The singers that attend the CVT courses come from a variety of countries, singing styles, age groups and background. A wide selection of singers gave us a feedback:

  • Thank you!!! I <3 CVI !!
  • Thank you guys.
  • :-)
  • Everything is very professional. That creates a safe atmosphere.
  • Just thank you!
  • It has been a great week.
  • You are just fantastic Love ya all <3
  • I’d love to come back to a course one day… This was a GREAT “introduction”.
  • I’ll be baaaaack (muhaha)
  • I have got so many new tools and techniques on how to handle my problem areas. And it has just been a great experience with great people :-)
  • Expanding my knowledge of modes. Explore my range. Believe in my possibilities as a singer.
  • Jeg føler, jeg har alle muligheder med min stemme – at dørene står åbn og jeg blot kan vælge mit udtryk. Jeg føler, at jeg helt sikker kommer af med min sceneskræk – måske ikke “på én gang”, men det er ikke længere et mysterium for mig, hvordan jeg kan nørkle med det.
  • I’ve learned so much and got to know some fantastic people. It’s more than I expected.
  • I have gained way more than I expected!
  • To know more about this technique.
  • I gained some new energy, focus and inspiration to work.
  • I learned the tools to reach the higher notes + many good tips for my singing.
  • Very satisfied with all the instructions I received. Very useful week spent here.
  • I’ve got a lot of answers to the questions I had. Thanks!
  • My world has changed… Now I know, that I can and I’m going to be a SINGER <3
  • I want to come back :-) I learned a lot about the different modes. How to use the technique. Everything became much clearer.
  • I feel I have a completely different voice position. I am confident that I have the tools to improve my singing dramatically.
  • Getting inspired and freshing up knowledge from 1 year.
  • I have so many tools to work with now.
  • I’m even more inspired and motivated to work on my music and technique.
  • I love that you don’t spill a moment of our time in the technical subject lessons, and just keep us focused on all the things regarding the techniques.
  • Very interesting and useful technical subject lessons, I think it was a good balance between technical and practical, given the short timeframe.
  • Very understandable technical subject lessons, because of the fantastic teachers! I have done great improvement during the week with understanding the difference between the modes.
  • Sometimes the technical subject lessons are confusing became there’s so many material to be covered, but at the end everything makes sense.
  • I think the amount of information in the technical subject lessons were fitting for this kind of course.
  • All the topics were usefull to me in the technical subject lessons.
  • I found the technical subject lessons very informative and they explained a lot of theory in a very practical way.
  • The singing with pianist sessions is the most useful part of the course. I learned a lot from watching other singers and during my own sessions.
  • The pianists were just GREAT musicians. It was a pleasure to work with them And the teacher co-operated with pianists very well – it was TEAM WORK!
  • Super with masterclass! Following each other has been so interesting, ad I have learned so much of it. Getting out of the comfort zone in front of the other was so much easier than I had expected :-)
  • I enjoyed these singing with pianist sessions very much and I learned a lot from watching the others in my clsas as much as I did from my own session.
  • The singing with pianist sessions were very practical.
  • I got more out of the singing with pianist sessions, when I know what I wanted help with.
  • Most of the times there were much work to do that 30 minutes in the singing with pianist sessions is not enough but I understand time constraints. No problem!
  • Love the singing with pianist sessions!
  • I think the level is really interesting to watch the masterclasses and how you teach.
  • I liked so much that we were so different! That made it much more interesting than if we had been a group of highleveled people in the same genre. I think we all improved during the week.
  • I thought my fellow singers were all talented but all had very varied areas of weakness which meant we could learn so much from each other.
  • Jeg havde frygtet at jeg havde for få færdighederher og nu, men jeg følte mig godt hjemme/fint “placeret” i forhold til at lære meget hver dag uden at det føltes for svært.
  • Impressive level.
  • The level was so nice to have so “different” kind and style of singers – still looking for the same goal! :-)
  • Very good level! Everybody had it’s own characteristics and differenced, but I think everybody could learn from each other. Everybody had quite a lot of musical and vocal knowledge.
