is the best way to practice what we have learned in the lessons!
  • Perfect concerts, that we were allowed to have our own concerts.
  • The concerts were super nice with great atmosphere.
  • l the concerts were really good!
  • Great instruments. Safe place to sing at the concerts.
  • Loved the concerts! Relaxed and fun!
  • So great to learn form everyone on different levels.
  • I was amazed at everyone’s high level – and professionalism.
  • Amazingly talented people throughout entire class.
  • Folk var super dygtige allerede fra starten.
  • Everyone in my group is amazing.
  • Now, so many good singers.
  • The level was very high <3
  • A whole bunch of incredibly talented singers. Some further along than others but everybody progressed like crazy.
  • I guess the level is how it suppose to be.
  • Higher level than I thought! :-) <3
  • Everybody is just accepted as how he is! Loved the atmosphere! Felt safe! So much fun <3
  • The best atmosphere.
  • The atmosphere was so comfortable always! No cliquing up. It truly was a safe, fun, non-judgemental space.
  • Ingen konkurrence. Ren hygge Had the time of my life!
  • I loved our group.
  • AMAZING atmosphere!!!
  • Wonderful atmosphere. Absolutely wonderful. So helpful when you need, much love and closeness. I could not be more satisfied at all with my group!
  • Great people, which is gonna be my friends for a long time.
  • I am the luckiest person in the world meeting all of these people. Everything was very harmonic. amazing souls.
  • Never experienced something like this group, CVI-spirit and so much positivity and love!
  • Unbelieveable helpfull and talented pianists.
  • AMAZING pianists.
  • Very talented and accomodating pianists- with great personalities.
  • Meget kompetente og dygtige pianister!
  • Fan-tas-tic! Very skilled pianists.
  • The pianists are so awesome and skilled!
  • Excellent pianists.
  • VERY TALENTED pianists and easy to work with! Great attitude.
  • I don’t think that it is necessary to have pianists so often. Have more Singing with digital accompaignment instead.
  • Monster! And so nice people. Easy to work with the pianists! Fuck yes.
  • The pianists have super high level!! Couldn’t ask for more :-)
  • But sometimes I want the academy to be 1 month longer.
  • For kort academy:-( KOmmer til at savne CVI :)
  • The academy could be 2 weeks longer and then take a little slower through the subjects.
  • Perfect length of the academy!
  • Perfect length of the academy, now I go back and progress.
  • But the academy should go on forever!
  • Would think one more month would be the perfect length of the academy.
  • Would like the academy to last two weeks more.
  • Perfect length of the academy!
  • Super intensive so actually good length of the academy, but I would love to stay for a few years like in “normal! universities with this group!
  • Great location in the city.
  • Meget lækre lokaler og udstyr.
  • The location and facilities super nice
  • Of course there is sometimes a lack of rooms but everything is tidy and nice.
  • Could have had more rooms at CVI, but it is not really a big problem.
  • Very satisfied about everything
  • The teacher is good at: explaining things, everything!
  • Funny, clear, positive, enthusiastic and very very kind teacher.
  • Clear, useful tools, friendly teacher.
  • Super dygtig lærer! Altid smilende og godt humør! Dygtig sangtekniker.
  • Fan-tas-tic, potato, potato, perfect teacher! :-) Noone so truely skilled and very funny! Lots of humour!
  • Fantastic teacher!
  • Very friendly teacher and always make people improve.
  • Fantastic, perfect, super funny teacher, you can always ask him for help.
  • He is supper skilled teacher and puts a lot of energy in us.
  • Funny, adorable and inspiring teacher.Thank you!
  • GREAT approach, super energetic, positive and nice teacher. So incredibly precise and really knows his stuff.
  • Incredible teacher. Fun person with great energy.
  • One of the greatest guys I have met and really knows his stuff and how to teach :-)OBS! one more thing about him…… absolutely faaaaaaaaaantastic teacher! :-)
  • Best teacher here! Love hos fast, intensive, good and correct his teaching is!!!
  • So amazing and positive and competent teacher.
  • Best teacher I’ve ever had.
  • Very great teacher! Especially in singing with pianist! Would have liked him more in singing with pianist :-) Good at: Analyzing what singers do, give the right tools to solve problems, sees the person, not only the singer & rhythm & Impro.
