The 5-days CVT Course is aimed at singers who wish to work intensively on singing technique for 5 consecutive days. The course is suited for singers from all styles of singing – all genres of music are welcomed. The goal is for the acquired vocal techniques to be usable immediately after the course. The course will take the individual singer’s technical and artistic vocal abilities as a starting point. If the participants wish so, the last day of the course will end with a concert. A piano player will be present for accompaniment. The course takes place over a period of 5 days. Work with individual vocal questions and difficulties the participants may have will be the starting point of the course. For example: equalization of difference in timbre, the ability to sing at the same volume level in the low part and the high part of the voice, the ability to reach higher and lower notes, or solving of problems with hoarseness.

Impressions from the 5-days CVT Course

Using theory as the basis, the course will focus on the practical use of theory. The vocal technique part of the course is designed to fit the needs and wishes of the participants. In this way, the technical aspects are fitted to suit the group and the individual singers. During the course, the vocal technical, and the artistic abilities of the individual singers will be worked on. Each singer will get to thoroughly know his/ her voice, and each singer will learn to meet his/her own expectations, and solve issues that might occur.

Upcoming courses

The course is IRL (In Real Life) at CVI. If you are interested in our online courses, please contact

5 Day Course

Conducted IRL

Jan 27 – 31, 2025
10.00 – 17.00
Central European Time (CET)

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5 Day Course

Conducted IRL

June 30 – July 4, 2025
10.00 – 17.00
Central European Time (CET)

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5 Day Course

Conducted IRL

July 28 – August 1, 2025
10.00 – 17.00
Central European Time (CET)

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5 Day Course

Conducted IRL

November 14 – 18, 2022
10.00 – 17.00
Central European Time (CET)

Sign up

Practical & Course Information

The 5-days CVT Courses are available at CVI.

CVI Copenhagen
Kompagnistræde 32 A • 1208 Copenhagen K • Denmark


Phone: +45 33 32 77 24
Fax: + 45 33 32 77 25

2025 DKK 9200,- / € 1230

Please read our standard terms.

Minimum age limit is 18 years. The participants are asked to bring at least 5 songs, or parts of songs, containing vocal technical difficulties to be worked on. Also, bring charts/ sheet music/ CD’s. This material will be given to the course pianist. The participants are encouraged to consider technical difficulties they wish to work on. Also, examples for analysis are welcome – bring CD’s. All styles of music are welcome. The book & sound library Complete Vocal Technique are important tools during the course. We recommend that singers read the book Complete Vocal Technique.
The teachers are Authorised CVT Teachers and they will teach their specialist subject. Only highly qualified and experienced teachers of the highest professional standard will teach on the course.
The course language is English.

This mean that you should be able to both understand and communicate in English, as well as having the ability to receive teaching in a professional language.

If not complying with the above mentioned, we recommend:

  1. An intensive English course before starting your education.
  2. The possibility to bring along an interpreter for the entire course.
The course takes place over a period of 5 days. Work with individual vocal questions and difficulties the participants may have will be the starting point of the course. For example: equalization of difference in timbre, the ability to sing at the same volume level in the low part and the high part of the voice, the ability to reach higher and lower notes, or solving of problems with hoarseness.

Examples of topics to be worked on

  • The anatomy of the voice and the principles for correct use of the voice.
  • The use of the Vocal Modes Neutral, Curbing, Overdrive, and Edge.
  • Adjusting and altering the sound colour (timbre) of the voice.
  • Hoarseness, damages to the voice, prevention and immediate help.
  • Healthy production of effects such as distortion, growls, screaming, vocal breaks, adding air to the voice, vibrato, and ornamentation techniques for rapid run of notes etc.
  • Phrasing and improvisation.
  • Rhythmic work and swing.
  • Expression and performance.

Using theory as the basis, the course will focus on the practical use of theory. The vocal technique part of the course is designed to fit the needs and wishes of the participants. In this way, the technical aspects are fitted to suit the group and the individual singers. During the course, the vocal technical, and the artistic abilities of the individual singers will be worked on. Each singer will get to thoroughly know his/ her voice, and each singer will learn to meet his/her own expectations, and solve issues that might occur.

No academic requirements
Since artistic quality and technical skill do not depend on academic training, admittance to CVI does not require exams from other institutions of education.

No upper age limit
Artistic quality has never been exclusive to a specific age group, and commercial applicability of musical expression is not interesting in respect to artistic competence. For this reason, CVI has no upper age limit for admission. All singers holding an adequate artistic skill level are welcome.

No subsidiary subjects
The course aims at the greatest improvement possible of the singers’ professional and artistic skills. For this reason, all subjects not related to singing are left out. Vocal subjects of practical use make up the core of the course.

Course elements

  • Individual vocal development, including the solving of vocal technique issues and development of potential.
  • Acquisition of practically based theoretical knowledge.
  • Training fast recognition and use of vocal techniques, and training in recognition of vocal technique issues.
  • Musical and artistic approach to singing.

The course is laid out as group instruction. It is necessary for the well being of the individual participant that the course takes place in an atmosphere of openness and trust. The participants will gain in-depth knowledge about the learning processes of other singers, and about strengths and weaknesses concerning technical and artistic sides of singing. The goal is an intense and effective course that will make it possible for the participants to make use of the newly acquired skills immediately after the course. It is considered important that the course is designed especially for the diverse group of singers that make up the particular list of participants. This has to be done with great knowledge and love of the craft. Also, it is important to respect personal expression and avoid the breaking down of artistic uniqueness.