  • Good mix of people in the group.
  • Positive and supportive atmosphere. I loved working with such a variety of singers.
  • The atmosphere was warm and friendly – very supportive. I think the “praise the notes” really helped to create this environment though.
  • Absolutely wonderful people! It’s been sich a warm and supporting and comforting atmosphere the whole week. And a lot of humour.
  • Very nice people, good energy.
  • Very friendly, open, supportive people. I like the way the teachers managed the time.
  • Very nice. Open and inclusive atmosphere.
  • Very nice humble and friendly people from all over the world. Everybody was willing to help and learn from each other.
  • I think the subjects presented were more than sufficient for the 5 days and any other topics individuals waned to discuss were warmly welcomed and discussed in their SWP session.
  • I think it would not be possible during these 5 days to add more to the program.
  • Nothing is missing for this 5 days.
  • Not sure since I don’t have education in music but I didn’t miss anything.
  • Great job from the pianists, both of them!
  • The pianists are very skilled. The pianists seemed to be involved in our learning process which was very nice.
  • So sweet and helpfull pianists + really capable in every genre.
  • Top Class pianists.
  • The pianists were nice and very good.
  • Both pianists were very good with the instrument and friendly and helpful.
  • Super pianists. E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  • Both pianists were fantastic and very helpful during the sessions.
  • A little difficult to find the temperature in the rooms.
  • Lovely to spend time in Copenhagen, but would be far more convenient in Australia! :-)
  • It is very centrally located place and easy to find. The class rooms are airy and bright and have everything you could need.
  • Thank you so much for letting us practice in the evenings!!! An the rooms are so well equipped! And everything works! Absolutely excellent!
  • I love the city and the location is great.
  • The teacher was very good. He was an inspiring teacher to observe.
  • Very efficient teacher, to the point and helpful.
  • The teacher had a great focus on the student – identifying what the student wanted to work on.
  • Very nice and helpful teacher. He gave good solutions with very good examples.
  • “Excellent” for mig lige der hvor jeg står er denne lærer pga. hans enkle gode råd i forbindelse med sceneskræk. Det/Ham vil jeg gerne arbejde mere med.
  • Great help from the teacher with the support. Lots of humour!
  • Very good tricks for stagefright! Inspirational teacher!
  • The teacher had a very funny approach, don’t know what to improve.
  • The teacher had very good tricks for stagefright! Inspiration!
  • I liked the teachers focus on interpretation and bringing along your message.
  • The teacher is so good to work with both techniqe and interpretation, even if there was the last day, and we started to be a little bit tired .. :-)
  • Very practical teacher- gets to the heart of the issue at hand.
  • Great teacher. He has a very relaxed manner. I liked his focus on the modes and vowels.
  • Very nice and outgoing teacher. Patient and always willing to help. He solved everybody’s issues.
  • Relaxed character, very nice teacher.
  • I think the teacher is awesome.
  • Inspirational teacher!
  • Very good in her role of main teacher and conductor of the course. She seemt to solve easily any vocal probelms and gives great example and instructions. She also makes the class fun.
  • The teacher is extremely good at explaining, finding new solution the whole time.. “If something doesn’t function, then try this…” Great!!! Aware of the whole group constantly, also through the master class. Good energy! Loved the notes she made us write down about each other. It contributed to the good atmosphere in the group. Loved to work with interpretation
  • The teacher has a good energy.
  • The best teacher I have ever seen in action!
  • Interaction with participants was so warm and friendly from the teacher – never made you feel you were stupid. Very encouraging.
  • The teacher is very good at taking the group to work during one singer’s lesson! Inspiration!
  • The teacher gave a lot of different examples to solve problems. Very good pedagogical tools to address the problems with different approaches. Very nice person!
  • The teacher is very good at explaining and showing – A good awareness of the group. Loved her lessons!
  • Very present teacher, good energy.
  • A lovely natured teacher. Made me feel very relaxed. Learned that I need to open my mouth when going high!