  • Very talented and inspiring teacher.
  • Very skilled and supportive teacher.
  • What an amazing talented teacher so inspiring and knows how to get the best out of you without making you uncomfortable.
  • Brilliant teacher!
  • The teacher is very good at making people, think out of the box.
  • I loved the teachers rhythm and impro classes and also when he had singing with pianist with him, very professional but also very funny.
  • Wow the teacher is super musical!!! The creative cover with him was amazing.
  • Great knowledge, sweet and inspiring teacher! Thank you!
  • Super talented teacher, easy going, nice to be around. Gets subject across easily.
  • The teacher is very good at rhythm and detecting what is wrong! Would like to have him more in singing with pianist.
  • The teacher cuts crap and teaches with a direct style which I love. Within the CVI rules though.
  • Very good teacher, very professional.
  • Very talented teacher. Has a great attitude.
  • The teacher is good at: rhythm and great exercises
  • Very kind and enthusiastic and alert teacher.
  • The teacher has a kind approach.
  • Super sej, cool, venlig, meget sympatisk lærer!
  • What a sweetheart! The teacher is always in to help you even if it is in his own private time! I say: Teddy bear!
  • Groovy teacher
  • Positive, awesome, always helpful teacher.
  • The teacher always stayed late and helped ud out so often, always patiently answered questions, super sweet guy :-)
  • Cutest teacher ever! Such a lovely person
  • So sweet and supporting teacher! Thank you!!
  • Total sweetheart, very funny, positive, talented, enthusiastic and nice teacher!
  • Great person, overall good. Very good at teaching effect.
  • The teacher is always positive and spreads energy.
  • One of the kindest and nicest persons I ever met. He knows a lot
  • So sweet and loving teacher
  • Great guiding, sharing experiences, lessons with this teacher were fun and enriching.
  • Really love(d) the teacher and her way of teaching. She makes everything so clear and she is the most positive person I have ever met. A true inspiration and I will remember her a lot.
  • Wonderful personality! Entertaining teacher and helpful tools.
  • Meget varm person! Hun er bare skøn og har styr på det business!
  • An amazing personality a true treasure to the teachers group, funny – sweet – very skilled with people.
  • Love the teacher!
  • positive teacher, always have the best atmosphere in her classes.
  • So positive attitude, the teachers classes were always so fun.
  • Great great great personality. The teacher cares a lot about us.
  • Funny and easy going teacher. Class-mum! I love the teacher! She is incrediably funny, super nice, so great and helpful. Is always there for you when you need her. Sooo lovely! <3
  • Great classes! Fun and inspirational teacher. Would like singing with pianist with her.
  • again one of the greatest persons/teachers I’ve met.
  • Love the teacher! She knows what she is talking about!!! <3
  • The teacher is such an inspiring person. You believe she knows what she is talking about.
  • Very clear teacher, great explenations, very enriching.
  • To the point, talented, cool approach. Very enthusiastic as a vocal group teacher. Loved her as my mentor cause she’s really dear and caring.
  • The teacher gives very good support and practise tips!
  • Powerhouse!!! Meget dygtig teknisk lærer! Super sød og får virkelig noget frem i én.
  • Diva of the top shelf! Loved how the teacher brings the show and flavour to the full picture.
  • Amazing teacher!
  • Very professional teacher, helped me a lot with my singing, funny way to teach.
  • The teacher is super skilled and I admire her of what she is doing.
  • The teacher knows her stuff, lovely voice. Thank you!
  • Overtalented, super good teacher! Very honest, which is sometimes hard to take for some people, bit in general an awesome teacher. Capable of everything and easy to work with top nice!
  • Good at explaining. Fun in Vocal Groups.
  • The teacher have great knowledge.
  • Very skiled technically!
  • Such an unbelieveable talented singer and so much fun.
  • The teacher is good at: Clearly guide people, give the right tools to solve problems.
  • Great tools and advice from the teacher.
  • Meget pædagogisk, hjælpsom, sød og smilende lærer.
  • What a beautiful aura! So nice charisma and very good in what she does!
  • Awesome teacher!
  • Very professional teacher in the interpretation classes
  • The teacher is so good at interpretation
  • So talented and sweet teacher!!! So genius teacher! Great atmosphere when she is around. Incredibly good approach, positive, encouraging and just great!
