Unique online connect platform only for Authorised CVT Teachers to continually touch base with CVI and CVT colleagues from around the world in 6 zoom-sessions per year in smaller groups, with technical and pedagogical content, along with access to exclusive videos.

A CVT Connect subscription gives you access to:

  • All online zoom sessions covering topics such as Singing, Teaching, Research, Song writing, Ambition session, discussion of pedagogics and sparring on difficult cases, and much much more – all taught by CVI teachers – to make sure that any Authorised teacher’s voice and teaching is always at its best
  • A brand new CVT Video Portal containing recorded CVT Connect sessions, so the teachers never miss a beat and have complete freedom to watch and re-watch on demand
  • Updated workshop and 1-hour workshop manuals with updated content and illustrations following the Update Course, so the teachers are always at the forefront of teaching materials
  • Updated visual charts, regardless of whether the teachers have attended the update course or not, so they always have the latest and most up-to-date materials to teach from
  • A price-reduction on the update course: up to €100 price-reduction for yearly update participation (€50-reduction for updating every other year, and 25€-reduction for updating every third year), so the teachers get a chance to be updated more frequently while saving costs (can be used both for the online and IRL update course)

CVT Connect subscriptions are only available to Authorised CVT Teachers who are currently updated.

Upcoming courses


Conducted ONLINE

Tuesday – Wednesday 16.00 – 19.00 (CET)

1st zoom session: January 15, 2025
2nd zoom session: March 11, 2025
3rd zoom session: May 14, 2025
4th zoom session: September 2, 2025
5th zoom session: October 21, 2025
6th zoom session: November 25, 2025

Sign up


Conducted ONLINE

Friday – Saturday 10.00 – 13.00 (CET)

1st zoom session: January 18, 2025
2nd zoom session: March 21, 2025
3rd zoom session: May 10, 2025
4th zoom session: August 30, 2025
5th zoom session: October 3, 2025
6th zoom session: November 22, 2025

Sign up


Conducted ONLINE

Tuesday – Wednesday 16.00 – 19.00 (CET)

1st zoom session: January 17, 2024
2nd zoom session: March 12, 2024
3rd zoom session: May 15, 2024
4th zoom session: September 4, 2024
5th zoom session: October 22, 2024
6th zoom session: November 26, 2024

Sign up

Practical & Course Information

CVT Connect accessible for everyone, with a price of € 24/month

Subscription is binding for a 12-month period. CVT Connect costs €24/month if you pay the full year in advance. If you pay monthly, the subscription fee is € 27/month for a binding 12-month period.

Group sizes will generally be kept small, as you know from the 3-year course, (between 12-15 participants pr. session) so everyone gets a chance to work on their own voice and teaching.

We plan on running several parallel sessions on different topics, so you can choose which topics to participate in– and not miss the other session because you will still have access to all CVT Connect zoom-sessions on the topics on the CVT Video Portal. (Notice, parts of the personal ambitions sessions will not be recorded). Occasionally, we may have CVT Connect sessions with everyone, partly to meet up and partly if a session benefits from it, such as an external speaker presenting.

CVT Connect is a rich resource, continuous development of singing technique, sparring on teaching ability, and a place for meeting CVI Teachers and CVT Colleagues 6 times a year on topics that matter to you. Before every seminar you will receive a sign up with a schedule and the different subjects to choose in between.

Continuing to develop your own voice and technical abilities

With the singing sessions in CVT Connect you always have a CVI teacher and your CVT Colleagues nearby to help you maintain your technique. This could be solving some common technical vocal issues, keeping our voice in center, or improving certain aspects of our technique we do not often use. This could also be to further develop our skillset in relation to singing, expression, performance, improvisation, phrasing, rhythm, and using vocal effects. With CVT Connect help is always at hand. It is important to always master our technical skills – even with a busy schedule – both as teachers and as singers, so we can demonstrate sounds healthily and correctly and perform with the sounds we want on stage.

Perfecting pedagogics in teaching sessions with feedback

We all have our favorite tools we use with singers for specific issues. But sometimes it is good to get some new pedagogical perspective on our teaching to help us stay in our best pedagogical shape and to inspire us to use new or different tools – especially for those tricky cases where we might need input to help a singer further. With the teaching sessions in CVT Connect, our pedagogics are kept sharp through feedback on TEO sessions and sparring on challenging cases with CVI teachers and CVT Colleagues. CVT Connect is a space to find help, inspiration, and new ideas so we can always feel safe in helping singers achieve their singing goals.

Staying on top of teaching materials

CVT is a rich resource of charts, reading material, and manuscripts with a lot of information to cover. In the teaching material sessions, we dive deeper into the new charts, the new reading materials, and the updated manuscripts and manuals for workshops so you always feel prepared for presentations and any question. As part of CVT Connect, you get your charts updated (when there is new charts) along with access to the updated manuscript and manual for CVT Workshops so you always have the resources you need to present CVT in the most current way.

Learning and teaching song writing: 

The CVT Connect song writing sessions cover techniques for songwriting such as inspiration for and editing of lyrics, working with chord progression and melody, song form and structure, and co-writing. The sessions also offer a space for artistic sparring with CVI teachers and CVT Colleagues and help to get things done by having to present a song for the next CVT Connect.

Translating research into practice

Many singers find it difficult to understand the technical language of research and many singers do not know what to do with research information. The research sessions in CVT Connect provide easy explanations and simple translations of the CVT Research into practice, so you always feel that you have a comprehensible answer and easy explanation that singers or fellow teachers can understand.