  • The teacher was great at explaining the technical specifics clearly.
  • Hardly met the administration, but everything seems to work really well here.
  • I didn’t spend/need much time with the administration, but all communications were clear and efficient.
  • Very organized administration.
  • When I contacted her via Email everything was perfect from the administration.
  • Very organized administration.
  • Very good administration. A bit hectic, but it is also good, because it sets our epectations.
  • Information provided/required was done so promptly and clearly.
  • I got a call from the administration in respons to my email and it made me very sure that it’d be worth it.
  • The administration is the best.
  • Loved to have different teachers! Service and information super.
  • Everything very clear in the administration. Very good service and information.
  • I’ll be baaaaack (muhaha)

  • Now, I know the complete vocal technique better. I know what my main mistakes are.
  • I got some new tools.
  • I think the staff around the CVI are so professional.
  • There’s a good and professional atmosphere.
  • Excellent!!!
  • the teacher was very concentrated on us!
  • For me it couldn’t be better!
  • I discovered a lot of stuff I had no Idea I could do.
  • I learned a new feeling for singing, for my body. I did things I’ve never done before! Juhuu.
  • I feel a bit confused, but have learned a lot.
  • Yeey! : )
  • Very balanced.
  • Very accomplished and wide ranging. Stylistic abilities.
  • Teachers were very good, many ideas, Very supportive. Response to all ideas. Fun.
  • Outstanding teacher, involves classes all the time in the tasks whether other are singing or not, always keeps the dynamics and attention to the class. Eneregtic and engaged. Felt enpowered by her response to my risk taking in learning new modes.
  • Good. Understand the new modes and need to keep working on after.
  • teachers are all fine and responsive, keep in touch very well.
  • Keep doing what you’re doing.
  • Instructors do a fantastic job at explaining very technical info.
  • I learned so much from this as I’ve never really done this before.
  • The class was a big range of singers which I love.
  • Atmosphere was extremely positive, clearly created by failitators. Absolutely love this aspect of this course community.
  • teachers has Incredible talent.
  • Amazing location in Copenhagen. Close to great vegan cafes for me and yoga studio : )
  • Holy shit, seriosly phneomenal. I am used to giving constructive feedback to fellow yoga teachers and very comfortable with giving it and there is nothing. These teachers are incredible.
  • the teachers are the two best teachers I have ever expereinced!
  • the teacher was definetly great and positive and very knowledgeable like the others.
  • Great teacher and damn good singer.
  • Extremely satisfied I have so many new tools and excited to keep singing!
  • The office was of great assistance.
  • Overall, this entire experience has been phenomenal. Also I have to say that the teachers are not only the two best music teachers I have ever experienced they are two of the best people I have met. Great energy, great support and an absolute pleasure to be around. This definetely created the fantastic experience of our course. Huge thank you to everyone!!!
  • It was revolutionary!
  • In the class we pushed each other and I felt so supported by everybody
  • the teacher is fantastic!
  • : )
  • Nothing to improve, excellent!
  • Much better technique, I want more! Happiness : )
  • Overall great location.
  • Very satisfied. Love to come back!
  • Very central.
  • Very precise and perfect explanations on point of news
  • Very precise, funny, very nice atmosphere.
  • Awesome, very nice manner of teaching.
  • Could benefit a lot! Taking home tons of new tools!!!
  • Nice singers <3
  • Very nice group. Love them!
  • Very good and nice, clear, good energy, inspiring, super!
  • Clear examples.
  • Edge and metal neutral are more clear.
  • I want to stay here longer!
  • Everyone was supportive and willing to help out.
  • The teacher is very patient and encouraging.
  • The teacher was able to help us with different subject matters.
  • The teacher is great.
  • I have worked on my different modes I wanted.
  • Everybody’s great. Love : )
  • The teacher is very enthusisastic, lively, patient, focused, encouraging, really brings a lot of good vibe and also comedic elements : ) Thank you : )
  • Every points appreciated in the teachers. Thank you : )
  • The teacher is very patient and focused, too. : )
  • It was a very good feeling and approach to explain the differences in the modes : )
  • I need more time to get familiar with this technique, it’s a lot of input. It’s an amazing opportunity to improve the technique.