Individual vocal development
The individual singers’ technique, and vocal and artistic skill level, will be worked on during the course. Each singer will gain in-depth knowledge of his/ her own voice, and become able to meet his/ her own vocal expectations, and solve issues that might occur. Training in the use of vocal techniques includes the three overall principles and the use of the modes Neutral, Curbing, Overdrive, and Edge. All this in relation to singing and speaking, working with sound colour and effects, various vocal issues and how these can be solved. Also, working through muscular memory, parameters for determination of notes, and centre work will be touched upon. It is important that the participants consider what they wish to work on, how, and what results they wish to achieve.

Acquisition of practically based theoretical knowledge
Classes will include in-depth awareness of the voice. Theory is always illustrated by practical examples. The foundation of the course is that all theory has to be practically applicable.

Training fast recognition and use of vocal techniques
The participants will practice recognizing techniques used by singers live as well as on recordings. This will help the singers in achieving the desired sounds, in using the right methods in developing the voice, and in solving issues they might encounter during their careers.

The concert
A small concert will be arranged on the last day of the course, if the singers wish so. Singers are welcome to invite friends and family as audience. The concert is meant to strengthen live performance on stage. A piano player will be present for the singers. Furthermore, the concert will give the singers the opportunity to test their newly acquired skills in technique, improvisation, rhythm, expression, and performance.

Instruction is planned as a combination of theoretical and practical training. Work will revolve around process as well as results, and the practical learning will be connected to the techniques. From the beginning, each participant will be part of the group as a singer, and as part of the audience. This creates a sense of security in the group situation.

Vocal technique introductions
The introductions regarding vocal technique will consist of theoretical discussion and practical work with theory. The content will be adjusted to suit the needs and wishes of the participants. Thereby, technical aspects will be tailor made to fit the group and the individual.

Masterclasses (singing with pianist) are an important part of the course. The vocal technique subjects introduced can be worked on during the masterclasses (singing with pianist). This will take place as individual vocal technical and artistic sessions in the presence of the group. The participants will be given the opportunity to work with songs of their own choice, accompanied by a pianist, and guided by an instructor. Even though the participants will sing one at a time, the master class takes place as group instruction – all participants will be involved in every session. Hereby, everybody will benefit from the subjects the other singers wish to work on.

A pianist will be present during parts of the course for accompaniment.

A certificate will be issued to the singers who complete the course.

CVI is a place where discussions and debate of different views are welcome, where diversity and respect for others are in focus. We believe that embracing diversity in all aspects of the learning and working environment is necessary for us all to reach our full potential.
We aim at creating a non-discriminating community in which each member feels welcome and supported, across all identities and life experiences. This includes diversity of race, colour, ethnic or social origin, language, religion, or belief, politic or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, gender, sexual preference, and socio-economic background.
Info about the sign up procedure

If you wish to sign up, we will ask you to complete an online application form. The form will ask you to enter information about your education, singing history etc.

Our admission team will soon contact you to let you know if you are accepted to the course. You can also contact us at for any questions regarding the course.

The sign-up form is not financially binding until you have confirmed your spot at the course by email. The admission board will first send you an acceptance letter giving you some time to confirm on  email if you wish to accept the spot at the course.

Our sign up form is also to make sure we as a company follow EU’s personal data law (GDPR).

GDPR is a set of data protection rules for all companies operating in the EU and all personal data must be processed in a lawful and transparent way to make sure every person’s data is handled with care and protected properly. This means that we as a company must ask you for your consent to keep your contact details and information you share with us.

Problems with sign up

Should you experience problems with the sign up please try and fill in all the boxes with small stars (eg. Name: *). Make sure the music/ singing files you try to attach(recordings) are mp3 or mp4 format. For videos or other bigger music files you can send these to by using (or other provider) and make the sign up without the attached files.

Course components

  • The anatomy of the voice
  • The use of the Vocal Modes
  • Adjusting and altering the sound colour
  • Hoarseness, damages to the voice, prevention and immediate help
  • Healthy production of effects
  • Phrasing and improvisation
  • Rhythmic work and swing
  • Expression and performance

Singers feedback

The singers that attend the 5-day course come from a variety of countries, singing styles, age groups and background. A wide selection of singers gave us a feedback:

“I love that you don’t spill a moment of our time in the technical subject lessons, and just keep us focused on all the things regarding the techniques.”

Summer course

“Awesome! Really made me improve.”

Summer course

“All these teachers talked and teached in a same way, thats a good thing. It shows deeply understanding, what they do.”

Winter course 

“Pretty nice to see how it works well, even when not all singers are professionals.”

Winter course

“I love CVT and I’m going to miss it a lot, because I’m moving to Australia. Thank you so much for helping me finding my voice. I will love you forever and ever.”

Summer course

“Very good, including, open atmosphere.”

Summer course

“Charismatic, artistic and an excellent teacher. Solved my problem just in 1 minute. I still cant’s believe. So happy! :-)”

Summer course

“My outcome is performing, finding the strength and character as a singer.”

Summer course

Click here to read more singers feedback…

Other courses

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