  • Strict, warm and smiling teacher.
  • Love, love, love the teacher!
  • Allround amazing competent and talented teacher.
  • The teacher is good at: guiding students through their learning journey, leads without criticism in the right direction!
  • Enthusiastic teacher, calm approach during lessons. Leaves everybody in their dignity, cool guy :-)
  • Wonderful attitude and very knowledgeable teacher.
  • Meget entusiastisk lærer! Smilende.
  • Super contegeous excitement! Loads of energy! Funny teacher and knows how to pull you out of your comfortzone in a very gentile way.
  • The teacher is the interpretation Yoda! :-) thank you!
  • The teacher is very good at helping people and always inspires improvement.
  • The teacher has such a nice way of helping you to improve in the interpretation classes.
  • Great person, supporting and inspiring teacher. Thank you!
  • Such a funny guy! So talented in all he does. Super nice positive approach. Great teacher.
  • Warm teacher and very cleary when he is teaching.
  • It’s impossible to have a bad day around the teacher. Spreads energy!
  • My favourite teacher. Best teaching style!
  • The teacher is just a bundle of joy with so much experience and makes you feel great.
  • Great singing with pianist- sessions with this teacher, good at explaining, working with metal.
  • Edge-monster haha :) really cool teacher and love her working attitude. superkind and loves joking around but getting you to the point where you should be.
  • Helpful teacher.
  • Powerhouse!! Energisk, grinebidder, smilende. Virkelig dygtig kompetent lærer. Stæk teknisk!
  • What a powehouse!!! The teacher is insanely good! Learned a lot. Crazy good effects.
  • The teacher is a distortion queen!
  • Very good teacher and very positive, just as it should be.
  • For me the edge lady rock star, the teacher really helped me in the study groups.
  • Funny and sweet teacher. Adorable. Thank you!
  • The teacher is AWESOME! She can bring out whatever possible and impossible sounds in us. Super funny, talented, positive and incredibly great. So thankfull for her!
  • The teacher has a great laugh! Makes us energetic. Good at explaining.
  • Love the teacher!
  • Super cool teacher! Someone you really look up to.
  • We just had a great classical singing-day! Very clearly guided by the teacher!
  • Cool guy, I loved the classical teaching. I wished we had more time for that session. He was really clear (helpfull).
  • The teacher has good energetic! knows that he is talking about!
  • So great teacher! Loved it!
  • So nice to see a CVI approach to classical, really very good teacher.
  • Super fun day with the teacher.
  • It was a nice session with the teacher in classical, he was great!
  • Great teacher! :-)
  • WOW! This classical session was great! The teacher was able to bring out a classical side in us oh-so-classical singers! Super interesting work. Nothing to improve!
  • GREAT teacher!
  • Great, fantastic, awesome teacher :-)
  • Wish to have more than one session with the teacher in classical. Made all that I have learned before CVI+CVT merged together.
  • Good good teacher!
  • Very good service from the administration.
  • The most beautiful and kind woman you could ever get. The administration is always helpfull and always ready to answer your questions or arrange things.
  • So kind administration, every morning.
  • Administrationen er altid hjælpsomme, smilende og imødekommende. De har god tålmodighed med os elever :-)
  • Wonderful, smiling and always patient administration.
  • Lovely! Helpful administration!
  • Very good and friendly service from the administration.
  • Perfect, very friendly administration.
  • Perfect staff.
  • The administration is wonderful! With the “goodmorning” in the morning. So welcoming, nice, positive and a total darling.
  • Never in my life have I met such a good willing, hear + giving, smily amazing attitude, coming towards the students! I feel that the administration are a big part in CVI spirit.
  • Super sweet and helpful administration:-)
  • Always friendly, very good service from administration.
  • Any money problem got solved very fast from the administration.
  • :-) So lovely and helpful administration.
  • So cool administration. Patient. Great attitude, helpful, nice and fun. Great person.
  • Super sweet administration too!
  • Super dygtig administration.
  • :-) Love the administration!
  • Perfect, information was very good from the administration.
  • She’s always willing to talk whenever you need. Knows everything about everything! A bank of wisdom. Very impressive and lovely bank :-)
  • Very good!!!!