  • So friendly, helpful and welcoming. Aloha and Mahalo (thank you!) : )
  • A very friendly, concentrated and welcoming teacher, thank you!
  • All was great, no additions from my side.
  • Now can hit high notes while edge without straining my voice.
  • Got all the information I needed and all in time.
  • Perfect
  • The teachers were quite thouough in explainging in detail and demonstrating. It was great that we were able to ask questions and that we were included in the demonstrations testing it out…
  • The teacher is good at demonstrating sounds/explainging what he means.
  • I just connected with The teacher and understand the explenations.
  • I am in more contact with my body and instrument and I’m finally able to sing the way I want to.
  • Learning a lot in a short time (positively). Good that we get to try the techniques while learning.
  • It was great.
  • Clean structure, nice mix between theory and practice.
  • En rigtig god og sund ting! Det træner én i at synges til andre/flere akkompagnalører. Rigtig godt at skulle “på” hver dag. Det er her der bliver taget fat på folks individuelle problemer. Man lærer meget af at overvære de andres sessioner.
  • Godt at få tingene så tydeligt ud og bagefter arbejde med dem i M.C.
  • I like that you are patient and that you are so thorough.
  • Lot of fun, great effect on learning. Not timed well, some get/take more time than others.
  • I learned a lot.
  • Brilliant pianists! Singing sessions are all about miracles. So I feel that I was in Hogwarts for 5 days.
  • Challenging pianists are very flexible, positive positive atmosphere.
  • SO much tools, tons of information and knowledge… so interesting for me.
  • lot of information.
  • Quite varied and varied styles, I think is very good for learning.
  • The atmsophere, I feels, is very safe feeling. It’s not embarassing to sing nor practice.
  • very interesting…
  • It is a good idea to switch teams. To hear different students sings.
  • It was very mixed, bit varity of identities and levels, but everbody got his place.
  • very good, including, open atmosphere.
  • Great.
  • The constellation of people in my main group (yellow group) was good, because the experience singing level was pretty equal.
  • Great people all really supportive.
  • I have learned a lot just from listening to all of the other singers, professional or not.
  • The atmosphere was really great in the group. A very positive and supporting and safe environment.
  • Level of singers is very diverse and it’s cool. I guess we were divided into groups for our needs. And it works perfectly.
  • I would like to come here every day.
  • Great group
  • Very supportive.
  • Nice people, positive energy, international, interesting.
  • Difficult to never talk about what is good, bad or “taste”. Because in the end that is what we all want to hear that we are good. But I guess it’s a good practice.
  • wish to come back again, to get more: )
  • Amazing. I didn’t expect as a great musicians an nice people.
  • And a lot of humour and patience and supportive.
  • The pianist were very cooperative
  • The pianists were all great players.
  • What a great people, persons there are so humble, well skilled and friendly.
  • Very good teacher. All teachers were amazing! Great personalities.
  • Nothing to improve! En guds gave af en underviser! Meget fysisk aktiv i sin undervisning eks. Støtte, lydeksempler. Sætter altid teknikken i kontekst så den bliver inkorporeret i sangen, så man ved, hvordan man skal arbejde videre med det. Udviser stor entusiasme og oplagthed over for alle i masterclass.
  • Everything is great about the teachers. Very inspiring and “to the point”.
  • So amazing to work with you. Really enjoyed it!
  • Really good teacher, with a positive and energetic attitude. Good at explainging and asking questions to you as a performer to make you understand.
  • Charismatic, artistic and an excellent teacher. Solved my problem just in 1 minute. I still cant’s believe. So happy : )
  • Teachers are warmhearted, competent, supportive.
  • Underviseren var fantastisk pædagogisk med meget liv. Lige demonstrationer af hvad der skal gøres. Meget givende med hendes individuelle gennemgang af hver elevs “linie” v. træning af teknik i masterclass.