Meeting our ambitions and setting new goals

During the 3-year course we work with ambitions and setting goals for ourselves as teachers and singers, with the support of the CVI teachers and our CVT Colleagues to keep us on track for reaching those goals. In the ambition sessions in CVT Connect we follow up on these ambitions and get help to identify new goals and a timeline for reaching them with support from friends and colleagues all around the world. By meeting up regularly, we get continuous support on meeting and exceeding our goals.

Benefits: Get regular updated CVT material, reconnect with CVI teachers, get to ask questions, run through pedagogical cases, keeping own singing technique, and teaching updated, get frequently research information.

Yearly Fee

Subscription is running for a 12-month period. CVT Connect costs €24/month if you pay the full year in advance. If you pay monthly, the subscription fee is €27/month for a running 12-month.

As soon as you are enrolled at CVT Connect you will pay in advance to CVI a non-refundable license royalty fee in the sum of €288 (€288 a year- which is €24 monthly) upon execution of this Agreement.

If you wish to pay monthly the subscription fee will be €27 monthly

A non-refundable fee meaning, that if you cancel your participation, the payment obligation shall still apply (paying the full course fee and the course fee is non-refundable), irrespective of whether you complete, cancel or passes the course.

This agreement will automatically be renewed every year unless the subscription is unsubscribed.

Unsubscribing CVT Connect

The subscription is running and valid for 12 months from the date of dispatch of the product. The subscription must be terminated in writing with a minimum of 30-day notice after 5-month subscription period and is otherwise renewed automatically. The subscriber has always the right to after 5 months to terminate the subscription with a 1 months’ notice until the end of a month.

If the agreement is not unsubscribed before the notice period of 5 months, CVI considers it a commitment to continue the subscription. An invoice is then sent for the next running period, which ensures that you have uninterrupted access to all CVT materials (manuals, pixie book, videos etc.) between two subscription periods.

If payment for a new subscription period is omitted, or previously received material is returned, this is not considered a cancellation of future updates or termination of the subscription.

Upon termination of the subscription, the CVT Material (does not apply videos) can be kept by the subscriber. The subscriber will thus not receive future updates of CVT Material, have access; to displaying videos, be able to participate for zoom sessions and these mentioned will also cease upon termination.

When this agreement requires writing, email is considered to meet this requirement.


Redistribution of material

The subscription content is subject to license, and redistribution of any of the CVT material etc. considered a serious breach of the subscription agreement as well as the copyright.

See more info in our Standard Terms

Sharing content

Due to the privacy regulation in EU, it is important for CVI that we make sure to protect each Auth. CVT Teachers and the CVI teacher’s privacy and make sure that no one will share this content in any way besides those singers and teachers who attend the CVT Connect.

By attending CVT Connect seminars, you agree, not to share any educational content including pre-recorded sessions with a third party outside CVI. You may not use the content or/as advertising material without CVI’s explicit permission.

We ask you please not to record the online session in any way (audio or/images). Please do NOT use, distribute, copy any of the online material, content, and people in any way, as this session is ONLY for your eyes only.

CVI will NOT share any content outside CVI or/as advertising material without your explicit permission.

You agree to and give CVI consent to keep video recordings of CVT Connect sessions where you and other authorised teachers may participate in. The recorded videos are only displayed at the CVT Connect platform and will not be shared outside this environment.

(Notice, the personal singing sessions will not be recorded). Your consent can be withdrawn at any time by emailing info@shout.dk. The videos will be available 3 years at a time. After 3 years they will be deleted.

CVI retains the right to cancel the zoom session dates or change the zoom sessions dates up until 4 weeks before the zoom session starts.

Besides agreeing to the CVT Connect terms and condition, you are still subject to follow Complete Vocal Institutes Privacy Policies and Standard Terms.


Please read them here:



CVI is a place where discussions and debate of different views are welcome, where diversity and respect for others are in focus. We believe that embracing diversity in all aspects of the learning and working environment is necessary for us all to reach our full potential.
We aim at creating a non-discriminating community in which each member feels welcome and supported, across all identities and life experiences. This includes diversity of race, colour, ethnic or social origin, language, religion, or belief, politic or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, gender, sexual preference, and socio-economic background.
Info about the sign up procedure

If you wish to sign up, we will ask you to complete an online application form. The form will ask you to enter information about your education, singing history etc.

Our admission team will soon contact you to let you know if you are accepted to the course. You can also contact us at info@shout.dk for any questions regarding the course.

The sign-up form is not financially binding until you have confirmed your spot at the course by email. The admission board will first send you an acceptance letter giving you some time to confirm on  email if you wish to accept the spot at the course.

Our sign up form is also to make sure we as a company follow EU’s personal data law (GDPR).

GDPR is a set of data protection rules for all companies operating in the EU and all personal data must be processed in a lawful and transparent way to make sure every person’s data is handled with care and protected properly. This means that we as a company must ask you for your consent to keep your contact details and information you share with us.

Problems with sign up

Should you experience problems with the sign up please try and fill in all the boxes with small stars (eg. Name: *). Make sure the music/ singing files you try to attach(recordings) are mp3 or mp4 format. For videos or other bigger music files you can send these to info@shout.dk by using wetransfer.com (or other provider) and make the sign up without the attached files.

Other courses

1-day course

1-day course

offers a theoretical run-through of CVT.

More Info

5-day course

5-day course

work intensively on singing technique.

More Info

1-year course

1-year course

aimed at singers who wish to improve their singing skills..

More Info

Continuous course

Continuous course

improve and develop artistic and technical skills.

More Info

3-year course

3-year course

become an Authorised CVT Teacher.

More Info

Zoom/Solo Session

Zoom/Solo Session

get a taste of Complete Vocal Technique.

More Info