  • Great service from the administration.
  • Lovely kind woman! Amazing administration. The way she arranged the house staying and she emailed us in time. I really appreciate everything she did for me.
  • Very clear and informative administration.
  • I want to thank the administration so much for all the trouble I put her thorugh! Tousen tak!
  • Always helping and so lovely administration.
  • The administration was very helpful everytime I had questions.
  • The administration is such a darling! Very helpful, always a great attitude, always willing to be there. Soooo nice!!
  • Super sweet persons in the administration.
  • I love my stay in copenhagen. Great atmosphere at CVI, crazy good teachers, professional and nice staff :-)
  • Love you! Because: You made me believe in my self. You believed in me.
  • Thank you for everything!! I looooooove you Everything has been over all expectations, too bad it’s over!
  • The academy in general is brilliant. The technique is great and the environment you create is fantastic. I said it all in the mentor talk so…. I’ll propably be back.
  • Just amazing. Loved it!
  • I am so happy that this songwriting was a part of the AKA. Never thought I could do this!
  • Learned a great deal of technique a tool, I discovered by having there assignments that we all can write songs! Lovely!
  • A nice change from all the technique and a great challenge for everyone.
  • Very helpful technical subject lessons.
  • It is great that every teacher teaches his or hers best technical subject.
  • Love the technique
  • The technical lessons were very helpful to learn and apply the CVT in the practise after lessons, it was good to discuss and have time for questions.
  • I found the theory part perfect.
  • The technical subject lessons were very good, very clear.
  • helpful rhythm and impro lessons.
  • Even if it is scary in the beginning with impro, now if I have to do it at for ex. Audition, I would feel fine. More music theory would be nice.
  • Most of the rhythm and impro classes were very valuable to us singers/musicians.
  • Sometimes the rhythm and impro lessons were a bit too difficult (at least for me).
  • Cool rhythm and impro lessons! I learned and practised some cool new things.
  • Loved the studygroups! Very helpful.
  • very useful studygroups.
  • The studygroups were hard at first but got really great.
  • very very helpful singing sessions
  • Got so much out of the singing sessions! Would keep it exactly the same.
  • Love singing sessions.
  • Love the singing sessions.
  • the singing classes are the best.
  • Sooo helpful singing sessions! Also to get experience in singing in front of other people.
  • Everything was really helpful and I learned a lot in the singing sessions.
  • Got so much from singing sessions also from seeing my classmates.
  • Great singing sessions
  • The best part of the academy. Learned the most form the singing sessions.
  • Very nice to learn to present and interpret a song.
  • Got great new insights in the interpretation, it felt very intense at times.
  • I loved the teachers lessons.
  • Very good that you have interpretation as a subject, because now I realize that is really what makes a good performance.
  • Very helpful interpretation.
  • Interesting tools in the interpretation.
  • Loved the interpretation, helped me a lot.
  • I did like some more honesty and less ”being nice” in the interpretation lessons.
  • Too basic interpretation lessons. Teachers could have been more critical and honest in their feedback.
  • Sometimes the teacher is a bit too slow in the interpretation lessons.
  • So much fun at the vocal group sessions!
  • Especially liked the vocal group classes when we had all of us together.
  • I found out that i love singing backing vocals in the vocal group sessions.
  • So fun vocal group sessions!
  • I would like more vocalgroups practice.
  • So interesting vocal group sessions.
  • I think it’s a great teacher in the vocal group sessions. it was good fun.
  • Learned a lot about different types of singing in group. Loved it.
  • It’s a lot of fun to sing with your classmates, and to learn about their and backing singing.
  • Love the teacher in the business and ambition classes.
  • The teacher always brought a great energy to the business and ambition class.
  • The teacher did very very good in the business and ambition classes.
  • Very helpful and good and trusting invrionment in the business and ambition classes.
  • The business and ambition classes were the best thing ever for self-confidence.
  • Very inspirational business and ambition classes. I got more than I expected.
  • I like that you have selfconfidence as a subject. Because if you lack that, it soesn’t matter how good your technique is.
  • So interesting business and ambition classes.
  • The business and ambition were one of my favorite classes in the Aca.
  • Loved the business and ambition classes. Would have loved to have more of it!!