  • Wonderful atmosphere on her lessons.
  • The teacher was humorous, competent.
  • Such a great teacher + so much fun.
  • I got a lot of wonderful tools. A new “alphabet” to work with.
  • Great. I need to go back and work on support, the modes.
  • I got a lot , lot, lot of tools to work with, the feeling I can sing, improve it and be happy with it. Patience and practice!!!
  • my out come is better technique, to know how I can pracitse at home, lot of new things.
  • Jeg har fået større begreb om teknikkerne og fået redskaber til at arbejde med,+ stor indsigt i positivt anderledes undervisnings pædagigik. YES!
  • Made me understand the modes properly. Gave me many new practice tools.
  • i’ve got a lot of tools to use, and have a new understanding of my voice.
  • Knowledge concerning the modes, being able to use all 4 modes.
  • It opens a new world of singing : )
  • A revelation every day!
  • gave the right tools directly.
  • The teacher gave all his attention and helped always. Powerfull guy!
  • The teacher are very flexibel.
  • The teacher are very good at explaining. Is making you relax.
  • Happy, challenged, lots of homework to do.
  • I have never learned this much in such a short time! I got really good selfesteam and energy is on it’s top.
  • I want to know more and achieve more!!
  • Clearer understanding, some “doors” have opened, lot to practise.
  • I know what to work on.
  • Great! More!
  • Very satisfied!
  • Great outcome.
  • learned a lot!
  • my outcome is a lot that I can’t write it down. But I have a lot in my singer suitcase that I can work with at home, independently.
  • Very clear update on the technique. Lot to work on.
  • Learned a lot about support, and are now able to use the modes in a more functional way.
  • My head is exploding with new information. And I love it! : )
  • I’m very happy, encouraged, inspired and eager to keep working and getting better.
  • I know what my problem is and what I can work on.
  • I understand the method better and better. Great week.
  • I learned a lot.
  • Great vibrations.
  • Very helpful and friendly. Thank you!
  • Everybody smiling and meet you with “hello” and respect.
  • Everybody is very friendly and helpful.
  • very friendly and helpful.
  • Very friendly, open, warm and welcome.
  • Good info flow! Nice start package etc…
  • I’m recommending this course for all my friends. Thank you! I love you all!
  • Thank you! I’ll be back!
  • I would like to thank you; the whole team. I got all the information that I needed even before I arrived at the institute. And I’m thankful that I could use the computer, internet, that I could make some copies, use the kitchen and so on… Great service. This institute with all these people is a gift! Thanks a lot.
  • You are doing a great job! This is great work.
  • It’s been a great experience. Very open, generous, warm, safe, friendly atmospehere. Thank you for being so amazing, serving, supporting and teaching us.
  • I wanted to buy a t shirt!
  • I’ll come again.
  • Good connection between theory + practice.
  • After a whole day with the “masterclass” you are really full.
  • Great experiences and learning effects!
  • Good mixture of advanced + less advanced singers for me to learn as a teacher.
  • All CVT staff promotes a supportive + encouraging vibe, very positive.
  • My group was very nice. There was respect and appreciation for everyone.
  • Great fun, sense of humour.
  • In Copenhagen the place is nicer, but it would be great to have more institutes in other countries.
  • Just brilliant, so attentive to every student. So much energy.
  • Awesome! Really made me improve.
  • Loved when the teacher got everyone to write positive notes about one another. I love the nerdy stuff. Really friendly, helpful and positive.
  • the teacher is very positive. Clear communication.
  • the teacher is nice an good at making you feel good about yourself.
  • I like the teacher’s gentle approach. It’s a good contrast to other teachers. Friendly and positive.
  • Really attentive, excellent at explaining the nerdy stuff. Very clear.
  • More confidence and high spirits, and skills I will love to continue to improve.
  • Wonderful.
  • Very clear how I can continue my work.
  • got so much better at the effects and got a better understanding.
  • From neutral world to the whole world.