  • I knew nothing about the music industry so it was really helpfull. Ambition made me think about what I want exactly.
  • Good defined assignment sessions
  • It was nice to have a defined assignment to work on and the teacher did a great job.
  • The defined assignment sessions helped a lot.
  • Very nice defined assignment sessions! Everyone was challenged in many different ways! Good solvings.
  • The defined assignment sessions is a good chance to do something we would have never done before.
  • It’s nice with challenges. One more defined assignment session maybe.
  • The idea of defined assignment sessions is great!
  • Great defined assignment sessions!
  • Challenge in advance, but very useful defined assignment sessions. Helped to improve a lot!
  • Great to have teacher/mentor pick something that will be beneficial for you in the defined assignment sessions!
  • The defined assign. Makes you step one of your comfort zone.
  • The audition training was very useful for me.
  • Very interesting and helpful audition training.
  • Very good audition training! There are some small but important things which we have to think about. It’s good to know that.
  • A lot of fun at the audition training.
  • Great idea with audition training.
  • I know lots of people learned a great deal of the audition training
  • I learned a lot at the audition training.
  • Very nice to get so many different tools to work with in the songwriting week.
  • Nice to be pushed to write and perform it.
  • The songwriting were something completely new for me but great expereince.
  • Fun songwriting week, but hard! Good challenge.
  • A funny songwriting week in the middle.
  • I liked the whole week focus on writing.
  • the teacher is good with that. Nice creative cover class.
  • Lots of fun in the creative cover class. I wish we had more time on each singer/song.
  • Loved creative cover class!
  • So much fun at the creative cover class!
  • Cool creative cover class!
  • A lot of fun in the creative cover class!
  • The teacher is such and inspiring musician.
  • Really funny and interesting creative cover class.
  • Interesting approach and very inspiring creative cover class.
  • Nice with new ideas in the creative cover class.
  • I liked thinking out of the box in the creative cover class.
  • Cool creative cover class.
  • The creative cover class were a fun and playful day with music.
  • The gear is excellent and it’s nice to have the opportunity to have concerts.
  • Great to have concerts
  • The concerts is a great platform to try out new things.
  • The concert was so good to get experience.
  • Great concerts!
  • The concerts is the best place to explore and express yourself.
  • Good sound, nice atmopshere at the concerts.
  • Soooooo good concerts! Such a great chance for everyone who hasn’t a lot of experience sining in front of audience.
  • Love the concerts.
  • So so so much fun. Really liked the concerts.
  • I loved to have our own concerts and also sing in the church. It would be great to have more.
  • Nice concerts.
  • We all learned a lot from each other.
  • I think it’s great we are very strong in individual areas.
  • Good mix of people with different experience.
  • Very high level. Learned a lot from the others.
  • Very similar level.
  • The level was very high, which was both good and challenging.
  • I love group and wouldn’t change. Good level together.
  • I feel very safe in my group and it’s been a lot of fun with them.
  • AWESOME atmosphere!!!
  • I loved my group.
  • Very good atmosphere.
  • The guidence of the teachers in how to speak to/treat each other have been an important factor.
  • Great support from the group.
  • Loved my class.
  • it was very positive in my group.
  • The atmosphere was very safe
  • Very positive and good atmosphere at CVI.
  • Fantastic atmosphere at CVI.
  • Very good atmosphere at CVI.
  • Great atmosphere at CVI.
  • Technically i’ve become much better.
  • I’m very happy. I’ve become more confident.
  • I now know my technique. I think a lot more about interpretation. I have ambition plan for myself new also.
  • I have more knowledge of the technique and I feel comfortable to continue on my own.
  • Fun and challenging impro and rhythm lessons.
  • Good impro and rhythm lessons
  • Liked the delay and rap lessons.
  • Over all I think the impro and rhythm lessons has been good. I have learned a lot.
  • Very helpful and hard impro and rhythm lessons.
  • Very good technical lessons and I could use some more.
  • Actually very good to sit down and listen and learn in the technical lessons.
  • The technical lessons were definetly needed.
  • Very good technical lessons!
  • Very good studygroups, I could need some more time with.
  • Fun studygroups
  • You could use the studygroup time better
  • I think the studygroups are nice
  • the studygroups are very helpful
  • Very good interpretation lessons
  • I love the interpretation lessons.