  • I feel so equiped to go back to work, really excited and inspired for future. Would like to explore ways of affording more advanced courses.
  • I already sing much better and have got more possibilities to express myself. Also ideas how to practice and train.
  • So nice.
  • They are really good at serving you.
  • Friendly and helpful.
  • Good information and very nice.
  • Really sweet and open if you need help.
  • So nice.
  • Email replies were excellent and helpful.
  • Paradise of singing. No jealousy, no madness, just positive vibes. I’m very happy. Got a new task, need to discover the CVT world. Really love the method, very positive.
  • I hope we will meet again.
  • It was a great time, I felt very good (atmosphere and people) and have many good ideas how to go on.
  • THANK YOU! So much. It’s been an amazing week that I have been delighted to have been a part of.
  • Great! A little bit nerdy sometimes…
  • A lot to take in If you have never heard of CVT, but for me personally it was great.
  • Good pianists.
  • I learned a lot from my own masterclass and also watching the teachers teach.
  • Love diversity.
  • Great to have great singers in the group. The level was high and I learned a lot.
  • Supporting, caring, wonderful.
  • We felt like a group, very open and positive. Nice atmosphere.
  • pianists were great.
  • Very good and very interested in the technique.
  • For me comin to CVI is like going to “Mekka”.
  • Very funny and very good at explaining.
  • Very good teacher.
  • The teacher is very positive and full of energy.
  • The teacher is positive and clear. Like the humour. Very clear in what she wants to teach.
  • Very very very good edge teacher. She is not soft and overfriendly, just on a pure working level. But she takes you by the ears and pulls you till you are there à very intense and good. Her examples are SO good. If you missed, she pulls you back on the horse, within seconds.
  • I understand more how things work, I will not tell myself that there are songs I cannot do.
  • I have learned new tools for my singing. New experience with my singing.
  • I started to like my voice and I’m not so scared to sing anymore.
  • Very satisfied, very supportive, very informative.
  • Very friendly and helpfull!!
  • I’m the teachers number one fan.
  • I love CVT and I’m going to miss it a lot, because I’m moving to Australia. Thank you so much for helping me finding my voice. I will love you forever and ever.
  • In general: Excellent and positive. Like the fact that you have several different teachers. Everybody is different as singers and teacher and therefore with more, everybody will be: “Touched by one teacher. I really like the way you educate. Very open, always asking what the singer want’s and then how to get there. Very smart!. Like the fact that you take the group on – in individual sessionsà good for the attention.
  • Absolutely interesting, and surprising facts; makes everything clearer in recognizing what you hear/ or have heard. Necessary to hear (and read) that stuff again and again.
  • Yeah that’ really cool! Not only to sing and work for everyone at himself, but also to look + listen (and practise all together) to other students and the teachers SO helpful, because I felt my voice muscles are training all the time with the student.
  • Pretty nice to see how it works well, even when not all singers are “professionals”, or something. Every step, even little ones, are great and can makes a singer happy. That’s what singing/music is great.
  • Great! And is so good to see even when the shy over coming you, cause they can trust the teacher and the group! Love that!
  • Super everything fine!
  • It’s so great to see smaller persons with such an great voices! And they can be so funny in doing sounds! Amazing!
  • Oh yes! It’s great fun and pleasure to work with the teacher. Looking forward for more! Highfive, yeah!
  • I really felt myself comfortable with the teacher in work. And I’m impressed what power, cause she is are a very kindly person. She love ROCK, I think.
  • All these teachers talked and teached in a same way, thats a good thing. It shows deeply understanding, what they do.
  • It’s a good feeling to know, what it happens in my body while I’m singing.
  • I looooove it! And learned so much! Especialley having trust in me and my voice with much more possibilities that I formerly thought.
  • I Got a grab on the different modes and learned how to practise them.
  • Thank you very much for your nice, friendly answering emails.
  • I’m really thankful and happy for experienced all you 3 teachers in your singing, making all that crazy sounds and your carefullly, workshiping style of teaching. So wonderful to see how you are able to “pick up” everyone from that place on where he/she still is in the moment now. You are monsters in a best meaning. (ah.. can I step into your group and become a littel “monster” too? I would love to). I will start to so try outs with teaching all my friends. They already said they are willing to do! So I hopefully looking forward to practise with you, guys!
  • Very good instructors both of them!
  • I loved that it was thorugh. Explained very clear. Loved all the examples
  • Very impressive and solid vocal technique system. I really feel I have learned a lot. Sometimes it gets a bit to nerdy, when the teachers go to much into the fysiological, voicechords details.
  • I was satisfied. Lot’s of practical examples.
  • These technical sessions were very good. Of course a lot of information, but it was also an intense overview, which was good.
  • Great. I knew the book before and so it was easy to follow. It helped to give “life” to what I read. And we got some additional information.
  • Good, possibility for all to ask, if addioual is needed. The individually “try out” of the technical aspects is great.
  • Very satisfied.
  • Very good.
  • The singing sessions were easy to follow and good.
  • This is what I got the most from. Here it become obvious to me, what exactly I can do to improve my singing instantly.
  • Great! Everybody improved everytime.
  • Pianists were all great. It was energy and great to sing with them.
  • I loved it. Great concept that all of the listeners shall keep focused and repeat some of the lines or sound the one in front does.
  • Good atmosphere, great approach and respect for the singers individuality and wishes. The pianists are good.
  • Very satisfied.
  • Very interesting to see the work with the different singers, their problems and also all the fantastic things they’re achiving.
  • The level is very high and very diverse. Very very nice and sweet people! Nervewrecking that people are so good, but very nice at the same time:)
  • It was a bit confusing that the singers were at different levels, but it emphaised that you can use the tools no matter if you’re a skilled singer or an amateur. I think I liked the different levels.
  • The level was perfect!
  • Very good singers in general, most of them had a degree in music.
  • The level was really okay! Good mixture. No beginners. Everyone so concentrated/focused.
  • The level was very mixed = good! The technical aspects are met fully/completely in the lessons.
  • Fine the others in my class had challenges that I could learn from.
  • The level in class is high. Very skilled singers that has a lot of knowledge about their voice.
  • The level in class was good, we have different issues and you learn a lot when you listen to everyone.
  • The teachers are all just fantastic! I love the teachers notes and that she made us participate also as listener.
  • Good atmosphere, positive feedback and support in getting to your goal. Respect for the singers.
  • I think all three teacher are very skilled at the technique, very pedagogic with good, warm, positive energy.
  • Love the teacher! Loved that she offered suggestions to what the singers could do differently.
  • Good at listening, asking questions, good at wotking with support > That the support is not hard work. was good at creating a safe, humoristisk atmosphere.
  • The teachers are very good in creating a safe and relaxed atmosphere! Great methods in teaching. The teacher seemed to be very present when teaching.
  • The teacher is very pedagogical and very present when she teach. Makes you feel confident and calm.
  • The teacher is right to the point finding the issue to work on. Full of suggestions. Positive so you can do 1, 2, 3. letting the singer try out different versions. Very positive and inspiring. Made me feel safe. Skilled.
  • The teacher is so cool! He takes all the participants very seriously and he s great at explaining “hard to understand” nerdy stuff.
  • The teacher is very good and precise in his teaching. He is a funny guy, but he should allow himself to be funny because it makes people feel good.
  • A very good teacher, lots of humor touch in teaching, still a lot of information there, great!
  • Like that the teacher was questioning himself. Quick approach. Suggestions for solving problems.
  • The teacher was skilled in what he is doing.
  • The teacher is good at explaining things
  • Love that teacher as well. One very specific thing that I think he did really good, was to make sure that the singer summed up for him, what he/she should work on and that they knew exactly how to do it. Hans life coaching style is also fantastic. Elsker hans indlevelse.
  • Great teacher He has a positive energy that light up the room.
  • The teacher has this unique way to make people feel so comfortable with him. His energy! Quick apporach + method solving. To know precisely what the singer did and make suggestions.