  • Great interpretation lessons.
  • Super interpretation lessons! Safe and good envoirment created the teacher, which is important to dare to do somethings.
  • Very good interpretation lessons.
  • Super masterclass.
  • Very good masterclass.
  • Long masterclass, but very good.
  • Great masterclass. More time.
  • Good masterclass
  • Super business and ambitions.
  • Challenging and good business and ambitions classes.
  • I love the business and ambitions classse.
  • Yes, I think business and ambitions classes has been So good
  • Very nice to share experiences and also good to talk about everything “behind” the business and things standing in the way.
  • Good choir session
  • The choir session is very fun, also because we sing alone the rest of the time.
  • Good choir session
  • Very good classical masterclass
  • Very good defined assignment.
  • Very good defined assignment, I think you challenged us in a good way.
  • The defined assignment was good.
  • It’s a bit stressed with a defined assignment but it’s for a good cause.
  • Very good defined assignment, nice to broaden your choice of genres.
  • Super super super audition training.
  • New and good audition training. Fun to see the others.
  • Very good audition training.
  • Great audition training.
  • Very good audition training. Fun and it defiantly gave the same nervousness as a real audition.
  • Good creative cover class.
  • Difficult and very fun creative cover class, very fun.
  • The creative cover class was good
  • Great creative cover class.
  • Good creative cover class
  • Inspiring songwriting weekend.
  • Loved the songwriting weekend.
  • The songwriting weekend was really good.
  • Yes, it was soo much fun at the songwriting weekend.
  • Inspiring songwriting weekend
  • Very good level in class
  • Very good level, very different backgrounds and that’s good. Fun to see progress in others.
  • The level is very different, but it is good.
  • No subjects are missing.
  • Good concerts
  • Fun concerts
  • The concerts are good.
  • Great concerts.
  • I only took part in one concert, and that was a good one.
  • Perfect length of the academy.
  • Today the academy feels too short, but that’s just me being sentimental on the last day, it’s good.
  • Perfect length of the academy.
  • Very good facilities and environment
  • It’s nice here at CVI!
  • The facilities and environment is good.
  • Great facilities and environmen.
  • Nice facilities and environment
  • Very positive and good atmosphere at CVI.
  • Fantastic atmosphere at CVI.
  • Very good atmosphere at CVI.
  • Great atmosphere at CVI.
  • The pianists are really good.
  • The pianists are brilliant.
  • The pianists are good.
  • Great pianists.
  • The pianists have a even level.
  • Fantastic teacher. Love her.
  • Skilled teacher.
  • Very good teacher.
  • The teacher is very talented and has a good spirit.
  • Fantastic teacher.
  • Very skilled teacher, he is sooooo talented.
  • It’s nice that the teacher always has a plan for the whole day.
  • Great teacher. Very organized.
  • Technically very good teacher! Well prepared.
  • Fantastic teacher. Love her.
  • I love the teacher.
  • Fun and good teacher.
  • Such a sweet teacher, she truly loves what she is doing.
  • Nice. Good teacher.
  • Fantastic teacher.
  • Very good teacher. Nice working on interpretation with him in Masterclass.
  • Good teacher.
  • I only had this teacher once, but he was very kind during that lesson.
  • Very good teacher. My favourite tutor.
  • Very good teacher, rhythmically.
  • Good teacher, takes time.
  • Great teacher and nice as a person
  • Fantastic teacher. Love her.
  • I love this teacher.
  • Very very good teacher.
  • This teacher has such a great spirit really inspiring woman and teacher. She loves what she is doing.
  • The best teacher ever. Very considerate.
  • Fantastic teacher. Love him.
  • I love this teacher.
  • Very very good teacher.
  • The teacher is very good at interpretation.
  • Well prepared teacher and experienced in the fields teaching.
  • Fantastic teacher.
  • So talented. Very good teacher.
  • Very nice teacher. All about having fun.
  • Fantastic teacher. Love her.
  • Very very good teacher.
  • The teacher has a so nice attitude, wish the class could be more quiet.
  • Great teacher.
  • Very good administration.
  • Very good administration, haven’t had that much contact with them.
  • Very good administration, patience and fast.
  • Very nice administration. Helpful.