  • The teacher is very inspiring and good at what he is doing.
  • The teacher is brilliant. Perfect! The role model! Improve nothing.
  • Jeg er ved præcis hvad jeg skal hjem og arbejde med og … tadar.. jeg har fået lyst til at gå hjem og øve.
  • I’ve improved so much. It’s gone beyond my expecxtations. Thank you all!
  • You showed me I’m on the right track. Gives me a perspective how to work.
  • I now know how to improve my support work and to focus the tones. What sound are positive and how. Good to know if I would do it and how – and that I shall not be afraid, because I’m under the quidance of such skilled teachers.
  • I got faith in my posibilities to outcome my hoarsness. More security in the CVT.
  • I have a much better “grib” on what this technic is about and ‘m much more aware of what I have to watch out for. So now it is home to practice and be patient.
  • Knowledge, eye opener, new skills, great teachers, but also tough work and frustration. I want to learn more.
  • The course was very very good!
  • The pianist were all great and really professional! It was a pleasure to work with all of them.
  • Very skilled and professional pianists.
  • Both pianists was very skilled, falling into the music. Preparing quikly for the pieces. A fantastic work, so easily adopting to singers wishes and needs. A big help and input of energy.
  • the course was wonderful, great, focused, with humor, very helpful, supporting.
  • Great.
  • the pianists are great.
  • the pianists were really good. I especially liked when they kind of was a part of us.
  • Thank you! See you soon :)
  • Thank you!
  • Go on offering this course. I would like to do this again. Good exercising posibilities during the course in the institute.
  • maybe it would make sense to do a course in germany next year?
  • Very good. I feel I have a good idea of the technique and how to differentiate the modes and work within them.
  • The subjects come up so often, that I think that everybody can understand it in the end of the week.
  • Clearly presented, so the answer to the question is very satisfied. The densities of the sessions grow during the week. So it was clear and informative.
  • I’m happy with every lesson. I am moving towards my goal and many doors have been opened.
  • Wonderful with the positive and uplifting feedback.
  • Great singing sessions! Problems were really solved or the way solving the problems was shown. I really liked that classes are student centered NOT the teachers. I think you are really learning now to work with your voice, not just copying.
  • Love it.
  • Excellent!
  • Very good level and I loved the fact that the singers represented so different styles and everyone had their strengths and weaknesses. Everyone developed significantly.
  • Different genres, but almost the same professional level.
  • Very high level. Interesting singers and nice people. From the point of view as a teacher, it would be interesting to observe work with beginners also sometime.
  • Good!
  • My outcome is performing, finding the strength and character as a singer.
  • Wonderful in giving positive and uplifting feedback. Wonderful energy.
  • You are really good at supporting singers in believing themselves. You keep such a fun atmosphere at the classes and really put your person in to your work.
  • The teacher opened my eyes concerning my support work (thank you).
  • I loved the way the teacher was analytical! It helped for many of us.
  • Like that the teacher coaches in performing and interpretation.
  • The teacher is very specific in his instruction. I liked his way of teaching the acting with the song. It was also good that he kept your theory lesson in subject and taking the side paths when a question came about something else.
  • Interpretation and technique nerdyness. Loved it!
  • It was a great idea to get the same technique from 2 different angles was helpful. It’s easier to adapt when you have 2 approaches. I think also it was good to have the teachers in that order since the The first teacher positiveness was wonderful in the beginning.
  • Achieved my goal 100% and more – will definitetly have more CVT training.
  • I learned to understand why singers sound so different and how are these sounds are made. Now I can help my students better. And now I know how to practice myself the different modes. I also experienced a different kind of teaching method: giving tools to do it – not just pointing out the problem.
  • I now want to go towards super seriously, precise work with help of accurate knowledge that leads into good results. I have to do homework and let them be themselves. You can be what you want to be.
  • I’m so happy about my own progress and I really feel I have the tools to continue.
  • Thank You!
  • Thank you. I got inspiration and motivation to my own singing and teaching. Keep up the good work!